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- Mar 7 2013, 5:47 AM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
+1, thanks Deo for creating this ticket to better explain the idea! Please add me in steam: ApexPredator.
InstaGoat please read before post. I know what HE is. I was talking about the AP missile. AP stands for armor piercing and it's not used to blow people up.
If it stands for anti personnel, why do we need it when we already have the HE round while it's better at this job?
@nick103 I admit I'm lazy, but all modern inventions are to accommondate people's laziness. Why do you have a phone? Because people are too lazy to travel 100 miles to talk to a friend. Why do you use a microwave? Because people are too lazy to make a fire with wood, etc. Also my laziness has nothing to do about it. Isn't it game developers' job to make players feel comfortable?
I don't want to drive cars with mouse but i still need the mouse free look. I plead you to really understand what I want to say before making a judgement on my suggestion, or at least try to understand before saying "no".
My suggestion will only make the game better, while not having the slightest effect on players like you. We all want to play the game the way we want to play, so why not give us the better option?
@Deo People are down voting this maybe because I made it sound like their controlling scheme is going to be affected. I'm terrible at English so if you really want to see this happening as I do, please make another ticket to make it clear that we only want this as another option.
@NodUnit thanks for the support! It's also worth mentioning that if vehicle free look is enabled, double clicking ALT doesn't switch you back to mouse drive/fly. It's also kind of annoying cuz it's nearly impossible to pilot any aircraft without the mouse.
@NodUnit I don't know how this is a terrible idea for you. It's not like it's gonna force you to change the way you drive or fly. It's just a 3rd option to make it more convenient for people like me. Is it really so hard for you to see that?
@JonnieConcrete As of now, there is no way to change the control to the scheme I described. This is because the game doesn't offer the option to separate vehicle look mode for different types of vehicles. Vote down if you want, but trust me I spent my time on the options menu. That being said, I don't think you read my post entirely and fully understand what I was trying to explain. Therefore your down vote is meaningless.
@BlackMamb That's exactly the thing I described that I don't want. "The game would be so much better if I don't have to double press ALT every time I get into a truck or a car." Read before post, please.
There's no solution to this. This is still present in the final release. If this was by design, how do you effectively pilot a helicopter with keyboard only??
information updated. this happened to me yesterday while I was trying to pilot a little bird attack helicopter.
I tried this on the blufor AH-9 and MH-9 helicopters. Double alt seems to be working when allow vehicle free look is disabled, but not when it's enabled.
as far as i can tell, arma is all about completing the mission in any way you want. if the mission objective is "shoot at the enemy cars from at least 300 meters from any elevated area you can find", does it mean i can't complete the mission if I blew up the cars up close? so proly not a good idea.
"hardcore"? You mean overblown right? When you're shot the bullet doesn't have enough kinetic energy to 'push' you back, nothing from a mid range caliber anyway.
Actually, it does. You're missing the point. Even the good Ole' Operation Flashpoint had death animations. The point is not about the video. The video is merely an over-exaggerated example of some death animations since i can't find anything else. By all means, please down vote if you prefer un-natural ragdoll to realistic death animations.
you guys sure like to knit-picking on vocabs. You all know what I mean so give me a break, jesus.
yea i know, but I'm not talking about eject where you risk of losing health if the vehicle is in motion. I'm talking about a safe Get out.
@Dale That is because the shooters themselves are inaccurate at aiming, not because the guns aren't accurate. I'm talking about the gun. You clearly don't know what I'm talking about. If you haven't shot a machine gun before (I'm sure you haven't) then try it. The bullets will go to wherever you aim the barrel to up to 500m. The citation you posted doesn't contradict the fact that machine guns are pin-point accurate in real life. That statistics also accounts for the number of bullets used up in training, which is probably even more than used in real combat. It's just a huge AVERAGE. Also I can imagine green soldiers put on full-auto to spray and pray, or it's just simply machine gunners lay down supressive fires, to result in a large bullet consumption/kill ratio. But that is the result of how the user uses the guns, not the guns themselves.
@ShotgunSheamuS wtf is COD? some kind of fish?
My argument is that how the gun works should not be affected by the emotion of its user. No matter how nervous the shooter feel, bullets should always fly in alignment with the barrel. This is not the case in battlefield and that is one of the top reasons I quit. I'm okay with dirt on my goggles when there's an explosion, but that's it. My point is accuracy decrease is definitely NOT okay, and while currently you have perfect aim even when injured, it doesn't make sense to have weapon sway when you're not even hit.
Also what I said was not an argument. Guns ARE really pin point accurate in real life, especially machine guns (because they have long barrels). I only stated a fact and pointed out how your suggestion might contradict with it. If you can't accept that, this game is not for you.
No, just no. Guns are supposed to be pin point accurate. Bullets flying around suddenly make my gun not hitting where it points to? Nope. Also machine guns ARE pin-point accurate in real life. GO back to BF3.
Could be another factor you concern about when you choose your gear. +1
agreed, and recoil(if any) should be settled automatically in this case due to gravity (soldier is not actually holding the hand guard with his left hand in this stance).
May 9 2016
yes but PIP has flickering for me so this would probably render my game unplayable. But still yes.
I believe it's spelled "ineffective".