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- User Since
- Oct 8 2013, 10:32 AM (595 w, 5 d)
Dec 10 2018
Totally agree, this is the important part what is missing in current dayz version, it has very little atmosphere without ambient music.
Jul 9 2017
1.72 and still not fixed, just saying. As dedmen said you should at least disable it if it's not working anyway.
Jul 8 2017
Mar 22 2017
Sep 25 2016
Aug 2 2016
I guess this can be closed, same functionality already implemented -
May 28 2016
this can be closed, it's already resolved
May 10 2016
nevermind, it was mission saved in 2D editor. Sorry! You can close it, thanks for answer!
acknowledged? well thanks for nothing BIS..
Iceman, the campaign cheat would be solution if this was case only for some people, but I think that everyone have this problem. Take a look at this -
You should hotfix this.
problem is probably in ui_f_curator\UI\RscCommon\RscAttributeInventory.sqf, row 374
It seems that in fn_moduleSimulationManager.fsm there are missing hideObjectGlobal and enableSimulationGlobal
can confirm that it's fixed in 1.34
Still not fixed in 1.34
yeah but missions from subfolders are not downloaded to clients
BIS please hot fix this asap, this is really big issue.. after the update a I can't pack nothing in addon builder..
Seriously BIS how long will take to fix this annoying sh*t! I'm mad right now.. I always though that it's not possible even in SP and you have this option in difficulty settings all the time and you're too lazy to fix it in MP? Seriously?
This is pretty critical problem, autospot shouldn't be in the MP for players in the first place, period. It breaks immersion and players use mods that disable WHOLE RADIO PROTOCOLS BECAUSE OF THIS.
I don't know about any third-party API's and there were actually no clients connected when these crashes happend. I tried the mission on my PC multiple times and nothing like this happen. It was very random crash on multiple missions, but after last hotfix it seems to be gone, I have no idea what was causing, neither our server provider.
Any news on this?
Thanks, I know. I was just wondering if it's know what causes this crashes, because it's still happening on our server and I don't know what to do with it.
thank you for answer, I just tested server without any mod and got crash again, with the same error message. Crashdumbs are in crashvanilla.rar hope it helps somehow.
I also included Patrol Ops mission where that crash happen
So I left vanilla server without any mods for some hours and got multiple crashes on vanilla Patrol Ops. It's included in crashvanilla2.rar
So I have no idea what is causing this problem on our server and I really need help on this.
I had the same issue, I uploaded .mdpm .bidmp .rpt files here - It started random crashing in MP after 1.14 update.
guess this is related -
there just should be far more options for audio :/