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- Mar 6 2013, 6:27 AM (629 w, 5 h)
May 10 2016
doesnt show up in inventory nor can be be used at all
Hope they go in this direction or further. would like 200% better
its been done in other games with minimal to no hit, at least not noticeable... so there has to be a way.
That could be cool; just as long as its dynamic, easy to use, and doesn't tax the server or players in the server
May 9 2016
yes.. also better animations... may get complex but, over some objects where sliding over would be good, others climbing would be better and slower.
I am getting this issue when doing anything through multiplayer; not joining a server but, when i host and no one else is on frame rate drops. when i use the editor not through multiplayer i have anywhere from 70-150 fps
safe mode for the game... as stated, sometimes when you have a mod that is causing issues, particularly when you have it loaded through the game menu, its a pain to deactivate
its more possible than impossible i think; the ability to do batch processes is in many applications far more complicated that this one. and the point is to have the ability to edit select features that are easily common between all units.. not effecting names; and other attributes that can cause issues.
The attitude that something is impossible is a trait of defeat. find the possibility in a challenge.
brians comment has merit; would also be cool to see rock climbing with use of gear.
ah re-reading the op, i was tired when i first read it, My complaints are off subject as are some of the others here. this is about the controls across the keyboard... it could be cleaned up and things could be done to give better access (see Maya hotbox) but the controls are fine, however i would like to see more customize options for keybindind, which isnt a big deal.
my complaints are on the subject of realistic movement as opposed to clunky videogame feel. other games are doing it well, where others are not.. arma series is getting there though.
sorry for the off topic argument. Vote down for this one.
yes, it needs work. I very well understand this is an alpha hence why i made my statement. Anyone who thinks that the controls are "realistic" is out of their minds... please, gear up, grab a weapon then play arma and tell me it feels natural. its getting there, with some tweaks it would be spot on. dont simplify the game substance, make the character control more fluid and dynamic. As real life is fluid and dynamic. If you feel in real life like you do in the game, then you need to seek medical attention immediately!
also to those who are crying that, well its better than arma2 so why are you complaining... well there are a slue of other games out there that have much better character handling. I am not saying that arma should be just like those, but the responsiveness and dynamic should be there. at the same time the character should be "human" in that he is hindered by weight, fatigue, and other human limitations. if you want outdated, non-dynamic, clunky, and down right unrealistic character handling, stay in the past. However, if you really do want realism, then support realism.
i am getting tired of seeing the responses to this; that this is a simulator! life is hard so this should be too! well... please; do yourself a favor, gear up and get a rifle and start moving, you can come to a hard stop, you can pull up and aim (not perfectly) but in the real world; you dont think about moving your legs, you just do it, you dont think about stopping your body, you just do it. if you guys really want a simulator, then lets have a simulator of humans; not robots.
words that describe how it feels in real life = Natural; dynamic; fluid; violent
these words should also describe how it feels in the game if it is in fact supposed to simulate real life. not; clunky, cumbersome, awkward.
Dont get me wrong; this is way better than how arma 2 felt. but it still needs work.
agreed! In real life, when geared up and handling my rifle, i have no issues moving fast and coming to a halt to acquire and shoot. should be the same in game
A temporary fix to get better frames and maintain great look (im running a 580gtx) is to lower your settings in game (disable aa, and set textures to mid levels so it stays on gpu) then in nvidia control panel set everything to high. my fps increased from an average of 40-50 fps to 50-80fps. even in choppers i was getting a drop to 30 or below.. it still drops now but it doesnt get lower than 30 at this point when flying.
I was testing some things for my mission and due to getting low frame rates, i made a fresh mission with a helicopter and player. When just as infantry, i was getting fps around 50-80 depending on what i was looking at which is fine, however as soon as i get into the chopper (ah-09 in this case) the frame rate drops to 30. i was also monitoring my gpu usage and graphics memory usage, the memory was maxing out (gtx580 with 3gb ram) but the gpu also dropped to 20-30 % usage as soon as entering the chopper. when exiting the chopper, it would stay at 30 but eventually would pick back up. on another note, when exhausting missiles the gpu would drop to 3% until explosions stopped.
please make this a priority before anything else... if we can not successfully play the game in both multiplayer and single, everything else done so far wont matter.
When i first started playing the game and hosting custom missions, i never had an issue. Just a few days ago, i would start a mission and it would be fine, but not long after start, it would come to a agonizing slow rate of 2-5fps. i monitored my system with vanilla settings and even with startup flags -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxVRAM=2047 (also tried higher) -maxMem=2047 (also tried higher). No luck with any combination. the game runs overall fine when not in multiplayer, but even in singleplayer it isn't utilizing my system as well as it probably should.
cpu barely hits 20% usage
gpu will start at around 60% then drop to 10% when the frames drop and sometimes go to 2%
my system specs are:
i7 950
gtx 580 3gb
24gb ram
WD black 7200rpm 1tb (game loaded)
WD black 7200rpm 2tb (windows loaded)
same; i7 950, gtx 580 3gb 24gb ram
upvoted; this shouldnt be something that ace needs to add, it should be in this game being that it is in by default many other games that are half its sophistication. however, if adding this means sacrificing other things such as making the game stable and running at 70+fps along with improving destruction, then i'm down for ace taking care of it.