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CTD when trying to connect to a US server -and- the experimental branch/ Cannot open file AppData\Local\DayZ\tmp\__cur_mp.ebo
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As stated above, I can connect and play on my "standard" servers (mostly DayZ DE ones) without any problems, but when trying to connect to our groups server located in the US/Texas -and- when opting in into the exp branch, I CTD with the error message "Cannot open file 'C:\Users\Mjollnir\AppData\Local\DayZ\tmp\__cur_mp.ebo' ". That file of course, when looking for it, isn't there at all, not to mention the lack of the "tmp" folder it is supposed to be in, according to the error message..

Of course I tried some troubleshooting myself already, including deleting the complete DayZ folder in appdata, verifying gamefiles, etc. and a fresh reinstall, but that didn't help. {F31406}


Legacy ID
No Bug
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

As for me, opting into the exp branch and try to connect to the servers, or trying to connect to our groups server located in the US.

Additional Information

Attached the last part of the netlog showing where the crash happened..
Strangely enough, there's no chrashdump to find...

Event Timeline

Mjollnir edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 23 2015, 9:12 AM
Mjollnir edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Mjollnir set Category to Game Crash.
Mjollnir set Reproducibility to Always.
Mjollnir set Severity to None.
Mjollnir set Resolution to No Bug.
Mjollnir set Legacy ID to 3521907450.May 8 2016, 10:02 PM

is related to launch parameters: if you use "-dologs" by any chance: get rid of it.

the safest way would be to get rid of all besides "-nopause"

Geez added a comment.Mar 23 2015, 11:09 AM

Hello Mjollnir and thank you for your report.
This particular error message usually pops up when -dologs startup parameter is set. Please remove it from the game as it is adviced to use this particular parameter only to get crashlogs from recurring crashes. Please test without -dologs and report back to us whether this has helped or not.

Solution confirmed, thx for your help Joe and Geez ;-) I had the -dologs startoption...

Case closed...

Geez added a comment.Mar 23 2015, 1:15 PM

Hello Mjollnir.
We are glad to hear that the issue has been resolved and I am closing the ticket in that case.