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- User Since
- Aug 8 2019, 9:59 PM (291 w, 2 d)
Dec 14 2022
Oct 23 2022
Jul 22 2020
Feb 27 2020
Feb 24 2020
Feb 15 2020
Same here and the bleeding factor is incredibly high! It would probably be better if barbed wire would only block (like around the military bases) - at least as long as the devs don't get the collisions right.
I can confirm the issue since the latest patch, but I have no explanation. It happens to me often when moving, actually not when standing. Might be an infinitly looping script - I've seen similar effects in Arma before...
Confirm, apparently only works after patch if in hand.
Feb 14 2020
Confirm and reported this.
100% agree!
(You should even consider making dark nights foggy for players without night vision, so that turning up the brightness of your screen doesn't give you an unfair advantage over other players.)
Feb 13 2020
Another issue: while the map item now generally works (albeit extremely clumsy), you cannot scroll down much further than Solnechiy, excluding the entire south coast from any map acces.
Have you actually had anybody check your patch content seriously on PS4? I doubt it! Its simply a disaster
To the more you have implemeted another annyoing bug with your latest 'patch': when navigating your inventory with the directional button 'down' - as probably most players use to do - you will trigger the Voice Over IP function and reveal your presence to nearby players. Bravo.
Update PS4 1.10
I use the fence/tower kits as an exploit to stack up to 4 logs, which then only occupy 1 slot ;-)
Check whether the piles are obstructed by any nearby vegetation or other view block. Maybe chopping down a nearby tree might help...
I can confirm this as I reported this months ago. The bug is universal: pick axes currently can't build due to the described issue.
Add one: liquid containers can't be emtpied!
Jan 16 2020
Persists in 1.09 - BIS still in holiday?!
Persists in 1.09!
Persists in 1.09!
Stacking issues persist in 1.09!
Persists in 1.09! Annoying...
Persists in 1.09!
Jan 15 2020
Still persists in 1.09 - what are you doing?!?
Jan 5 2020
Just checked two other servers, both are accessible irregularly only
Dec 17 2019
Just had a fire fight in wich both teams heavily exploited the x-ray hack by having one player reconnect frequently. It really kills the realism and eventually the joy... Is actually any of you BIS guys reading this at all?!
Dec 7 2019
Persists in 1.07! This is imho the most serious issue in DayZ at the moment; please put all effort into fixing this asap, as this really harms the game experience!!
Persists in 1.07!
Persists in 1.07!
Persists in 1.07! Please fix!
Persists in 1.07! This should be fixed soon!
Persists in 1.07! This should be fixed asap!
Apparently fixed, thanks!
Fixed, thanks!
Persists in 1.07!
Persists in 1.07!
While the first issue is fixed (thank you!) the lower issue persists - it would make sense, if locks could also be attached to a fully upgraded gate from outside!
A similar thing happened to a mate in 1.05, but he stood right in the fire
Fixed, thanks!
Apparently fixed, thanks!
Fixed, thanks!
This apparently only goes for some fire barrels - one of them is still standing around on my server - while others can be moved. My best guess: an 'invisible' item stuck inside?
Persists in 1.07!
Fixed, thanks!
Nov 26 2019
Nov 16 2019
Today the spawn crash resulted in me being killed by other players, even though I immediately closed the game - lots of effort in vain...
Nov 10 2019
Any chance that you were ambushed by a player instead? I use fires often and it never occured to me in the way described...
Oct 27 2019
Addition: A similar thing happens with a belt in your inventory, if you press triangle when holding a canteen in your hands (this would most likely also happen with a holster or a sheath)
Oct 26 2019
This should also be checked for ap mines.
Another food related issue: apparently rice cannot be boiled or even unpacked
Oct 21 2019
Oct 20 2019
Some more:
- if passengers have glow lights active inside the ADA at night, this will produce some strange light effects outside the ADA...
Addition: it might be helpful to approach the tree from low ground as the lower section is better visible then
- Occasionally the 'get in driver action' for the ADA won't be displayed for longer periods of time, thus rendering it more or less unusable (all other actions and options remain as usual, though). The action apparently returns after prolonged periods of time (maybe after server restart, but this is currently just a guess).
- Using motor oil on the ADA is flawed a little bit: first, finding the position to fill in the oil is tricky (and the actual position - next to the co-driver's door, looking through the windshield - is rather strange); second, the yellow engine status symbol will only disappear when reentering the server after filling in the oil (thus making it uncertain, whether the motor oil actually achieved the desired effect).
Edit: The butt pack has the same issue as backpacks when holding it in your hands; the assault vest inventory jumps to the first item instead of the last when accessing it from a lower inventory field
Oct 17 2019
A more serious issue is that three-digit locks cannot be attached to gates from the outside (except when removing the lower wall paneling)