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- User Since
- Feb 17 2014, 2:49 PM (578 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Can't say much other than that I so far only experienced rubber-banding when the server was getting restarted.
I do get the red chain symbol and connection loss message every now and then, but these occasions are really rare and yellow chain symbol is even more rare.
Have you ever tried to play on a server with less than 80 ping?
Maybe posting your computer specs as well as your connection specs would help others to get a better grip on your problem.
Had this too several times, not in the main screen but after joining a server, fixed it by opening character menu (Tab), graphics were normal when going back to the game.
I thought it would be my greaphic card messing up...
can confirm, see
Happened to me only though when the items were located on lockers or under beds.
same happens when you hit "V", you will stand up but once you try to move you'll lie down again.
Can confirm, when you're in your inventory you can move your mouse to the second monitor what forces the game to minimize if you click somewhere. I never did get crashes or similar though and always was able toopen the game again without any problems.
/edit: typos
tks @ Richa678 how does this work here? Do I post my issue into the other thread so everything gets collected at one place?
/edit: posted to the other thread as that one seem to have more attention already.
As far as I know there is a bug that sometimes gunshots are not hearable.
I'm 99% sure there was no other player around as I did not hear any footsteps or any other sound and there just was 2-3 other players on the server (I've checked before entering Elektro and 2 times while in the city just to be prepared).
Only explanation (other than: tuna killed me) could be someone spawned behind me outside my field of view, gave me a headshot but the shot itself was not hearable.
/edit: I'm still pretty new to the game so I'm not sure if a headshot leads to instant death or puts you in unconsciousness state before.
Had had this happen earlier in a military base that was surrounded by a stone wall. Just charged into it and got trough 2 walls that way.
Can confirm, I think he's talking about stuff like this (screenshot shown there is from settings menu, but this bug also happens for the "add to favourites" option in the server browser as well as for some interact options on some items.
Same happened to me, see
might be the same thing I reported here: ...try going to your graphic settings, just open them and then go back to game, that should fix it.
upvoted: happened to me several times as well.
can confirm.
I also noticed that the unwanted movement makes the typing a bit "laggy" and not fluent.
You can group bots, hold ctrl and click and drag one onto the other.