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- User Since
- Jan 9 2014, 5:45 PM (581 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Just a major comment. I think that the Dev's team's time is currently better spent working on the engine in order to get massive amounts of zombies on the map. Currently PvE is practiacally non-existent. I may be wrong about this, but I believe having to survive hordes of zombies will cut down on KoS.
Just my 2 cents. I do kinda like this idea though. Maybe it is something they should look into.
I've had a similar problem, not really sure how to reproduce it though.
Confirmed: At same location as big_tasty
Can Confirm. Specifically, I have seen some of the construction sites appear to have this problem, as well as some Balota Airfield areas.
Can confirm. Happened to me in one of the balota office/barrack places.
I had this issue as well. Tried two different FNX45's. Both in pristine condition, with pristine clips full of 0.45mm ammo. I unloaded the gun and the clip multiple times, then reloaded them both and still had the issue. I repeated this several times though, and eventually unloading everything, and reloading it seemed to fix the problem.
I've had a similar problem, not really sure how to reproduce it though.
Confirmed: At same location as big_tasty
Same issue happened to me, although I was able to recover my stuff by staying in the water long enough and leaving. Weird bug.
noobfun is right. By being shot, you lost health, not just blood. Saline will replenish your blood, not your health. You need to eat/drink until you see white text in your inventory screen (right above where you would see the hungry/thirsty messgae) that says "Healing..." if you are not at full health, or "Healthy" if you are at full health. Also, what Arrrgh suggested currently works, but it is a bug... basically an exploit of the game mechanics. To the best of my knowledge, this system is currently "Working as intended." At least for the most part.
My brother and I encountered this issue with two FNX45's that we found freshly spwaned on the ground in Balota. Had the same issue. Pristine clips and ammo. I think that there really is a deeper issue here. As stated above, either the guns are spawning in ruined condition, or there is a bug with the gun in general.
I actually am not sure if this is the result of a ruined gun, as I had this issue with one of the pistols mentioned in my note above, and after unloading it and reloading it many times, the pistol eventually fired. I did not change the pistol. Therefore, if the pistol was ruined when I picked it up from the ground, then it was eventually able to shoot. Which kinda makes this problem a whole lot more complicated. Hopefully the devs are looking into this though and will figure out the problem. Whatever it is.
Felix this is a good solution to try. However, this trick only appears to be helpful for some, but not all. I have had this same issue, and I can say that I have tried manually dropping canteens into my hands. It always fills the same canteen. Even if I have removed everything from my hands and drag the empty canteen to my hands.
Had this issue as well on Windows 8 64 bit. I started playing post wipe.
This is an issue caused by where the game "thinks" an item is. The objects interactable object is not lined up well with the object's mesh in the world. I agree that this is something that should be fixed before launch. Gamebreaking? No. Annoying? Yes. Confusing to new players? Definitely
This needs to be fixed. It is either a bug, or a terrible design decision. Either way, the game should work in a way that is user friendly. Having to juggle canteens around to do strange workarounds to fill/drink from the one that you want is not good gameplay.
I have experienced this issue as well.
^ This guy is awesome.
Yea I believe that there should be a single chamber option if it is realistic for this particular weapon. I know most RL pistols can have a single bullet loaded in the chamber.
An additional big comment here: I really wish that the dev team would give us insight on how everything is *intended* to work, so that we can better know when something is not "working as intended".
BEWARE! For I too have noticed ghost zombies and I play on windows 8 64 bit with a gaming laptop! Thus, definitely a game build issue.