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- User Since
- Jul 29 2014, 2:03 AM (555 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
i have found multiple mp5 they are just rare then holy hell just keep searching on persistance serves and you should find one not including the clip thats a hole nother story lol happy hunting
fast foward its under infentry movemoent it allows you to double tap w to run insteasd of having to hold shift it makes life eayser
i know who to fix this glitch its annoying but it works when you open dayz before you go into a server you go to Configure then Controls then Assignments then Prestes then Click dayz and that will fix your issue also don't forget to fix your fast foward
ok lol i can help you with this you are making the same mistake i did are you just taping G or are you holding it if you tap G you will drop the gernade at your feet if you hold G your charter will launch it
why thiws is true we shouldnt have to fight to the death for soda since water is no longer obtainable all the havey military people are moving into electro to get drink and killing every one in sight in my opin this has had a very bad effect
confirmed all wells are not working in any location
were u cold becaeu if your cold u get hungry very very fast which is very relastic
wow that is really werid lol
u need a epipen to bring her back
cliff rember were in the alpha version so don't stop playing just wait for the game to be fixed u gotta rember were gunna into glitches and issues
and idk if its just me but all the buildings in go to the doors are already open and have very very little to no loot inside i have searched several houses on several different servers
this is why u need to check whats required to run a game before u buy it
May 10 2016
i just got done having the same issue u can only dc out side away from trees and buildings and if u get stuck have your friend shoot u in the leg break it and disconnect reconnect and fix it with a splint or morphine then u can move again
here is the file it may for some reason have uploaded a windows movie make file but just right click and open with winrar also i have noticed with the new 0.48 stable update i am no longer glitching but thank you anyways for trying to solve my glitch
how do i up load the file it keeps say error # 5 0 1 file not allowed to be uploaded
i do both and no matter what this glitch will happen but i have found another way to fix it before i start to play at the main screen i click configure/controls/assignments/presets/dayz and hit ok which will allow me to play 1 game until i disconnect and reconnect then i have to do it all over again
yes it doesent matter what mode im in
sry that took so but thats a video of me i cant move or do any thing but i found a new way to get unstuck i can go into my settings and change my presets to dayz and it fixes every thing untill i dc again the n i have to do it all over again
hers a link to the video so u can see my issue
i agree i think all servers should have to have a at lest 15 min server warning i have lost so much stuff from unexpected server resets
i have found at lest 13 with in 2 days just look in to barcks building
Confirmed. my friend also cant use his controls
well drakoxx if u truly think about it how many people are in a town if u were to make a loud noise like a gun shot how could u be shocked if u get horded
and i have also noticed this glitch certain doors they can still go through
they glitch and get filled with ghost items to fix this all u have to do is put it in your inventory then drop it on the floor and all the items should re appera
this glitch happens a lot when a player disconnects if he was being chased by a zombie even tho he left the game the zombie AI still thinks that their is a active player their so it may appear that their fighting but really their hitting a ghost player