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User Since
Mar 7 2013, 10:04 PM (629 w, 12 h)

Recent Activity

Jun 12 2016

KombatMilc added a comment to T72092: [Annoying bug] Helicopter gunner view zoom (since Arma 2).

Still an issue. Happens to me all the time. I am never a gunner in a vehicle or static weapon ever because of this. Renders everything useless being zoomed in all they way.

Jun 12 2016, 10:01 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T64247: Vehicle Optics - Stuck in full zoom.

I can confirm that this is still an issue. Even if "zoom temporary" is mapped to other keys, pressing Zoom Temporary immediately after pressing the key to enter the gun camera/sight will cause a state of being permanently zoomed all the way in.

Jun 12 2016, 7:36 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T82903: CRITICAL - vehicle optics zoom stuck at Max zoom whenever Zoom temporary is mapped to Hold Sec. Mouse Btn..

I can confirm that this is still an issue. Even if "zoom temporary" is mapped to other keys, pressing Zoom Temporary immediately after pressing the key to enter the gun camera/sight will cause a state of being permanently zoomed all the way in.

Jun 12 2016, 8:01 AM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

KombatMilc added a comment to T82562: Incredibly low FPS when in multiplayer servers. When the status "reviewed" will change to "resolved"?.

I get exactly 8 FPS in multiplayer on every server.

SYSTEM specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T @ 4.13 GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6970
Motherboard: ASUS Crosshair V Formula AM3+ chipset
RAM: Mushkin manufactured 8gb of DDR3 1600 mhz
Storage device: 2x 1TB Wester Digital Black HDD @ 7200 RPM

In single player on Ultra I can get 40-60 FPS on every map.

CPU Utilization is always around 30%

GPU Utilization is NEVER above 27%

(information gathered from HWinfo while playing in multiplayer)

May 10 2016, 11:08 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T77710: TexView2 missing from Arma 3 Tools.

not sure what you are talking about I just got it from here, and it works fine.

May 10 2016, 8:33 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T77161: Friends cannot see my server since the update to 1.18.

I am also having issues with hosting servers. I disabled my firewall and tried port forwarding, but no joy.

May 10 2016, 8:19 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T74247: Arma 3 DEV watermark persists in STABLE when using splendid cam.

I also have this problem. It happens when using the "SPLENDID" camera.

May 10 2016, 7:07 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T74242: APERS Tripwire mines do not work inside of buildings..

Why thank you!

May 10 2016, 7:07 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc edited Steps To Reproduce on T74242: APERS Tripwire mines do not work inside of buildings..
May 10 2016, 7:07 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T71106: An option to preload terrains.


I have, it as high as I can get it. The optimization on this game is terrible! If all I played was offline it would be fine, because I can get around 50-70 frames with my AMD 6970, but servers dictate what your frame rate is going to be. So I must set it lower when I play online.

Even if you increase the view distance to max it is still terrible! 5000 meters is not a long distance especially when flying the soon to be added jets.

By adding an option to preload the map as DCS does you can eliminate this problem!

No modern video game/sim has a render distance this short!

May 10 2016, 5:35 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc edited Steps To Reproduce on T71106: An option to preload terrains.
May 10 2016, 5:35 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T70903: Weapon sway.

especially with pistols!!!

May 10 2016, 5:28 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc edited Steps To Reproduce on T70875: Iron sights are improperly sighted.
May 10 2016, 5:28 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc edited Steps To Reproduce on T70525: walking forwards onto elevated places does not work, but walking backwards does..
May 10 2016, 5:16 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T70337: Pop-Up targets no longer work with 'nopop=true;'.

I am still having this issue.

May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T65369: Suggestion: Multiplayer server filters need to be more extensive.

Why is this marked as major?

May 10 2016, 1:57 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T65365: Suggestion: Real world weather data sync.

It's been done before in Microsoft Flight Simulator X with the Real Environment Xtreme, but I don't think this game needs it. It would be cool but I wouldn't care either way.

May 10 2016, 1:57 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T65023: Bug with ClearWeaponCargo im MP.

I am still having this issue aswell.

May 10 2016, 1:45 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T64513: Bug: Grenades pass through the glass, but do not break it.

There is no reason for this to be categorized as MAJOR

May 10 2016, 1:27 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T64353: Game frequently loses connection with servers..

This is now happening ALWAYS

May 10 2016, 1:21 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc edited Steps To Reproduce on T64353: Game frequently loses connection with servers..
May 10 2016, 1:21 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T64349: Connection lost to server (multiplayer).

See Issue 0005989

Same problem

May 10 2016, 1:21 AM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T63493: Losing connection after a few minutes ingame.

duplicate: 0005989

May 10 2016, 12:42 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

KombatMilc added a comment to T62233: No controller support for helicopters and bad support for infantry.

The game simply wasn't meant to be played with a controller. Sorry.

May 9 2016, 11:50 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T62116: Suggestion: Over G-Force Blackouts.

Same. Up voted for fixed wing aircraft, but not helicopters.

Edit: Redouts would be nice too.

May 9 2016, 11:46 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T60767: Stratis has wrong coordinates.

Perhaps it is for legal reasons. Remember the guys getting thrown in jail for taking pictures? that is why it is called Stratis and not Lemnos.

May 9 2016, 9:57 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc edited Steps To Reproduce on T60760: TrackIR Ifrit bug.
May 9 2016, 9:57 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T59631: Incredibly low FPS when in multiplayer servers.

I get exactly 8 FPS in multiplayer on every server.

SYSTEM specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T @ 4.13 GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6970
Motherboard: ASUS Crosshair V Formula AM3+ chipset
RAM: Mushkin manufactured 8gb of DDR3 1600 mhz
Storage device: 2x 1TB Wester Digital Black HDD @ 7200 RPM

In single player on Ultra I can get 40-60 FPS on every map.

CPU Utilization is always around 30%

GPU Utilization is NEVER above 27%

(information gathered from HWinfo while playing in multiplayer)

May 9 2016, 7:05 PM · Arma 3
KombatMilc added a comment to T58466: [Steam Alpha] Stand up key should not work as a toggle.

I like the controls how they are. I think some people just can't handle change.

May 9 2016, 3:16 PM · Arma 3