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- User Since
- Sep 1 2014, 9:12 AM (549 w, 3 d)
Jul 25 2021
For sure, this can be closed. It's over 6 years old ;-)
Feb 25 2019
Confirmed, Bino's don't work on exp anymore... hold in hand, hold LMB to look through, movement to raise to eyes starts but never finishes and ends after a quarter second...
Jun 18 2018
Jun 16 2018
Do you have the discord overlay active by any chance? If yes, disable it! At the moment it's causing problems...
May 11 2016
Solution confirmed, thx for your help Joe and Geez ;-) I had the -dologs startoption...
Case closed...
Yup, some more options like the ones mentioned would be nice if it could be done...I figured that there are upcoming changes to the UI (as seen in the 0.54 experimental), maybe this idea could be implemented?
Confirmed...used to have a bottle of medic alcohol in my medpacks, now it can't be put in anymore..
Okay, will do so then...the style is okay? DayDB or izurvive coords and a screenshot if issue not clear/easy to describe?
Hi Geez,
thx for the info...
Btw.: how useful is it to report things like this, be it misplaced objects like a bench sitting directly infront of a fence door, trees inside houses ( yup, found at least one so far ;-), houses placed too high above the ground so stairs can't be reached/houses can't be entered and so on right now? Should one wait til beta or do you guys have some kind of "to do list" where all that goes into and is fixed when someone of the art/3D branch has some spare time?
Yup..I'm waiting for the confirmation about that one too...
You will find other, even better gear next time...rule #1 in DayZ: don't get attached to your gear or character.
Forget about that gear, start over...
If that works, can I refer to this report if someone on a forum has a similar problem, or is this just made for him?
Thx...than I'm waiting for a confirmation from OP if that helped him...
Edit: the military salute animation already in?
Being able to use the fireplaces in the houses? Why can I only vote for this one time? ;-)
In the screenie with the compass you can see the ursa major but the compass is pointing west...
confirmed...but only for experimental servers...
Confirming crash with zed killing, used a sledgehammer...(or at least I tried to crashes, you know? ;-) )
Rly? Tried last time when I saw one...didn't work...
I know, but as I said..every crashdump helps them...and one can't upload one for another thread...
Did others provide the same crashdumps that I have? Maybe not, so every bit of info for the devs about what's going on might help them....
And of course, seeing how many "game crash" issues have the remark "need more info", that is proving my point ;-)
Can confirm this...even if you're able to "repair" the shoes with duct tape, you simply can't carry around enough tape or spare shoes to make it from, let's say, Berezino to Dubrovka without running out of Duct Tape...therefore I'm not going to play (and so will not be able to hunt down bugs/glitches) the experimental version until this is nerfed...sorry about that...
I also wouldn't be mad about being able to attach the bipod to the Mosin again ;-)
Edit: if I could find a bipod again that is....
Problem seems to be related to the 32bit version of windows..since I changed to 64bit no crashes(besides a bsod caused by not optimized settings in bios..)
So, problem solved for far...
added another crashdump...
Planning on changing to Win7 64bit later the day, will report back if the issue continues...
last crashdump, this time disabled almost everything not neccessary, also "shut down" antivir...
Experimental, crashed two times within each of 5 minutes...uploaded crashdump...
The.cfg and the.DayZProfile ones? Or also the "saved" folder?
Edit: uploaded the folder content.... downloading exp content now...
Edit2: ignore the "DayZ.rar", that's the my documents one....the "DayZ1.rar" is the one out of the appdata...
Nope, not a password request, that's where you put in the launch your case "-port=xxxxx" without the quotation and the "x" replaced with a port number like the one he suggested...
Kadardes..I solved my issue by switching from win7 32bit to win7 64bit...
Confirmed, I have the same issue...every 30 minutes or so, game is crashing...
(opened a own ticket, just for sake...)
May 10 2016
Just had one encounter on exp servers from UK and SWE last night...upon server restart situation seems to be fixed again...maybe it's somehow connected to the "loot glitching through floor of house"-problem, aka infected running underground and hits you from there...wait..."infected moles"? ;-)
The problem of having invisible items is around for some time already, workaround:
drop the backpack/pants/jacket/whatever to the ground (better do it outside, not inside buildings where it could glitch through the floor) and take it back, that "should" reset the inventory slots so you can see and remove the buggy item...
This vid may help you to understand how things work... I suggest to watch his other DayZ related videos too..
Edit: just noticed how old the original report was...