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- Jul 28 2014, 9:57 PM (553 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
What is it that changes with different power managment plan? Nothing!
server with 100 frames LOL
60% CPU load(each core) and 30% up to 60% GPU load, 20 FPS in towns, up to 40FPS on flatlands = I stopped playing game 3/4 a year before and I am not stressed anymore, but still want to play it!
Is DX 12 able to help? Should I await for it as performance booster? Or rather expect nothing?
Well, if not for performance help, at least game is going to look better, thumb up.
Definitely agree. Even Battlefield has longer repair times :-D.
There should be possibility similar to fatique system when talking about infantry.
Cater: I do not think the last picture is better looking :-D. Actually it does but... not sharp etc.
You are also forgetting about fact, that some optics can not be used together with NV, because that tube on the face is too big to get head to optics.
I disagree with "improvement" in 2035 you are suggesting. Voting down. But I would love manual brightness. Yes it is probably mod, but why don´t devs do this as default.
Mmm, OK I am sorry, I mistook, thought it is virtual ammobox(from mission like invade and annex). Myself, I have actually never seen virtual arsenal in any mission.
They will not solve it, but here is my advice:
Remove bag(mouse right button click), vest and uniform at first. Most of stuff disappear together with these.
FOV affects both picture from eyes and optics. It is quite understandable.
One who thinks want to see more but less detail set 90 degree FOV. And in same way it will affect his optics.
Second one who thinks he has small monitor and dislike "view flatness" sets 60 FOV. He sees less but more detail. In same way it applies to optics.
Separation of these FOVs could be solution.
If there was NV with manual brightness and TOP mode Titan compact I would be thinking about money spending...
actually these should be in game for free but discussion would be profitable for both sides.
bipods, helmet lights(for friendlies to see you), disposable rocket launchers(one time use only), for big crates forced advanced gear menu( ) ...
Oh my god :-D. I hope it works against heavy MG too. Gonna hide there if I see tank :-D.
OK... I tried it your way, but
When I aimed backwards or somewhere else, symbol "do not fire" appeared again.
Nevermind, still it worked and wasn´t bad, up to 500m it works how you say! So I am going to use it.
For longer distances f.e. 1km, missile is able to reach the right one - shortest trajectory, so aiming backwards or anywhere else does not affect impact angle significantly.
yup, I had these problems with marshall
haven´t tried it for months, because I was always succesful stucking there in Kavala at 0348 1339 :-/
manual switching could be just perfect, if this is too hard to fix it
It is still happening. If I were new player and came to multiplayer I wouldnť even know about chat. Because there is no chat with SteamUI friendly. What for is this btw? :-/
May 9 2016
something like in the video... but a bit slower :-), please add this
(in arma 2 there was a mod for it right? - mostly animations which made arma 3 better than A2, but climbing over walls included in mod)
Arma 3 needs this option heavily!
@rogerx please explain me what price of CPU has gotta do with CPU optimization
f.e. look at FX 9590 price and I am 90% sure he would not notice a difference.
It does not use CPU 100%(in my case not even the first core, but yes, after patch it is 80% for all 4 i5Ks cores, that's much better than before), not GPU 100%(25%-75% LOL).
The only thing filed up is VRAM(my 2GB), so OK I decreased texture quality etc. to decrease impact chance for FPS and tried to play multiplayer(mostly happens in singleplayer too) with 4km view distance and... guess what, low FPS.
Up to 2 kms I don't have problem, but I need AT LEAST 3kms to see tanks shooting me from distance. And it's first stage of FPS problems. ... I wonder when I'll be able to see heli/jet before my AI do.
He didn't mention his graphic card but I think he has right to be pissed off just like we others. Problem is not that game is demanding, problem is that it is not able to be demanding nor smooth running at low graphics quality(that are not affecting gameplay noticeably).
@Shields I am clicking mid mouse button itself... well, maybe with space bar it is a little faster... but for me space is dupplicate and useless.
@Shields What about middle mouse button/wheel? Don´t you use it? It is much faster.
I hope there will be some quick button, just like G for grenades. Space for opening doors and windows and ... all these fast actions(jumping and climbing over walls, opening vehicle doors to cover behind them, etc.)
Btw, what for is space button? Was always using it in A2 for AIs, but in A3 it could not be binded so I use °; / `~ . Space is useless.
Allright... but Devs started this argue! :-D
I think Collin does understand, but problem/question is... why didn´t they add basic bipod useage years ago? Why they must have everything perfect, but forgetting, that Arma 3 is not alpha or beta anymore so they butcher players´s gameplay? There s bipod in fucking dayZ for fucking year for fuck sake :-/! How long should we wait?! Isn´t 3 tousand votes enough?