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- Mar 6 2013, 9:47 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
This works with my Logitech g27 gas-pedals. Lean is an analog-capable input.
It's not worth their time NOW perhaps with all the worse game-breaking issues, but it's not like this should never be considered.
It's just that there's so many keybinds already, it's almost better that the user set them up themselves just to better remember what's what.
I agree that the movement in this game is excessively obtuse.
I know I'll get flamed to hell and back for this next comment, but I wish they'd take a cue from more modern games with regards to movement and it's animations.
BF3 might be a crappy arcade-shooter compared to Arma, but they've nailed the feeling of actually being in control of your soldier rather than feeling like you're simply a puppeteer who's missing fingers and has broken strings on his puppet.
It's in the Nvidia driver, there's nothing 3rd party except the app you would use to change the settings since Nvidia hasn't exposed it to the control panel.
I use this all the time to limit my FPS in games since I use a 120Hz monitor and sometimes the dips are quite severe in games.
If you're using an Nvidia card, there is functionality in the drivers game profiles to limit FPS.
You'd need to use something like Nvidia inspector to turn this on, though, as it's not in the default control panel.
Aspect ratio support needs to be better, I agree.
Who even uses 4:3 screens anymore?
Also, when changing aspect ratios, can you fix the 2d overlays for scopes so that changing from the default aspect ratio doesn't break their functionality in terms of the mil-dots?
While I would love this, I doubt it will happen.
They haven't even been able to give us a proper "climbing down a ladder" animation for 3 years now, so I don't think things like complex vaulting animations are even possible for them.
There is a keybind to toggle.
Default it's a double tap of Num+/- but you can change to whatever you like.
Yes. These type of reports must just slow down the workflow of the ones trying to sort this all out.
Kidmosey's comment above nailed the issue succinctly.
You would STILL have to pull down the mouse for rapid-fire.
He's not asking that the reticle re-set to the center immediately after each shot. Just that it would eventually.
Naturally if you keep firing before the reset-has happened, it will keep moving upwards, but as it is , you can now fire one single-shot and still see your barrel remain higher than it was.
The amount of people who can't seem to understand what this reporter is explaining is unreal.
Reading comprehension, people.
Umm it's got hundreds of votes.. perhaps you had a display error.
Yeah, I don't mind all PP effects, but the ones meant to mimic camera lenses, like Motion-Blur, DOF, and other such effects don't seem to be proper to me since I'm meant to be a human in the game using his eyes, not a camera. :D
Crytek can be forgiven since you're in a suit and have lens-eye thingies heh.
I've never understood why in games where I'm supposed to be looking through a human-being's eyes have Motion-Blur.
Movie-cameras shooting at 24FPS get motion-blur as an artifact, human eyes do not perceive this in the same way at all.
My eyes aren't a movie-camera, so please stop with the post-process abuse.
I believe this is related to my report as well on a similar issue with SLI and the PiP views.
It's probably an issue with alternate-frame-rendering and this particular shader using data from previous frames?
Thanks, glad to help. That's why I'm playing an alpha!
It seems this issue also extends to the mirrors.
The only reason changing FOV breaks the reticles and such is because they're 2d elements and they apparently aren't made to scale to any other FOV than the default one.
This could easily be fixed by making the scope overlays scale based on the FOV/apect ratio.
This should have already been done, as not everyone has the same aspect to begin with.
Some of the "fixes" in here are funny. There's nothing you guys can tweak in your config files that is going to let the game use the other 70% of your CPU.
Acutally it's less than that. More like 2gb.
Yeah, my GPU's are starved for frames.
We need to be able to get more draw-calls pumping out of the CPU cores.
3way SLI of GTX 580's , and a 2600k at 4.5gHz, I can get highs of 80-100 FPS, then see it drop to a low of 20 FPS in something like the helicopter showcase.
GPU usage during these lows is at a measly 15% each with maybe 20-25% CPU usage. If I didn't override it in the drivers, my GPU's would probably be under-clocking themselves down to 2d speeds they're so under-used.
I really don't think they're devoting much time to fixing this.
Low Priority means 2 years to fix it?