your axe makes gun shot sounds because you are using the LMB to try to chop down? mine does the same, to chop a tree you need to spam f or MMB.. pressing LMB will only result in degradation to quailty of axe
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May 11 2016
you must be doing something wrong. it has never taken me 45 mins to warm up. maybe, being generous, it takes 15 mins with 1 fireplace. sticks vs. logs have a diff temp it seems
this is pointless, you know what you do? you either yell in your mic, talk normal, or talk quiet....
more crash sites (heli, cop car).. you mean the countless RANDOM spawn points across the entire 250 square mile map? As for guns.. those are simple to find, military or civilian
The point of DayZ is everyone is allowed to play it the way they want. I agree, i dont like KOS, i wish the killer would play it out and make it more interesting then simply killing you. Want less KOS, play a RP server, or a whitelist server with rules.
finding hand guns are not a problem, never has been. FNX is heli crash only, as with the mag. silencer has been missing for FNX since around time when M4 was tied to heli, as for red dot. that is heli too. i dont think spawn rates are a problem and the central loot ecomony hasnt even been fully implemented. nothing should be as easy as it is to find, the amount of ak's/pistols/sks spawns are insane. wait till things become even more rare..
The server hopper took the risk of being killed when he logs into a very high risk place. your friends and you should always be on high alert at ANY military place. as far as i have seen, there is a delay from when you log in and you are standing still for a period. your friend didnt see him and that is his bad for lack of perception.
May 10 2016
My freind had the exact same problem. I would look into your graphics card. With earlier versions of opengl and directx that your card supports, night does not work. He put in a new graphics card that didnt have outdated opengl and diractx and everything is fine now