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- User Since
- Aug 5 2013, 11:33 AM (607 w, 4 d)
Mar 28 2017
@BISWizard Thanks for fixing this, you are awesome!!
Mar 24 2017
May 10 2016
By saying engine class animal, I mean anything with
simulation = "animal";
Ok Feel free to close this report.
I don't get the point of params returning a boolean if it failed or not If it will just throw a error message and halt. But that's understandable if its intended functionality.
Every frame the server increases Arma's internal clock which is basicly diag_tickTime. When the framerate on the server goes down, seconds themselves actually take longer. This breaks the time / weather sync because clients internal clock is actually running at the correct rate. Because of this, servers that sometimes have low frame rate can sometimes never actually reach night time, even though the clients do. Once the sync interval is reached all the clients are forced to be set to another time older then what it is supposed to be causing massive lagg spikes.
Unless you guys make weather *AND* time sync less performance intensive and fix it so it's not dependent on server framerate. Then we at least need a option to disable it.
Everything was perfect before you guys added in this auto-sync thing. Least we could get an option to disable it.
Weather / Time Checks happen now multiple times per second and it's not even worth it.
Even when said problem is fixed, least give mission developers the ability to handle it the way they want.
Time Sync is also broken, we need options to disable. If the server framerate goes down then the servers perception of time itself breaks and forces time and weather laggy re-syncs which causes major problems. We need the option to disable this and use our own time / weather syncing system that isn't dependent on server framerate.
Hell if you really want the engine optimization to remain in why not include another simulation type and class people can spawn in so they can handle animals in the correct way.
I understand how you changed this to support more engine performance. But how do you script things like having a dog stop if he has no where to go?
How do I check if the agent has entered a building and changed to a different path finding state?
How can i make the agent automatically slow down the the right speed depending on the building he is in?
There needs to be another simulation type that calls the right actions. Using Man or CAManBase requires complex types such as faces that are not easily disabled.
You should have the Idle Animations only play when the animal isn't doing anything, and the engine should call the correct actions automatically.
Instead of constantly calling 'Default'. FastF should be called when the dog is told to go somewhere so idle gets interrupted.
The end user shouldn't have to call _dog playMove "Dog_Run"; If the dog doesn't have anywhere to go it will just run forward.
All the built in logic for how animal behavior works assumes that the correct actions are called in CfgMoves.
Found out that this is a more complex issue then the animation config.
Example of a Dog Getting stuck and derping around, sometimes following.
The dog previously would follow you perfectly fine pre-maskman DLC.
Also please see this ticket for information, which can also repo the problem.
Run the Following script in the editor, and move away from the dog, the dog will walk for a few seconds stop and all doMove commands and doFollow will fail and he will be stuck and never move. The correct functionality that should happen is the dog will follow you. You can copy and paste this into a editor mission and use Local Exec and the dog will spawn. Keep in mind the dog will sometimes get unstuck and walk a few steps then he will get stuck again. This most likely has to do with him getting stuck in a sitting or idle animation and failing to move. Same problem that used to be with Sheep / Goat etc.
- spawn
dog = group player createUnit ["Alsatian_Sandblack_F", getPos player, [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; dog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true]; dog doFollow player; while {true} do { if (alive dog) then { dog doMove getPos player; sleep 1; }; };
Had same problems with servers choking when running Breaking Point Mod also.
Uploaded another PhysX Crash server dump arma3server_1_2015-01-20_09-02-34.rar
Tested on RC Build. Issue is no longer present.
This issue is still happening on the latest development build. All the repro steps are the same.
- Start Client, Server, HC
- Make sure you are using localClient and headlessClients in the server.cfg to your IP ( etc
- #login as admin, note that headless client is in the server list
- Close Headless Client / Kill Process
- See a message 'hc' is loosing connection.
- Note that HC remains in the players list and won't disconnect.
Uploaded another crashdump arma3_2014-12-04_18-09-33.rar
Scratch that, its thats the wrong version.
Sorry my community sends me these crashes and I didn't check that version of that one.
Still waiting for members of the community of BP to send me crashes on RC 5. Trying to get them ASAP because I know you are patching RC to stable soon.
Uploaded another crashdump, arma3_2014-12-03_12-31-11.rar. It's on RC 5
Uploaded another crashdump arma3_2014-12-03_12-20-27.rar
Yeah it seems to be happening randomly that the effect isn't global and sometimes it is. This is even given the server enough time to sync / process the command.
Replacing all my addMagazine commands with addMagazineGlobal result in mass duplication of items and creating invalid combinations of items in inventories. I remember having this problem with addMagazineGlobal in the past. When i call it once on the client, the item duplicates by the number of people on the server. I'm going to have to stick with addMagazine for the time being.
This also happends randomly when i call addMagazineGlobal on the server once for a remote argument, the item duplicates by the number of people on the server.
I believe the best result would be fixing addMagazine so it's effects are global when used on a local argument, as per Arma 2 functionality. This prevents spamming of global commands over the network in a forEach loop for example.
Ok Thanks, that's fine.
You can close this report.
Added 2 new client crashes from 1.24.
We are building a mod within the constraints of arma 3. We do not have crashdumps for vanilla as that's not what we are building a mod for Arma 3.
You're game shouldn't be crashing and we are uploading these dumps for 2 reasons.
A) for you to fix it
B)for you to provide information and or give us a direction of the fault. We have been building this custom map for months and now cant release it because of Arma client and server crashing. Help us.
It will give the amount of magazines as there are clients on a server.
49 Players + 1 HC = 50 Magazines Added to the unit.
George, we really need a user control option over this.
Can we have a option in description.ext so the unit is not killed or added to the manager. So we can use the "Local" event handler and handle processing in the way we need to on the server?
The auto hide body option being changed is a real help however.
In regards to SaMatra's proposed solution, entities should be simply left there both dead or alive on disconnect and it should be the mission creators implementation to handle the cleanup, deletion, saving or removal of that body.
The solution without the event handler doesn't allow for leaving the character there regardless if the entity is dead or alive.
Or at least add a description.ext option for this suggestion.
There ya go japa, separated two groups of scripting commands into new reports.
0020582: Scripting Command to addMagazine directly to weapon with bullet count.
0020584: Scripting Command to add a Weapon to a container with related data
Come on, Can we at least get two scripting commands added to support ammo count for addMagazineCargo and getMagazineCargo?
Also very important when adding scripting commands such as these is also adding magazines with a specific bullet count.
I thought I'd link this since it's relevant. Which would work with the (backpackContainer player) etc commands.
About Locality, I also agree it's up to the mission designer to use the correct local or global commands.