So after the new version 32.xxxxxxxx I recently had to start around 10 times with a complete new and empty character, when I was stacked with ammo, guns, food and water, Cargo Pants, Tactical Vest and backpack.
So I have gone through all the trouble of walking and looting and than noticing my character got reset.
Than after a few times I logged in and I got back a character from the day before!!
Really annoying part, if I would be killed by zombies or by other players, than its skill that causes my loss of all goods, but when this is a loss by server change, its not amusing and if I thought you're able to change servers to loot!!
If not please say so, I will stick to one server, but as I also have experienced, wehn not able to connect to a server, and you press escape, you will not be in the same server again......, pressing play puts you in the server selection screen, where you have to select your server....