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User Since
Sep 5 2013, 2:58 PM (603 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Lunatico9 added a comment to T72563: Unnatural gunshake makes proper aiming impossible..


May 10 2016, 6:16 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72562: Add more healing animations.
May 10 2016, 6:16 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72529: AT Mine Cluster artillery projectile actually fires anti-personal mines.

Duplicate to 0013900

May 10 2016, 6:15 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72529: AT Mine Cluster artillery projectile actually fires anti-personal mines.
May 10 2016, 6:15 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72509: Zoomed in TWS MG optic's elevation compensation is wrong..
May 10 2016, 6:15 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72508: NVS optic does not switch back from NV mode.

Then they should make it simply start from NV mode.

May 10 2016, 6:15 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72508: NVS optic does not switch back from NV mode.
May 10 2016, 6:15 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72460: Optional Farsi accent English for OPFOR if player is OPFOR!.

You're asking them to use a big budget cut to remake all the voice overs that took so long to make, just to make the game a bit more unrealistic (I don't think that Iranian forces communicate in english between eachother, no non-english speaking force does.). Heh it would be nice to understand what they're saying, but this is not a solution.

May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72454: NVS and TWS sights doesn't have cqb holo/backup iron sight..

^ Indeed, they are long range engagement optics, a CQB sight is not intended for them.

May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72396: The world size is to small.

I don't think it's because of the Earth being curved, it's because whatever is after that circle is not getting rendered, gives the illusion of the map being curved.

May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72395: [duplicate] Greyhawk CAS keeps bombs after drop.

Duplicate of 0013889

May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72395: [duplicate] Greyhawk CAS keeps bombs after drop.

hey, since it's a duplicate just close the thread eh?

May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72378: Bad hit handling on Tanks: near invulnerable, rounds overpenetrating, crew/cargo unaffected by hits. Repro inside..

Red Orchestra 2 tanks are a good example on hit handling on tanks. Crewmembers die if hit, specific zones of the vehicle are marked as engine and ammunition, the armour is weaker on the sides and rear, also there are weak spots in the armour allowing you to easily take out the crew inside, even on the front with an AT rifle.

May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72371: Artillery visual targeting is completely wrong.
May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72370: A-143 CAS HUD misaligned.

looks fine to me

May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72369: UAV airplane switches engine back on when controls released after landing.
May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72365: Flaps don't seem to do anything at all.
May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72364: Jets have very limited acceleration.

I can't check it right now (somebody do it for me please :) but i think it might be because I assumed that the acceleration key is binded to Q while it may just be like vehicles and E is the key for max acceleration.

May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 edited Steps To Reproduce on T72364: Jets have very limited acceleration.
May 10 2016, 6:11 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72349: tank reload 'cheat' (cuts reloading time by more than half).

Also happens with artillery tanks.

May 10 2016, 6:10 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72291: The PDW2000 has wrong recoil..

Yea but every gun should have at least a bit of recoil, shouldn't it? The PDW2000 feels recoil-less when shooting on burst and full auto modes. Feels like playing COD.

May 10 2016, 6:09 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72291: The PDW2000 has wrong recoil..

If it was supposed to be like that, it would be the best gun for CQB in the game.

May 10 2016, 6:09 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T72287: Altis Map Texture loads very slowly.

I'm playing on an SSD here and have the same issue, so the problem isn't hardware related I think.

May 10 2016, 6:09 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T71885: Helicopter tailrotor and Tail fin useless at high speed.

The tail rotor doesn't have enough power to turn the chopper while at high speeds and even if it did, the only result would be your helicopter drifting sideways, the direction of your velocity vector wouldn't change.

May 10 2016, 5:58 AM · Arma 3
Lunatico9 added a comment to T71021: Lua Support.

Upvoting because it would be nice, but I really think they can't do that in the near future, it would require a complete change in the game's engine.

May 10 2016, 5:33 AM · Arma 3