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- Aug 26 2013, 4:28 AM (601 w, 1 d)
May 21 2020
I also get a popping noise. Only in the left channel. Happens when I'm in the editor after a couple minutes. 100% of the time it will pop when I click out of Arma and back in, and only when Livonia is open in the editor. Sometimes it pops while staying in the editor (on Livonia) whenever I click on something, like change unit faction, or select an object. I never get this noise with any other map open.
May 18 2020
This! I built a scene of Navy SEALs in the surf and the instructors keep removing and putting back on their dark shades when their feet get wet. Took me awhile to figure out why it was happening.
Jan 8 2017
It's also annoying when using the Arsenal because you try on something, then your dude is bending over or something that makes it impossible to just look at the outfit change. Then there's taking screenshots, have to shake the mouse back and forth a bit while taking the shot so your head won't spin around. It's one of the most pointless and annoying features I have ever seen in a video game.
Jan 1 2017
I am rather surprised that this has not been addressed. It's clearly a bug. If you run the sample mission it would be obvious. It worked fine in A2, broken by A3. There are a number of other speech related bugs too, such as "say" command not working with lip files, which I believe otherse have already reported.
Jul 13 2016
I have encountered the same problem in 1.62.
May 10 2016
I was hoping to make missions with a dynamic conversation system which I can't do with this bug, short of giving everyone radios which I would rather avoid. I realize few mission makers use the fsm's, but I'm still hoping someone will look into this. Thanks.
Please reopen this. I attached a file to prove that it does NOT work.
Without the radios, doesn't matter if you use DIRECT or not, there is no sound when they "talk". I attached a file that uses the official campaign as a resource. If you comment out the first line of init.sqf, you will get the sound back.
I can't believe I failed to test this in vanilla. The problem is caused by a mod I created and ported from Arma 2, must have leftover components for the Arma 2 UI. Please close, thanks.
I always try to keep a copy of the Arma3Profile file, so when things get messed up then I can just copy it back. However if you switch USB ports for a controller you should make a new copy. You could also set it to read-only, but unfortunately the same file is used to track missions that you play. In any event, I had no troubles with this update, no dupes, controls are still working as expected.
Something's going on. Since the update, all of my controllers had duplicate entries (Thrustmaster Warthog, Xbox controller, Saitek pedals). One entry appeared to be "dead" but I ended up remapping everything. Today I load the game, a few of the bindings are doubled again, such as the x-axis for Xbox controller which effectively made steering turn about 1 deg (seriously). Remapped those, restarted game to test, suddenly the Saitek is mapped to steering in one direction (it should never be mapped to ground vehicles in my setup). Keep in mind this has *never* occurred before. I thought it might be related to this ticket, or I could create another if you wish.
Works for me too. Also the <null> error is gone from campaign missions.
Same here. Had to ctrl-alt-del out of Arma. Also every mission in campaign starts with the <null> error, wonder if it's related.
I think related, I found that a tank running over one of the new karts, when pushed against a barrier, will explode and destroy the tank. I have a video:
Certainly the kart should not explode at all, and even so it shouldn't cause much damage to a tank. Conversely, when running over karts on open ground, I could not cause any explosions or fires, only when it hits a barrier like a curb in the video.
I probably had CBA3 running, but nothing else. The team was wiped out except for the TL and myself, and no idea if it was in combat mode, although he never gave the all clear so I would say probably. When I ran it again from the previous save location, the entire team survived and there was no problem at all.
Encountered this playing the mission "Crossing Paths" on the regular branch. Stuck at Agios Cephas, TL stopped giving orders after the place was cleared.
Same thing I noticed. It's at slow speeds that it takes way too long to stop, like just trying to turn around in a parking lot, in real life you can slam the brake and stop virtually right away. Here, the cars keep going backwards a car length or two before stopping. Arma 2 has better braking.
Glad it's not just me, I find the cloud warping effect hugely annoying. It's even visible in some of the Dyslexci videos such as the basic flight guide. Other games I play don't have this problem, and some have some really nice cloud visuals, so it could be done better in A3.
I always get this in Window mode and have to go full screen to not have the problem.
I see this has been around awhile. The hand in face animation is so annoying, I'm usually trying to look at surroundings or take a screenshot and the blasted guy fidgets more than a 5th grader.
May 9 2016
This issue is driving me mad. I use a wireless 360 controller. If the controller is on when A3 starts, no problem. However if it's not already on, when I need the controller I: 1) turn it on, 2) go to configure -> controls, then ESC back out to the game. 50% of the time, the controller will work again with the correct bindings. The other 50%, the bindings are blown out, gone. I keep a copy of Arma3Profile and use BeyondCompare to fix the bindings. Ideally, the controller settings should be in a separate file from the more dynamic settings like the last mission you played. Then I could at least set the file read-only, because once I set up the controllers, I rarely alter them.