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Persistent Issues in DayZ / PS4
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Dear Bohemia / DayZ Team, dear DayZ community,

I have been playing DayZ on PS4 for a little more than one year now, which was mostly a pleasant experience. I have ever since reported on issues I became aware of. Sadly, my reports were seldomly considered and mostly ignored. With the latest changes in the developer team and the most recent update(s), I give it a new try and report the most obvious issues I still encounter (as largely reported months ago ->

PS4: 1.19 / DayZ Menu: 1.08[...]

  • X-ray vision after fresh game start: as soon as a player joins a server after a fresh game start (not after already having connected to the game world), the world objects are spawned with such delay that all players, player built objects, and containers can be seen first - literally through walls, buildings and vegetation! As a result of this, it is on the one hand not possible to hide objects from a spawning player, e.g. in an appartement block, and on the other hand it is highly exploitable to reveal other players' positions, e.g. in military bases.
  • Option: 'invert look' still not saved after exiting and restarting the game!
  • No water textures: Water textures only work properly approximately 50% of the time; this issue was introduced with the compressed textures patch several months ago and did not exist before. The best means of reproducing is getting killed and respawning at the coast. The water textures will usually not be displayed afterwards, but this occasionally also happens without respawn to lake and pond textures after joining a server.
  • Crash upon first join: the game is likely to crash when freshly opened and your spawn location is close to a lot of player placed items (e.g. a base) and probably also a dense world object environment. The game then usually freezes permanently in half progress of spawning the environment. On some occasions I had to resart the game 3 to 6 times! Quickly looking to the ground appears to be helpful - but maybe that's just superstition...
  • Object desync: objects touched by one player often cause a desync of the respective object for another player. Some recent experiences: After picking up a gas lamp dropped by another player, all other players saw its light cone at the position where it was dropped while only the bearing player saw it properly at his position. Apart from this, objects (especially ammo) taken from a zombie corpse are frequently not seen by other players when dropped to the ground. All desync issues are usually easily fixed by disconnecting and rejoining - although this should definitely not be the standard solution to the problem!
  • Animations: there are a couple of animation issues, of which the most severe are the BK-133 holding animation (the right arm heavily clips into the upper body wear) and spooky heavy carrying animations (as soon as the player jumps or falls from a little height, his arm gets unnaturally long and stays like this until the item is dropped)
  • AI behaviour: Zombies. With two tricks zombies become literally no threat to the player at all. Number one is simply climbing onto any object taller than roughly a meter; even though they could phsyically easily reach the player, they will not attack nor climb the object (even thought they are able to climb much higher walls and even barbed wire fences to base builders' disappointment). They should either have a special attack for players at high grounds or simply climb such objects. Secondly zombies react stupidly to cars: on the one hand they appear to be incapable of attacking the car or the passengers, on the other hand their attention gets stuck on a car so that they will not even attack the player after exiting his vehicle.
  • AI behaviour: Wolves. Wolves are a considerable and intelligent threat outdoors - indoors they simply suck! They will run around your building until they either glitch through it - what they do on several occasions - or just continue running against doors or wall sections. To the worse: they will not cancel their efforts, so that they will be there barking at you for hours, even if you shoot one after another until their fleeing threshold is reached. How about making them go away temporarily after an unsuccessfull attack - and especially if some unsilenced shots are fired into their direction...


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