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- User Since
- Jun 29 2015, 6:03 PM (505 w, 17 h)
Oct 19 2022
Jul 20 2022
Has this been fixed then? Because there hasn't been an update in 2 years, and with restock timer set to 0 by default, loot still respawns in clumps, which is awful for loot distribution
Jul 13 2022
You would be right, however in a heated moment you might press the key accidentally, which might cost you your characters life due to an unintended mechanic.
Wouldn't it be preferrable for gameplays sake if the character would not be counted as if in ADS state, unless he actually was?
Jul 12 2022
Giant desktop displays and multiple screens at high resolution will have higher windows sens and dpi
mods, can you ban @evamilton ? spambot, probably posting phishing links. the link he posted leads to a non-legitimate copycat version of a website for some browser game
Jul 1 2022
Kind of disappointing to see that this was not fixed and the fact that they adapted all the vanilla guns to this "mechanism" speaks for the fact it won't ever get fixed either
Jun 16 2022
Jun 14 2022
maybe next patch 😭
May 31 2022
Small thing, here is hoping this can get fixed rather quick
Jul 14 2021
I reported this bug a while ago, seems to simply happen when you haven't ADS'd in a while.
In this clip it takes nearly 2 seconds to ADS.
This bug still occurs as of 1.13 stable, sadly.
Jul 1 2021
I strongly agree with this, however it would require more frequent updates to the AI pathfinding which in turn will increase server load
Jun 29 2021
@Geez I provided the info asked of me :D
Jun 28 2021
Jun 25 2021
I understand this bug is supposed to be fixed on 1.13?
Jun 24 2021
Jun 15 2021
Neither from a balance nor from a realism point of view (armor does not cover arms) does this make a lot of sense, so I would assume it is a bug.
May 25 2021
May 21 2021
Maybe I forgot to clarify that this applies to all weapons, including every single vanilla weapon.
Apr 30 2021
In my eyes the severity of this is Major. Firerates being locked points to a flaw within coding, who knows what other issues that may be the root of?
Apr 29 2021
Please fix this. Fire rate working properly on weapons is of utmost importance for variety and especially modded guns.
If every gun shoots at the same RPM, there is no variety and no unique feeling to any gun.
Apr 13 2021
repping for our man Gews here, doing gods work
Mar 4 2021
I hope this can be fixed soon :) it's pretty disruptive for gameplay
Mar 2 2021
In case it wasn't clear, you walk slow and you can't sprint if you do this, cuz the game thinks you are aiming down sights when you aren't.
Feb 4 2020
Assigned to: none xD I have low hopes of this getting addressed. Oh well!
One more thing mods can easily fix.
Jan 30 2020
the reflection in general on that sight is too much. it defeats the entire purpose.
Jan 29 2020
Jan 28 2020
May 11 2016
Im guessing you are referring to the sonic boom crack noise? You can only hear it when in the frontal cone of a gun.
I actually found a fix! Just walk out of distance from the car, between 800m-1km should be enough! When you walk back the car will be fine.
Please bring this to the attention of the developers.
Please bring this to the attention of the developers.
Please bring this to the attention of the developers.
If you fill the pot with water, you wont be able to store items in it anymore, right?
Please bring this to the attention of the developers.
I opened 3 tickets regarding this issue already, none of which had any kind of reply or even a hint that someone actually took note. So I have to ask JStewart directly. No reason to be dickhead, eazedrop.
JStewart I am sorry for hijacking this ticket and if that causes me to get banned, so be it, but I sincerely hope you are forwarding the problem with M4 related loot (gun, handguards, buttstocks) not spawning at the moment.
I actually fixed it with a forced disconnect while running against the wall! problem solved
Either way, the UMP will be coming with the next stable and the VSS was put on hold for whatever reason.
Will we ever get an official statement on the m4 mistery? :P