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- User Since
- Jan 21 2014, 6:44 AM (580 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
If I start throwing punches to normal zombie it goes down after 5 hits in the face, military ones take a lot more.
Firefighter axe takes them down in one hit, so easy.
But I think that zombies should not walk through a wall, hurt you through a floor or wall, should not glitch half inside the ground when house is closed, because when the house is at a higher level, and you close the door, the zombie walks through the wall in ground level making only top part visible...
But getting hit through floor or ceiling is also something that's need to be fixed....
Fine that they see new, smell me or hear me, but they need to act realistic, so no wall walking and fences, no hits through solid material....
@Delix as well I can confirm this, not being hit by zombie, you kill it but start bleeding!!
I can confirm your bug, I have experienced this when you hold something in your hands, like a gun. If you than pickup ammo and empty it, its gone.
Also full mags many times lose ammo when emptying.
Putting down a medkit and/or plastic box/300 round box is sometimes delayed. Takes up to 20 seconds for popping up in front of you.
When your in a fight and you need new ammo, it can be devastating when your ammo doesn't release from the round box because its simply delayed in showing up....
Finding loot is so easy when using a map with loot locations, but even without a map after doing some searching one would recognise the best loot locations at once. Firestations and airfields are big source of guns.
If there is a speedhack or not, so be it, people will hack eventually....
You made a report, so if its true I hope the can identify it and ban it...
Ok, maybe a claymore is more a thing for COD series, but a tripwire linked to a rope, maybe a net as tritonb suggested, to trap other players and loot them?
Imo the game is too easy when dealing with zombies alone, other players and bugs have brought death to me most.
For zombies if you start running through some houses and turn around some corners you've escaped.
Maybe explosives are little too heavy for this game, when making it realistic it should blow up walls as well wich would make it more complex.
@Noopguy: why not?
Can this be related to the message of not being able to load the materials file??
I have some servers wich I join who have kept memory of my inventory, but some I start out with nothing, cannot get back my stuff after connection loss....
It happens to ladders and doors on wich your near on, doors can be opened through walls and stairs teleport you through the wall.
Walls should block the ability to perform this action....
Could this server hive problem also be caused by the message that the game was unable to load the materials file??
Anyway hope this bug is fixed soon, got loads of hours put in to gear up, doing that every time over and over is frustrating....
Yes, this happened to me as well as posted in a note in issue 0007143.
Do they normally open doors themselves? If not pretty frustrated when trying to apply a bandage thinking your out of sight....
And zombies seem to walk right through low fences, instead around, I also really have no clue whether I'm visible to them or not, even out of sight lying on the floor they still find me....
Falling from heights more than like 5 stairs inflicts damage, not realistic...
Yes, this would make the game more interesting, and might make the use of the handcuffs more probable...
More ways of entrapment of other players would be fun, like you are able to setup some kind of place to loot wich is actually a trap....wich locks the player for a certain time....
Instead of killing it would be robbing
Some nice ideas, hope the mods can find something useful.
And drinking from a can of soda animates opening and closing a bottle.
Animation of stair climbing, when you reach the the top you keep climbing until your finished, so you're grabbing air for some seconds.
This should be adjusted.
Same here! But some of my characters pop up again next day or so, but now I have like 3 saved ones, always a suprise wich one pops up next, but I need to leave servers for some time to get back the gear!!
The hardcore server of dayzofdarkness has saved my character for some dayz now....
My favorite right now!!
For me I have 2 character saves right now, the one on dayzofdarkness server, and one on all other servers I tried.
I try to equip them both equally to have same equipment to work with when one of both is erased....
For me its playable right now...
Logged out to grab a bite, came back logged on, again on the beach and character reset.
Fuck this!!
Normally I could find back my character when logging into the last one I was in, not this time....
I spent a lot of early mornings to gather equipment, I have take my place to start off and again I am facing repeating it.
Imo I did not ran into a fight, get shot or died....
And military tents have no loot, I never came across any Zed with loot...
No vehicles have loot, I cannot find any spare parts for vehicles and vehicles don't spawn as well.
But that was already noticed I believe....
But it might be less frustrating having a bike around since sprinting the whole map takes forever...
I hope we can do some crafting soon, like base building, making sandbags, small tents, watchtowers etc....