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- User Since
- Aug 25 2014, 3:03 AM (552 w, 2 d)
Feb 7 2019
Jan 16 2019
@Wulf I was using fullscreen and it was causing my game to crash. After changing it to windowed, no more issues.
Dec 13 2018
I'm getting the same.
Oct 20 2018
I hope changing the severity of this will make someone look into it.
May 2 2018
Jul 13 2017
This issue is hugely affecting our Arma 3 community and servers. Would love to hear Bohemia's answer on this.
Dec 26 2016
I wonder if this problem will also be present at 64 bits version. Any ETA on when it's gonna be released to the general public (stable)?
Dec 25 2016
Dec 24 2016
Dec 22 2016
Exactly. Launcher didn't generate any dumps. Is there anything I can do?
A few posts ago I've attached all the .zip files. They were all generated from the launcher troubleshooting tool. But no problem. Here they are again:
If I'm not mistaken, it seems like the game never got to generate those dump files. I always had to forcibly close the game using the task manager (when it took too long to respond/work). After doing so, Arma 3 crash window appeared. Because of that reason I don't think it ever got to create dumps.
I could be wrong, but it seems like default settings are somehow interfering with the crashes I used to face, in a good way. However, my game performance and 'memory leaks' seem to have increased.
Dec 20 2016
Isn't tbb4malloc_bi already the default allocator? It seems to be one of the few memory allocators that allow me to play Arma 3 without what we usually call 'memory leaks' (when we get those 4 FPS all of a sudden). The other parameters were activated by Arma 3's recommended optimization thread, so I could get a better performance in-game. I'll try that anyway.
Things I've tried so far:
At least 3 crash reports have been added. Hope you guys can figure it out (already tried all the default actions described at community wiki).
Dec 4 2016
Is this issue getting fixed? It's getting pretty annoying by now. I'm pretty sure Gnashes provided as much info as he could. I can also confirm this.
Seems like it got fixed. Thanks for all the help!
Nov 25 2016
Oct 25 2016
Thank you so much for that. Can you confirm me it's not hardware related then?
Oct 21 2016
Any news on this?
Oct 18 2016
Thank you!
Just got another crash. Using default malloc now.
Oct 11 2016
Do you think it's still hardware-related issue?
Oct 8 2016
Yes, I think so. Right now I'll try using tbbmalloc and see how things go.
Oct 7 2016
Sorry if file has expired.
Oct 6 2016
Well, it seems like the problem's came back again. I'll be uploading the most recent report/mdmp.
Oct 4 2016
Support told me to disable launching parameters. But they're important for my game optimization. Either way, SEEMS like setting 'System memory limit' from 4096 MB to 2097 MB has made the errors disappear (at least for now). But I still need more testing to confirm that.
Sure, no problem:
Sep 29 2016
Log Report Download:
May 10 2016
On female zombies too!
Any info?
Oh, that's right. I'm sorry I'm wrong. My whole life I always learned secondary weapons were pistols. lol!
I hope you're right, but unfortunately they seem to have forgotten about this ticket.
Any update on this?
Thank you for the addition, MDCCLXXVI.
We tried adding some anim change, but it also didn't have effect.
Oops, thank you again! I added my last answer based on your changelog's link. I would test it soon with a friend, so I would post the result here. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible.
Anyway, thank you so much for taking your time on this! Happy to know it was really identified! :)
Thank you for the fast answer. At first, the problem was fixed.
If I face any more problems related I write it down again.
Thanks! :)
- I never tried that on singleplayer, but it's reproducible on dedicated servers.
- Any kind of land vehicles, mainly civilians (like hatchbacks, trucks etc.).
- Well, I just have some advanced missions, but I think you can try editing your handleDamage to disallow vehicles hits.
Anyway, I'll try to make a video soon.
(Please note that the only difference here is that I use a handleDamage code to disallow roadkill. But, when the code isn't apply and the player lies on the ground, the error occurs).
I'm through the same problem, and I have an Altis Life server (yeah, the problem isn't my client). Here are my log files and DxDiag:
I use Windows Server 2008 R2 x64.
Oh, note that if you put a fence from the editor, it works fine with the init code "allowDamage" or "enableSimulation". It just doesn't work when it's about original map objects.
Well, thank you for testing that. Could it be something to be seen by devs? Do I need to proceed with extra steps?
Well, if I put this on game logic, shouldn't it be already executing on all clients? I also tried enableSimulationGlobal, but it still not working yet. I still can run over fences and other objects, for example.
To clarify, I just want to do some area indestructible by car hits etc.
Well, so thank you for the attention! I will be waiting anxious! ;)