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Jan 27 2014, 10:50 AM (581 w, 4 d)

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May 30 2017

samadhi updated the task description for T125230: DayZ - 64-bit Client Crashes on exit.
May 30 2017, 7:22 PM · DayZ
samadhi created T125230: DayZ - 64-bit Client Crashes on exit.
May 30 2017, 7:21 PM · DayZ

May 11 2016

samadhi added a comment to T109256: Invisible Zombies, multiple at a time, multiple times a day.

This happened to me earlier on the current exp branch (v0.55.126981). I was in Elektro and had been playing alone on the server for about an hour as a fresh spawn with no issues. Suddenly I'm getting mauled by an unknown enemy. Figuring out that its a glitch I start wildly swinging my melee weapon in all directions thinking I can kill this invisible zed with a well placed swing but to no avail, I died.

It just happened again on another character on the same exp build only this time I was able to glean some insight from the ordeal. I ran around a building hoping to get away and found a zombie attacking dead air with suspiciously coincidental timing as the hits I was receiving. I promptly dispatched the bastard and to no surprise the attacks stopped. Perhaps this will shed some light on exactly what's going on here.

May 11 2016, 4:39 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105638: Weird wire-frame occurring with the terrain. Where you can walk more specifically..

Apparently it is a known issue.

May 11 2016, 2:28 AM · DayZ
samadhi set Category to category:structures on T105629: Door too short to enter/exit without crawling..
May 11 2016, 2:28 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105586: Since the last stable release, my PC reboots 10 seconds after connecting to a server..

I'm guessing the answer is no from what you stated in the description but I'll ask anyway; Are you overclocking either your CPU/Memory or your GPU core?

I ask because DayZ is the one game that will crash for me if I overclock my GPU in any way. What has been a stable overclock (default factory overclock for 7970) for me in every other game, will cause DayZ to crash randomly. I can overclock my i7 no problem, but not the 7970.

That said, I've never had it take my system down, just the game executable.

[edit] It might also be worth checking the Windows Event logs for a clearer picture of what is going on when the system hoses up. Just reproduce the crash, note the time it went down, then look in the event log for an entry matching that timestamp and see what it tells you about the error.

May 11 2016, 2:26 AM · DayZ
samadhi set Category to category:playerstuck on T105568: Fell into a crevice..
May 11 2016, 2:25 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105311: Water Considerations: Wells don't work and game is lacking streams and other bodies of water.

I drank pond water in large quantities when i reverted back to .50 and had to deal with the broken wells. Surprisingly I did not get sick...

May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105310: Geometry/AI Pathing visible..

Thanks, Andy. Much appreciated.

May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105310: Geometry/AI Pathing visible..

The issue occurred again randomly in the latest experimental branch (0.51) as well. Adding a rar with screenshots.

May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105310: Geometry/AI Pathing visible..

I wish I could say yes. In my case, just a single 7970 running at stock clocks.

May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
samadhi edited Steps To Reproduce on T105310: Geometry/AI Pathing visible..
May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105273: Unable to walk over zombie bodies.

Confirmed. Was stuck in a room in a police station for a while I waited for corpse cleanup. Was unable to vault over him either. Not a huge deal but still annoying.

May 11 2016, 2:13 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

I've had the same problem. Dual monitor setup, single GPU (7970), stock clocks, latest drivers. It seemed to happen when I approached loot and used the TAB key to bring up my inventory view. It took me a while to notice a pattern but when I finally did and remapped to a mouse button the problem seemed to stop.

The game would CTD but still be running, my mouse would act janky and the Dayz icon in the taskbar would flicker. After a few seconds I could regain control of my mouse and either click or ALT+TAB back into the game.

The issue only occurred in .51 experimental.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
samadhi set Category to category:structures on T104884: Partially floating single story barn in far north near Polesovo. [Coordinates: 055 021].
May 11 2016, 1:57 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T104883: Fence cutting through shed in Sinistok. [Coordinates: 011 032].

And another nearby at: 011 033. See additional screenshots.

May 11 2016, 1:57 AM · DayZ
samadhi set Category to category:structures on T104883: Fence cutting through shed in Sinistok. [Coordinates: 011 032].
May 11 2016, 1:57 AM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T104784: [Experimental 50.125369] Marine Drybag stays on the Ground.

Uploaded supporting screenshots.

May 11 2016, 1:53 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

samadhi added a comment to T97376: Bank in front of door near airstrip structure.

Duplicate issue. This ticket #0007693 should be the main report for this issue.

May 10 2016, 9:36 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T95231: There are houses where you never find loot in them, because it spawns beneath the floor on the ground.

I can't say I have directly confirmed this bug but I've suspected something like this was the case for some time. Especially when taken in context with things you drop never appearing or falling through the floor in some buildings. Worth looking into, this one.

[edit] Visually confirmed. Also, this can be seen on the roof of both the ACT and School. Go prone (be sure you are within the small raised center if on the roof at the school) and in first person view you should be able to glitchview or use vicinity tab to view the loot that is hidden below the textures there.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T95218: Ammo disappears.

Confirmed. Happens constantly with all varieties of ammunition. It usually occurs when I empty a mag or a box of ammo into my inventory, another stack of the same type will suddenly show as having a null count.

May 10 2016, 8:23 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T95188: Weapon doubling.

Confirmed. Friend had an M4 with ACOG and other attachments. He broke his legs and when logged the rifle stayed on the ground after his character disappeared. I picked up the dupe and began using it and when he later logged back in to a different server he still had the original.

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T95142: Fix this pls!.

In the future, a more descriptive title that somehow describes the problem you are experiencing would be appreciated.

May 10 2016, 8:20 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T95125: Ammo disappears when unloading speedloaders.

I can confirm this. It also happens with M4 magazines quite frequently.

May 10 2016, 8:20 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94782: Unable To Loot My Own Dead Body.

Confirmed. Added two screenshots. I tried various approaches in first and third person for several minutes before giving up. I also tried using the vicinity tab but for whatever reason I did not have the presence of mind to take a screenshot of that.

May 10 2016, 8:08 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94698: Character movement when changing between weapons is stuck.


May 10 2016, 8:04 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94686: Loud rustle noise when spawning..

Confirmed. Although I haven't heard it since before the last patch.

May 10 2016, 8:02 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94433: emptying ammo box sets exisitng ammo to 0.

Duplicate issue here.

May 10 2016, 7:53 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94421: Emptying a mag from a loot, the ammo disappears..

Also, sometimes when you empty a mag from within your inventory either none of the rounds appear or only a few of them do. For example if it shows to be a full 30rd magazine, only a handful of the bullets will appear (ie 2/30).

May 10 2016, 7:52 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94304: Character keeps runing when switching weapons.


May 10 2016, 7:48 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T94052: DayZ Standalone Steam crashes: Failed to Start Game (Missing Executable).

I had the same issue and discovered it was because I still was opted into experimental after the push to stable (ie. exp and stable were one in the same). I verified local contents, reinstalled the game, etc to no avail.

Finally I opted out of exp. b/c I happened to notice it and it worked fine after that. Just an FYI.

May 10 2016, 7:40 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T93719: Hunger bug strikes again.

I'm pretty sure that is just the game mechanics and not a bug.

May 10 2016, 7:28 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T93565: Ground texture clipping.

Confirmed. Added relevant screenshot. Though this occurrence was in a house in Staroye. From this, we can infer that it's obviously not limited to one type of building.

May 10 2016, 7:23 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T93107: Floating tree stump.

Confirmed. Added relevant screenshot.

May 10 2016, 7:00 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T92729: Can't grab items under bed.

I have had the same problem with other loot, although to a lesser degree. It's happened with m4's, pistols, gun parts, ammo, food, etc...

May 10 2016, 6:48 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T89456: Grass and Trees turn white..

Andy, my friend mentioned having this problem since .47 (currently he is playing .50 stable). I will have him take a screenshot and upload here.

[edit] Screenshots added.

May 10 2016, 4:58 PM · DayZ
samadhi added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

The other day I was in the Krasnostav School and was attacked while on the third floor from an infected who happened to be on the ground floor. He hit me three times before I realized where he was and went downstairs to dispatch him.

May 10 2016, 1:15 PM · DayZ