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- User Since
- Jan 26 2014, 12:45 AM (582 w, 23 h)
May 10 2016
confirmed, i have only ever been able to chamber one round on the mosin and have therefore never carried one around long enough to paint it or add anything.
i have encountered this as well, the only common theme i can find between items ive found that cannot be picked up is that they where all camouflaged clothing. hats and pants specifically. never had that issue with a pair of boots tho
occasionally it comes up that i dont want people to know that im armed, and i love this feature. i would do the same thing in reality too. the only thing i can think of tho is that a weapon should not be as easily accessed from a backpack as it is from a holster. maybe a 5 second time lag for drawing a weapon from a backpack or something along them lines.
have you tried (and i have to ask, because you havent said youve tried anything to fix this problem so i can only assume you need us to think for you)
- right click the game in steam, select properties, then verify local files.
- delete local content, then re-install?
this is a windows corrupt files error.
theres instructions to fix it there
heres a protip--- google shit.
before you discount this thread, i would like to add that i suspect there may be a way to render textures invisible in this game. recently, i was attempting to position myself to locate and execute a sniper when a "fresh spawn" entered the same building as i was in. there where a couple very well kitted people dead on the floor near me, so i let him approach and told him he could help himself to the gear they where carrying (i didnt kill them, the sniper did). he went prone near the stairway to the room i was in, nowhere near the bodies lying on the floor then his hands positioned themselves as though he was carrying a mosin. before i could think wtf, i was dead. i heard the shot that killed me, and its audio position matched the "fresh spawn" who had appeared to be carrying no gear with him, only pants shoes and shirt. the sniper that i was hunting was far enough away that their gunshots didnt even make noise i could hear.
so, as i said, i think there is a way to render some textures invisible. if this method where applied to clothing, it would essentially create an invisible character.
i get the same error at what seems to be a random interval after logging into any server, and you wouldnt catch me dead wearing a beret... not when there are ballistic helmets laying all over the place. there are a pile of threads about this tho.
wow if thats the wind, how do my feet stay planted on the ground? and why do i hear it everywhere even when inside buildings and such? and you are correct about ver. # its 114557 i just typed it wrong cause i was distracted by the wind inflating my head through my eardrums
i have similar issues with the sun in daytime servers, where it will wash out far more than it should with some colour anomolies as well as the white. maybe a hardware t&l issue
wow thats a curiosity then... in a game like this that attempts to emulate reality (well, all except the part where random stuff seems to appear out of nowhere and there are still guns in military bases, a place i would assume would have been picked clean very fast upon an apocalypse)that is not in line with real world ...reality. if you dont believe me, then try it out! run as fast as you can. once you reach your maximum speed, try throwing a few punches. i mean real punches, not the kind a boxer would do while warming up. also, please video the results as i love watching people fall on their asses. more while they are running at full speed.
i hope its intended... the amount of military loot found in these locations was (imho) ridiculous anyway. i would assume that military installations would have been picked clean within minutes of any sort end of the world scenario, especially one like a zombie uprising. to be able to find loot there, and in the quantities we used to be able to, just never jived for me.
ive had this issue with flashlights that i acquired on 24/7 day servers when i tried to use them on night servers.
i can confirm that my hotkey will not toggle the light, however it does work when i right click it in the inventory screen. real pain in the ass when im trying to remain undetected and only want to flash the light fast and low to see whats around.
ive experienced the same issue twice now, luckily i was able to run back out of the rocks that i was stuck in by just running in random directions until i found one that would let me pass. i was a little panicked the first time, however, since my char. was fully kitted out the way i wanted and i hadnt even had a chance to kill anyone yet.
you might be the guy i shot from some distance with a silenced m4 while climbing the ladder on a control tower in airfield. i couldnt find your body either.
suppressors work well enough as far as ive experienced, they do quiet the weapon a fair amount though there will be random shots that arent quiet as well.
wait... you can actually read some of these great works of literature that are found throughout the game world? not really high on my list of things to do while in a game (i have a bathroom for reading lol) but still a neat feature if true!
i often log these "we kick" servers just to see how long it takes to get booted... but in all honesty, out of at least 50 different tries logging them ive only been kicked once. its pretty cool actually, since the people on that server will usually assume you are a clan member and let you walk right up to them and feed them a bullet right to their heads. nice way to score some loot up.
anything ive read on this topic from the dayz team has indicated that only allowing clan members to inhabit a server through either password protecting or kicking non members in a public service is not allowed, as it is considered a form of cheating (and really, it is)to create a public server for the express intent of having a place for you and your few friends to farm gear.
i think this site is solely intended for bug reporting. there are forums on the dayz site for making suggestions. making suggestions here sets a precedence that could potentially cause this site to be flooded with more and more until it becomes impossible to find actual bug reports.
voted down for not belonging here.
laying down in a field is for hiding... laying down on a hilside where you have a clear line of sight to your target is for sniping... ive used both techniques to great success in this game.
if you dont want people mistaking your flaslight for a gun, then dont hold it like one. you can toggle it with the space bar. same applies for the moron you shot.
after i bought this game, they did not do an update for about a week. during that time i became accustomed to seeing large ammounts of loot in some key areas. now they have done an update, and reset all servers, and loot is indeed very scarce for me. ive noticed however that the farther we get from that update, the better it seems to get. im thinking the reasoning for this is that loot spawns when the server resets (anywhere from every 1 to 24 hours if i understand it correctly) but does not despawn, so the older a server gets from the time of its last complete reset (one due to a large and complex update, like the one we just saw that brought us to ver. 11477) the more loot there will be laying around since it takes time to accumulate. eventually it would get to a point where the picked over remaining loot would contain some very useful items (who needs 3 m4?).
when i use my xbox controller (which i rarely do in this game, the inability to invert my y axis renders me noob) i still use my pinky fingers on my keyboard to cover the missing functions that the controller just doesnt have enough buttons to cover.