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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 7:18 PM (582 w, 1 h)
May 10 2016
what do you know another reason to get rid of perma unconcious as if everyone saying it is garbage and get rid of it thinking it was a bug was not enough.... #worst feature ever added to day Z
the issue is not melee weapons damage it is that they make people permanently unconcious instead of mod day z you could swing an axe and after enough hits the person would this alpha you hit a guy 1-2 times they go perma unconcious and can take no more damage and also can combat log off the server...this is broken and wildley OP...melee should do damage and bleed and maybe after many hits cause unconcious for a set time but the 1-2 hit perma unconcious is what makes it over powered...guns cant even do that heck if they are in a combat helmet they can take a bullet to the head and live but an axe could kill them? it is clearly unbalanced....
I am certain I have shot people multiple times with the M4 silenced not "a gun" but that weapon specifically and exactly what I reported happened on two seperate seems bugged to me in some way and I was on a US server with like 15 ping max and they did not appear to lag in any way and even had blood coming out when I hit with my shots...the issue is a bullet should have impact I think the silence version is not doing the proper damage levels but regardless a bullet should still do enough to knock back or knock down at any range a guy should not be able to charge you and have any hope when you actually hit them with your bullets...also yes you should be able to kill with an axe not knock someone out forever wich is what hapens after 1 or 2 swings randomly and if they keep knock out for axe you saying a bullet should do less then that? I have heard people who were shot describe it like getting hit with a sledge hammer...and that was a 9mil not a military grade assult rifle firing 20 bullets in a little over a second...that would be more akin to a jack hammer , you cant have the one instagib and the other a uselss popgun that needs percise headshots or the game becomes unbalanced...
guy with an axe had a t-shirt and an axe...5 bullets made him bleed one hit form an axe made me permanantly unconcious aka dead what is to test the axe is Op and needs fixed the issue is the unconcious forever does an axe one shot make you unconcious more so then 5 bullets to the chest?
they need to either make them have more equivalent effects or nerf the axe and other perma unconcious melee weapons....
I reproduced it twice on two different people...once on an unarmed person at point blank range the other on a guy with an axe....again at point blank range the weapon is not that effective maybe the silencer is bugged maybe it is just unbalanced but a gun should not do less damage then one hit from an axe if you dont understand that I dont know what to tell you...also what more controlled environment are you talking about? We are all on the same alpha servers it's up to the devs to vet the game based on the bug reports I just play the game and report issues I am not a paid alpha you want to sign me up for a paycheck and a private server then we can talk....
shooting person and gettign ruined gear makes being a bandit useless but thats neither here or there....people have always been able to log out in perma unconcious now that they are dead either way why not log right away? you are dead if you stay and dead if you leave...the PERMANENT version of unconcious needs to go out of this game is was a crap feature that everyone thought was a bug at first adds zero to the game and makes melee super op at close range, not to mention the myriad of bugs like unconcious sliding/movement, combat log while unconcious, invulnerability , oh and never waking up from on hit to the head....
thats hardly a solution....the issue isnt unconciousness it is that it happenes too frequently from melee, you never regain conciousness and that you never die even after your unconcious even if bleeding or getting axed in the back of the head...they need to allow you to die from your wounds, take damage while unconcious and have a set time for unconcious like it used to be not the permanenet version that makes you invulnerable and lasts forever...
once someone is perma unconcous you cannot kill them no matter what you do to them....I in fact have never been killed when in a perma unconcious state even though I have sat in it for over an hour post the latest game version 860...they need to get rid of the perma unconcious garbage...there was a reason for that several hundred post thread about it before they supposedly made it happen less often and it still happens every time I get in a melee fight axes are wayyy Op as are most of the knock out weapons, soleley because of the knock out's as bad as the old broken leg every time you melee thing they had to patch out of the mod way back when....
they are logging because the perma unconcious crap lets you log out in the unconcious state so even if you die since patch you can still deny your killer your loot....a better fix is to get rid of perma unconcious entirely....I remember when killing a guy actually happened in day Z I miss that....weapons need to be balanced, melee shouldnt 1 and 2 hit perma unconcious players while I need a full clip or a perfect headshot to kill with a gun it is currently way out of wack... when bullets do less damage then a crow bar something needs to be fixed
this is not a bug more of creative use of game mechanics by a portion of the population also with 40 players on a server and many many bugs how do you know for certain someone server hopped or that they didnt just farm naturally because of teh number of players, log out to fix an issue or because the server changed from day to night or to go to the bathroom or eat dinner or answer the phone or door ect....this game doesnt have a pause and they got rid of in server lobbies so if you need to do anything in real life you must leave lest you start starving and dying of thirst while afk...I don't see how they can fix this without penalizing people for responding to real life situations
the issue is the items on top are out of reach try to give locations of the bugged spawns and give screen shots in attach files so they can go in and find them all...or wait till they search for each bug spawn and fix every one individually, sometime after ayearformnowoclock...
I had the same issue they need to make it drop on the ground if you reload and have no room, this would be more realistic...I'd also like to see some military style magazine pouches, like a drop pouch for expended magazines and flack jacket with a chest harness with extended mag capacity. It would also make sense if you could store full magazines in the 300 count ammo bin even if it reduced the total ammo storeage capacity by a bit it makes sense as a storeage location...
it's F12 and it's default for all steam games bro....
the classic axe bug....I have even had my axe reload....not sure if this was due to wrong version of game played though make sure your not on the old version of server....
in real life you can go a very long time without eating food an australian man stranded in the outback lasted over 38 days with no food and only water he dug out of holes in the ground, why we starve in the course of a morning when the game has a true to life day night cycle is beyond me.... but at the very least remove the anoying text scrole for an indicator I do not want text scrolling on my screen it ruins immersion just put the classic indicators by the hotbar that vanishes and next to the player model.....
if you leae gamma base you cant see your hand infront of yoru face without a flashlight but a smart bandit will crank it up and have his gun out....this is why gamma needs to be server side, yeah it looks like shit with it up but a smart bandit doesn't care he cares about killing you, also streamers crank it up to so that they can stream and not have it look like a black glob....if it was server side then the rules would be the same for everyone when they log in and noone has an unfair advantage.
The only reason this is an issue is because gamma is controlled locally and people can cheat it atm make gamma server side only so people cant run around with a clear screen and keep it the way it is.....just allow half the servers to be set opposite so there are always day servers for those that want to play in them.....however if you don't learn how to play at night you are missing a huge part of the game....I was scared myself as I usually prefer day but since i was forced into playing at night I have enjoyed it quite a bit and wont be night dodging any more...I think keeping the way it is for a while at least is good so people learn the system, however the gamma issue allows some to cheat very hard and basically see you while they are practically invisible to you so a fix for that is needed....
this still has not been fixed please disable unconcious till it is fixed...
there is a second bug where you will randomly log on unconcious for no reason wich makes this even more frustrating.....