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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 7:40 AM (626 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
But it would look awesome if BIS could make an animation where an 3rd person can actually see soldier pulling the magazine from a pouch and reaching it over to other guy, the other guy accepts it and his character peforms an animation of recieving the mag (like streching the hand with a mag, bashing a guys shoulder with it, the guy swings his head, nicks and than takes the mag or something similar).
Game version - ArmA3 Alpha, not DEV
this addItem "NVGoggles"
this adds NV Goggles to equipement. As farest as I understood addGoggles applies only to the glasses and diving equipement and addHeadGear applies only to headgear, I've tried both commands for NV goggles.
May 9 2016
I tried to reporduce the bug. It is gone now.
I will give a sign incase I manage to reproduce it. Currently I'm a bit occupied.
I have played multiplayer with save and reloaded game from the saved point. The bug is gone now. Thanks.