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- Mar 7 2013, 4:19 AM (625 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Same issue.
Yeah i can confirm this.I have attached a photo regarding a similar aspect to the fog issue (with NV). You can see in the picture it's quite bad and annoying.
May 9 2016
Just because the control and feeling of the game was polished and some new features were added doesn't mean that it's not good. It doesn't feel as clunky as the other games in the series did that's for sure but it still feels like ArmA.IMO you still feel that you are in control of a body and not in control of a camera.
I am also a dedicated fan of the series and i have started playing ever since OFP and i don't see it as a step backwards, sure it doesn't feel like we were used to and it will take some time to adapt (heck i was using dead zone in the other games from the series for precise aiming, i find that i don't need it anymore with A3 as it mostly tends to get in my way) but nonetheless i find it as an improvement.So i don't know what you are talking about, maby you are nostalgic :)
Yeah, i can subscribe to this. Also the biggest problem so far for me are the machinegunners, they are even more accurate than marksmen and that is when standing on their feet and not prone.
Copy that, didn't have time to test it myself. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess it's back to BIS's hands to provide a fix for it.
Notice: Modding community is allready aware of it and a mod has been made regarding this issue
He has a point don't vote him down if you don't understand. There are periods of time when the lights in the game are messed up and do not iluminate properly,they are too dimm.It's like the light sources do not cast any light on the surroundings or it has low intensity it has something to do with the period of time you set in the editor and dinamic lights, you can see it for yourselves. DisorderedMind couldn't had explained it better !
Agreed !
Thank you as well.
Yes, but it's still better than the invasive full screen zoom with black edges. I mean at least now we can have a bit of lateral awareness when looking trough the scope. I believe though that PiP might not work for everyone since it's a resource hog.But i really wonder how much will it affect performance wise.Still what they have done now it's better than nothing.
Hey guys, they really did it, they implemented 3D scopes into ArmA 3, your voice was heard. (Saw them featured on the Livestream Scenario Editing Tutorial). Great job BIS !
Yeah that would be the best solution in my opinion also,that way not only they solve the performance aspect but also they satisfy the tastes of those who prefer the classic overlay over the bindon aiming principal :)
It is an awesome feature and a welcomed additon to the game if the devs decide to implement it, but i wonder if it will afect pefromance.What do you guys think?
My point exactly...
I have to agree there are some moments when i can't believe how was it possible that they saw me trough the dense vegetation. But honestly, now it's a lot better than how the AI was performing in ArmA 2, most of the time it didn't matter if you were concealed by vegetation they would see you as if it wasn't there and kill you.
Yes, i forgot to mention that the tunnel vision persists until you land and get out of the helicopter, which is difficult to do with most of your vision obstructed by this weird effect.
Yeah, i figured it out eventually. I explained exactly how it happened in my case.
Yeah it will still fire on you of course, you only sabotage the engines so it won't move. I found that this was usefull in the way that i could eliminate all the occupants of the boat as they couldn't flee. Try this and you won't have to worry about it anymore,sure it will ruin the element of surprise on shore cause they hear you but heck you would still have to fight your way to get the AA launcher.
I also noticed this, it was also lacking in ArmA 2. I hope they add this feature as it kinda ruins immersion when doing weapon transitions and "not pulling" nothing out of the holster and it is there just for the looks.
This is a must have, and if ACE could do it, then the devs should have no problem implementing this as standard feature.
Well he does have a point, i don't find it arrogant.What's the point of modeling a holster on a character if it is not functional.