I have bug in the game.
Harley Walden <[email protected]>
Jan 18 (5 days ago)
to support
I can't cut down any trees at all with any axe on any type of server. all i get is the sounds like gun fire. i can chop down a bush, but i still do not get knidling. i have to hunt for kindling on the ground only and my friends have to cut all the firewood i get for fires.
Jiří Kunt via RT
Hello, please specify which game are you talking about. Also please send us a...
Jan 19 (4 days ago)
Harley Walden <[email protected]>
10:23 AM (18 hours ago)
to support
Thank you for the reply.
The game is Dayz Standalone 0.52
As far as sending you a screen shot. That makes no sense
You need a screen shot of me holding a axe at a tree?
The Problem is:
I can't chop firewood, or kindling
With either axe, both the spliting axe, or the fire axe.
On all the types of trees in the game.
On all the types of bushes in the game.
Any Type of server 1st person - or 3PP. hosted by anyone.
I have tried all these combinations above.
When I go to cut firewood it will make the sounds same as if i was choping a wall or say metal. An never cuts the trees down or yields any firewood. When i go to cut kindling from a bush it will cut the bush down, but will yield no sticks. for myself or others.
Other players can use my axe to cut the same tree, or bush i have just tried. An everthing is Normal with them. firewood and kindling.
I can have firewood or sticks others have cut for me. I can hunt for kindling and everthing is normal. Its just when i try and CUT THEM MYSELF.