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- User Since
- Mar 22 2014, 1:06 AM (573 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
i´ve reported it in 0010495.
Happened yeserday again to a new friend.
So you refer to the glitch mentioned also in 0010947 (with youtube-Link).
Seems like a Desync.
It is night, no graphic bug :D
I played at night today, too.
Found a gaslamp and it was a great experience to play in the darkness!
Only turnend the lamp on in houses.
I have read That there is a desync with Day and Night.
Confirm! Horrible!
Confirm, but already reported in 0010981, 0010495 and 0009824.
It was too easy before. Now its more balanced. If you dont want to fight with the zombie, then shoot him! You got the choice: Use ammo and maybe somebody in near hears it or go in a near fight. Good survival aspect.
Little hint: Use the amphibia cause its good silenced.
If you are a newbie, you should avoid fights with zombies.
Run away!
I dont have problems with the new balance. Not as a newbie, nor as equipped.
You have to change your style of play cause zombies aren´t that harmless one-hit-bunnies.
PS: Military Zombies need more hits than a civil zombie. Try it.
You mentioned it already: It´s a survival game! No suicide game!
Find friends which can help you.
Or go to a server with teamspeak and ask other people there to help you.
I dont like that sucide thing:
spawn too far from friends or loot --> suicide, broke legs --> suicide
Lower the graphic settings shouldnt give players an advantage!
It´s just unfair like a wallhack to see somebody who thinks you cant see him!
Happens to me, too.
I also get a info at my desktop that the graphic driver has crashed.
(Nvidia GeForce 580 GT)
Exactly, the same, James.
Thanks for your note.
It seems to me, that there is a problem with the structure of the buildings.
same, often after spawn
Seems very similar to my issue:
Summary 0010495: Deadly fall through wall of military jail
Thanks for the details.
I like the fact, that there are two different types of handling the red dot scopes. So if you got both scopes (T3 RDS sight, M68) you can choose. The new method is good for CQB, cause you dont zoom in that much and you can also see the action around you.
It would be nice if you add screenshots. Happy working :-)
Did you try it with one time RMB, then press again and hold it?
I only tried the other red dot scope (blue one).
I regognized it with the M4 and a red dot scope. I pressed RMB and gun was rised up but no zoom. Then I pressed RMB again and hold it-> Scope zoomed in. I dont think that this is a bug.
Totally against it!
It´s a survival game! You dont need suicide!
If you stuck in rooms or walls, report it!
I often see suicides cause of people spawn too far away from their friends or they broke their legs.
I played at night and searched for light sources. I found a gas lamp, crafted it and it made a lot of light. You can enlight a whole room. It was very exciting to play with it. Please no change.
Confirm. I like the word "chat dance" mentioned by SgtStakas :D
I performed a little chat dance yesterday.
I lost my character two times yesterday.
I lost my character two times yesterday.