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Feedback Tracker - "How To" Guide
Updated 3,141 Days AgoPublic

Version 4 of 18: You are viewing an older version of this document, as it appeared on Jul 14 2016, 2:54 PM.

Before submitting a feedback / bug report, please make sure to do following:

  • Take a look at known issues
  • Check out BI Support FAQ, Arma3 FAQ and BattlEye FAQ
  • Search through the Feedback Tracker
  • If you cannot find issue you've encounter in any of these, please report it

Searching through Feedback Tracker

  • Quickly search through the Recent Tasks on the main page If you experience an issue shortly after update, there is a big chance someone already reported similar issue
  • Select Arma3 and Open
  • Go to the Maniphest page for more thorough search
  • Hit Edit Query to display search options
  • To search for Arma 3 issue, make sure green Arma 3 tag is present
  • Try to use Contains Words to find the issue you are experiencing
  • You can try and use any other search options Remember though, that other users may not always fill in all the info and if your search is too specific, you might end up empty handed

How to report an issue
Creating a ticket

  • Click on the PLUS (+) symbol in the upper right corner of the FT screen (next to your profile picture)
  • Select New Arma 3 Bug Report
  • Fill in all the important information (proper descritpion, game version, attach files - crashdumps, pictures of visual issues, videos of sound issues) and any other info you find relevant.
  • The more information we get the faster we are able to find and fix the issue
  • After you have filled in all the important information hit Create New Task below the ticket form

How to find your precise version/branch

  • Steam -> if there's Arma 3 [something], the something is the branch you are using
  • Launcher -> Upper left corner, colored ribbon
  • Launcher > Options -> Branch

Version/Revision number

  • Launcher > Options -> Game
  • In-game > Main Menu/ Pause Menu -> lower right corner of the screen
  • Executable file -> right-click - Properties - Details tab
  • RPT file
    • Windows: C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
    • Linux: /home/<name>/.local/share/bohemiainteractive/arma3/AppDataLocal/Arma 3
    • Mac: /Users/<Name>/Library/Application Support/com.vpltd.Arma3/AppDataLocal

<font size="12" color'"orange">How to report game crash</font>
Probably the most important part of this are the crashdump files
Easiest way to get them is through the Launcher
Launcher > Options > Prepare Arma 3 Troubleshooting report
Wait for the application to gather the files, then hit Save Report
Save the ZIP file somewhere where you will be able to find it
Upload the file to your ticket (see below: Creating Ticket)
Here's where to find them
Windows: C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Linux: /home/<name>/.local/share/bohemiainteractive/arma3/AppDataLocal/Arma 3
Mac: /Users/<Name>/Library/Application Support/com.vpltd.Arma3/AppDataLocal
Files that you are looking for: RPT, MDMP, BIDMP (best case scenario is that you have multiple of these in sets of three files with the same timestamp)
DxDiag files are also welcome
Windows - insert_link_here
Linux - insert_link_here
Mac - insert_link_here
If you are able to reproduce the crash without mods, please try to do so and provide us with the crashdumps generated without the mods (you can check the RPT file to see which one it is)
Creating Ticket:
Title -> Short description of the issue, you can include some basic info like "only in MP" or the error code
Severity -> Crash
Description -> Information about when and how crash happens - is it after certain time, in SP, MP or both, is it random or after performing certain action
Steps to reproduce -> if you are able to reproduce the crash by performing certain action/s please tell us how
Additional Information -> Anything that comes in mind and seems relevant, also upload CRASHDUMPS here
ZIP the crashdumps up and prepare them for upload
Drag and Drop the zip file into the Additional Information text box
Click on the Upload button (little cloud with an up-arrow) and select the prepared crashdump zip in the Additional Information text box
Include any other relevant info (DxDiag, etc.)
Category -> Game Crash (Please try not to forget about this one)

How to report in-game bug
Please try to provide as much information as possible about the issue
Title -> short description of the issue
Description -> describe the issue you've encountered. Describe it thoroughly yet briefly
Severity -> to state how much this affects the gameplay (Cannot complete task in any way = Block, Cannot go prone = Major, Cannot equip Boonie Hat after diving for 5 minutes = Minor)
Reproducibility -> use this to warn us that it might not be easy to come across this issue
Steps to reproduce -> describe how to reproduce the bug, it is easiest to fix a bug that we can reproduce on our own
Additional Information -> any other information about the issue you find relevant yet didn't make it into the Repro Steps or Description, if you have any screenshots or videos you can use to describe or help us reproduce the bug, upload it to this section
EXAMPLE (Please do not take this seriously)
Title: CSAT tank cannot take off
Description: T100 - Varsuk tank cannot take off unless the whole crew gets out and in before starting the engine
Severity: Major
Reproducibility: Always
Steps to reproduce:
Start Arma 3
Go to Editor
Place in T100 - Varsuk
Preview Scenario
Start the engine
Hold L Shift to take off
Observed: T100 will rotate its turret but won't take off, you will need to get whole crew out and in again if you wish to take off
Expected: T100 takes off normally
OS: Windows 10
OS Version: Professional
Category: Advanced Flight Model

Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 14 2016, 2:54 PM

Event Timeline

razazel created this document.Jul 14 2016, 2:44 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel changed the title from Test to Feedback Tracker - "How To" Guide.Jul 14 2016, 2:49 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 2:54 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 3:49 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 4:01 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 4:05 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 4:08 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 4:12 PM
razazel changed the visibility from "Administrators" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jul 14 2016, 4:15 PM
razazel changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "Administrators".
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jul 14 2016, 4:17 PM
razazel changed the title from Feedback Tracker - "How To" Guide to Feedback Tracker - Guides.
razazel changed the visibility from "Administrators" to "Custom Policy".Jul 14 2016, 4:36 PM
razazel changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jul 15 2016, 3:26 PM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jan 13 2017, 11:28 AM
razazel edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
dbd824 added a subscriber: dbd824.Oct 17 2018, 5:21 PM

Dayz Xbox the zombies are sometimes invisible

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This comment was removed by Dwarden.
This comment was removed by Dwarden.
This comment was removed by Dwarden.
This comment was removed by Geez.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Nov 12 2018, 10:53 AM
RaffaMoreira removed a subscriber: RaffaMoreira.

game crashing on startup, dialog box shows " Arma 3 has exited in an unusual manner"

exit code: 0xC06D007E

The data base lost my character and now I can’t play on any severs anymore because of it and earlier I didn’t die but somehow I lost my character and had to start from scratch all over again

And all this happened on the Xbox one

DeanKaneSir310 added a subscriber: DeanKaneSir310.EditedApr 1 2019, 3:28 AM

I keep getting a “warning you were kicked off the game (database connection timeout)” message on Xbox one gt: DeanKaneSir310

Combination lock on Xbox one; After I unlock the lock it goes to the ground and I cannot reattach the lock to my gate. I will then have to change which fence is the gate and find a new lock.

In one of those cars that have a two way tail gate (i think that is what it's called) If you press your self tn there and close the tail gate you gett locked inside with no way to escape (i have tried every thing i can think of) please fix this as fast as posible.

Ps. Sorry if my english is bad english is not my original language (i hope you under strand what i mean with two way tail gate. If you don i'll try to explane. A tale gate that opens on both the top and The bottom

sanader added a subscriber: sanader.Jun 6 2019, 4:27 PM

Hi bohemia 
I love Arma , DayZ
And I hope to fix bugs and glitchs on ps4
There are so many Glitchs need to fix
And I hope to fix the frame rate on Big Citys
And when I scooped in sniper or rifle .
Thanks so much for great games.

Hi creators of dayz on ps4 i have a problem, i can,t build a gate anywhere i can build wall but not gate so fix that please and when i scope there so many freeze and some more the dead buddies are disappears and so many crashes i hope you fix it because i very love dayz pls!!!!!!!!!!

Me and a fellow player on dayz love the game but we have grinded for many weeks to gear up and build a base once we did and we stored items into the large military tent on our server we can no longer pick the items back up to use them. Is this a known issue to you? Is it being patched in the new update? We are not trying to lose all that time and effort for no reason. It be one thing if we had the items in our inventory and we where killed but to have it locked in our base and not accessible is driving us crazy. Would love to hear from the developers about this and if there is anything I can do on my end to fix this issue.

Hello on the topic the base stays our is gone Server 9161

Cludiu added a subscriber: Cludiu.Jan 30 2020, 4:32 AM

Hola creadores de day z estaba jugando con 2 amigos eh ivamos en. Auto y se nos cerro el juego perdimos todo los q teniamos los tres al mismo tiempo volvimos a enpesae de cero y estuve un rato largo para armar ese auto y me guataria recuperarlo igual q la ropa y laa cosas q tenia yo y mis amigos. Hay alguna solucion de recuperar mis cosas? Muchas gracias

steelmaiden removed a subscriber: steelmaiden.
XxXALEXXxXBr removed a subscriber: XxXALEXXxXBr.

Please can you guys make it so we download the whole map on console instead of streaming us onto the map I know most people will download it regardless of how big it is to make the game run smoother please.

Server 0042 on PS4 keeps getting a "no message received within x seconds" message and then get kicked off. When I finally get back in I may or may not be in the same spot.

Hello game dev's,

Love y'all's games, been playing DayZ on xbox and the tourist map seems to only go up and left. It will not go down or to the right. Zoom in and out works and graphics are good. Just can't zoom in and adjust the map to view where your at. I know it doesn't show your position, but I do know how to read topographical maps. If y'all are able to look into it that would be awesome and make it easier but so far I am able to manage. Y'all have a great one and thanks for reading.

Hello everybody! it's an absolute joke! and these bugs keep getting worse and worse! Are you not able that this game runs smoothly on the PS4!?!? I logged out normally, changed the server and my character is gone !! that you are not ashamed! such things cannot be remedied! it would be a game with a lot of potential! however, the anger outweighs more! this is definitely not a successful business model or game! After all, you pay for the game and then you expect it to run smoothly!

This comment was removed by Geez.
NoNameUltima removed a subscriber: NoNameUltima.
This comment was removed by Geez.
LouMontana edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Dec 15 2022, 5:59 PM

It rains way to much, if I clear a town of zombies I expect to be rewarded by them not spawning back in 2 minutes later, console servers are awful because there is only one first person server I play Asia servers and all the rest are third person witch I hate and most of them have no one in them get rid of most the servers and have more first person ones. You be hearing from me further with more complaints