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- User Since
- Jun 3 2016, 2:31 PM (456 w, 5 d)
Jan 4 2023
This is an important feature - would reduce the barriers to entry for those wanting to run their own dedicated server.
Oct 28 2021
Nov 30 2020
Thanks to BIS for adding all or most of these features! Excellent ongoing support! Thank you.
Nov 6 2020
Long time ago - I think I just verified the game cache and it reacquired the corrupt file. Right click Arma3 in Steam Library > Properties > Local files > Verify Integrity of Game files. Hope you resolve.
Jun 12 2020
Dec 31 2019
It seems after testing Arma3 Firewall's exception - that this error may relate to server not adding firewall exception request. I just reset W10 firewall and attempted to start an Arma 3 MP server - I did not receive a Firewall exception request. This is in W10 64bit Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363 Manual firewall exception addition after crash does not resolve issue. Could this be the cause of the unhandled exception related CTD?
Dec 18 2019
On further investigation this doesn't appear to have anything directly to do with Argo as stated above. It's possible this relates to a file lock or sharing violation. The only common factor is the error occurs when starting a Listen server. So far the only 'solution' is to reinstall Arma3 from scratch - hardly an acceptable solution.
May 14 2019
I know this is a very old ticket - but with the huge improvements in TTS over the years the ability to parse text to the Windows or preferably inbuilt A3 TTS engine and integrate the audio output into Arma3 audio would be great and add a lot to the game via personalization etc. unit names and commands and other custom text could then be scripted and played back via this process etc. Lots of applications.
Sep 20 2017
Clearly you don't speak for the vast majority Arma3 players. Simply because you dislike the SW is no reason to criticize the A3 Launcher. Even RHS have agreed to distribute via the SW. Why, because most people subscribe to a lot of mods - it's an impossible task to manually update all mods on a daily and or weekly basis. The Launcher simplifies this task and saves users hours of frustration. I think it does an excellent job - and my feelings are mirrored by most of the players I speak to on SW. I personally have around 230 mods in the launcher - over 98% are SW the rest local - I've never had the weird issue you refer to and I've spent over 11,400 hours in Arma3. And I host games at least once a week.
Sep 12 2017
Aug 1 2017
Jul 5 2017
Jul 4 2017
Jun 30 2017
Jun 7 2017
Feb 24 2017
I managed to resolve this memory crash by starting the 3den editor - no mission loaded - then switching into 3D mode - then loading the large mission referred to above - it loads with some strange graphical issues but does not crash. Then switch back to 2D mode then back to 3D mode and graphics appear fine after that - so 3den working fine again - and no memory crash.
Editing mission still works fine - out of memory crash now happens as soon as I middle mouse click to place camera position in 3den editor. I can test play mission in SP and MP without issue directly from 3den. But as soon as I try to switch from map mode to 3D mode I get the out of memory crash.
Subsequent to the above it seems now once I load the mission in 3den I can edit the mission without a problem - however if I attempt to switch from map mode to 3D mode - I immediately get the out of memory error and crash. No warning in Arma3 or 3den editor prior to crash. I have a lot of text in the init boxes on many triggers - perhaps I have reached text input limit - is there a limit? Or maybe A3 is reading available memory incorrectly. Hope I'm not clouding the issue with my simplistic observations. :) Btw prior to this latest crash I ran a local cache verification.
Interestingly this crash corrupted memory so badly I had to drain power from the system - to clear the problem. Approximately 10 minutes prior to the crash I started noticing some video memory corruption and strange screen artifacts / tearing on screen. How Vram became corrupted at this point I'm not sure. Clearly seems related and a byproduct of low memory condition. Would also explain why when alt-tabbing back to desktop - the screen went black.
I had another crash in the 3ditor just now - and that was after multiple previews - however it wasn't critical in the sense that it locked up the machine - it simply crashed Arma3.
Dec 30 2016
Oct 8 2016
Jul 9 2016
Two years - and still waiting! Fix one thing - break another - not to mention the hundreds of pi$$#ed off users who've wasted countless hours trying to find a work around. No explanation no apology - just mass closing of tickets! Not good BIS!
Jul 3 2016
Could we all agree that female civilians would improve the realism of Arma3. Just ignore the female soldier argument. They only need a few different body shapes and a couple more faces - some faces are already in the game. Maybe an old woman or two and some clothes. Not a lot of work. Would make civilian environments much more real.