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- Mar 7 2013, 12:27 AM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Fixed in todays update.
Its one thing to have flame at the end, but what we have now is way way too much light.
Real flash at night.
Heres one with no suppressor.
Can hardly light up the guys hand.
Guy shooting at night, see how hes not lighting up like a flashlight is on him.
Heres one from A3.
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Up Vote, would make it more useful on land and would match the mag loaded in the gun far better.
Could use a more blue/white and far more brightness.
That did fix it.
Twistking, you know the Tactical Shades have HUD on them too, yet they dont work..
I say swap them, the front seat has a better view for flying and for shooting rockets.
Why do you need to nerf anything? If you dont want it in the mission, don't add it in the mission. I myself would be sad if its not in the game, its been teased since the game was announced.
There can be no way this is intentional, happens with Katiba as well.
Part of it i like, Ie slow speed crashes dont make them blow up anymore. But some of the things are just odd.
Was testing on Escape from Stratis
Agree, the Ifrit even has a 5th seat that you cant use.
Just about everything should not blow up in a huge fire ball. Even RPG hits to light trucks should not blow it up, that only happens in the movies.
May 9 2016
It needs a semi auto with out the suppressor and full auto with it.
Really helos should only 'blow up' if they hit the ground really hard. A softesh crash should only hurt crew but still let them get out. I never liked how A2 they blow up at the littlest bump. But they need to find a middle ground.
That ^ still should not kill everyone inside.
There are real bullets that can work on land and water.
Same here, hope it gets fixed soon.