Has happened to me many times.
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Nov 12 2024
Resolved for the upcoming update for 1.26 patch.
Nov 11 2024
According to the files as they are now, this is the correct current behaviour. That wreck and the loot you found is currently setup to potentially spawn any weapon that doesn't have tiers assigned.
Thanks for responding. Love the map btw.
This has happened to me. I had to relog into the server to resolve it.
Thank you Skimzoid1663.
This spot has been reported to us previously and fix is being worked on. As for rescuing your character, suggestion by @XL is valid.
Will close this ticket as another one exists on topic of this stuck spot.
Hello Zimmen944.
This has been previously reported but unfortunately we were unable to produce the issue on our end.
Please fix my issue
Any Updates? I still have a lot of errors that are outside of my control.
I really hope this is being looked into. I'd imagine it can't be too tough to fix if it's not in conflict with some Xbox live VOIP policy like I've seen some people claim. Proper directional VOIP would have a big impact on player interactions, could get some people out of party chat and might even reduce KOS a bit. Organic player interactions are a significant part of what makes DayZ special, and Xbox (and PlayStation?) players are missing out on part of the experience
Nov 10 2024
try to switch between two official servers
Fully Geared
Nov 9 2024
Nov 8 2024
Thank you, we will investigate and possibly take an action.
Hello Jordan90
Possibly there was some issue in the network route between the client and server, since requests haven't reached the server.
This is unfortunately outside of our reach, since it regards to the clients connection to the server.
Ok so the issue is now solved for player #2 as well. Thank you!
Nov 7 2024
That player in picture #1 is now able to connect but player in picture #2 still cannot connect. The problem persists for them.
Thank you, does the issue still persist? as we can see from the logs that there was a successful connection from the player ID = CBC834569672F5B273D6F9E97D37D4A482FBE4FE at 17:42 LA Time (2:42 AM CEST)
Dear DayZ and Bohemia team!
Nov 6 2024
In T186166#2698779, @SoulsAggro wrote:I would love to resolve it with Nitrado, unfortunately, they don't respond, then they close the ticket. It's happened to my last 4 tickets, how do I resolve it with them when they refuse to do anything?
The game is dying on console and they're the ones killing it.
Resolved for the upcoming update for 1.26.
Hello babalu27.
This will be resolved in an upcoming patch for 1.26 update.
Speedyjrgun4 Xbox one started the game a week ago play a few hours change servers once I die, the last server rested and got kicked while it reset I bought the frosty map dlc after download couldn’t join every server, Left game to do IRL task game was Home Screen tried entering previous server getting error code or warning (0x00040046) tried all favorited servers I’ve been on and nothing I need help please
Sent from my iPhone
Picture #1 attempted to connect at 6:04pm est today 11/5
Nov 5 2024
So picture #2 attempted to connect today 11/5/24 at 3:30pm Central Standard Time
Here's the second player ID.
I would love to resolve it with Nitrado, unfortunately, they don't respond, then they close the ticket. It's happened to my last 4 tickets, how do I resolve it with them when they refuse to do anything?
In T186114#2698189, @jordan90 wrote:
Hello SoulsAggro.
Please try to resolve the issue with Nitrado directly as they are responsible for server hosting. Unless the problem is caused by some game issue on our end then there is not much we can do at the moment.
Hello Gimlyyyy.
Unfortunately we have no way to unstuck your truck.
How is a player ID going to help for a server side issue? I rented a 10 slot nearly 24hrs ago and still cannot use it. Same error code.
I've had 15 people try so far, no one can connect.
@Geez Can we get better hosting options yet? I paid for a server nearly 24hrs ago and I still cannot use it.
As you can see by the event log, the server was acting weird from the moment of purchase, duplicates of settings changing at the exact same time when I clicked "save"
Service ID: 16075765
Here is one of them
Nov 4 2024
Just want to be able to play again
You got logged in on
Hello Dirtyboi23.
Is this still a problem?
Hello jordan90.
Can they post the player ID's (shown in the corner of the main menu)? If the issue still persists.
Nov 3 2024
@Geez just because you're quick about these things
- Drop both shemagh's on the ground and quickly equip both whilst changing selection of the dropped item, works better right to left.
Xbox official server went down for normal reset and never came back up 4404.
I found out it was user error, had a dot in front of a number, I think that was a cause, I couldn't seen it cause of how small it was but it's back to normal
I believe they'd be a great addition alongside any other planned features.
Nov 2 2024
Nov 1 2024
Resolved for 1.27, it should not be possible to attempt to harvest seeds from frozen vegetables.
Oct 31 2024
Oct 30 2024
Hello Kahrupted.
Servers were intentionally reworked with 1.26 and established server numbers have been reshuffled.
You can find the full statement here: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/249440-general-server-notice/?do=findComment&comment=2500949
In T177835#2694505, @sileed wrote:@Geez
for clarity if I'm reading this correctly, what you are saying is:
Let's take BDUJacket
<type name="BDUJacket"><nominal>5</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>600</restock> <min>2</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Military"/> </type>1.25 and prior this item would spawn at server wipe with 5, players would loot it down to 2 and then contrary to documentation, the CLE would spawn it back to 5 then wait for the Restock timer of 600 before checking again
1.26 and up this item would spawn at server wipe with 5, players would loot it down to 2 and then every 600 seconds the CLE would add 1 to the economy if the count was < 5Is that was this says now?
Also getting players reporting that loot is extremely rare and I use restock timers quite a bit. Probably wasn't an issue before because most rare items are very low qty, but not all cases