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- User Since
- Dec 14 2019, 2:45 PM (272 w, 2 d)
Jun 9 2023
Another comparison photo, just note both guns are US civilian spec, missing the "evil" third pin. Type 56 on top, Soviet "type 2" AK on bottom.
May 30 2023
Jul 21 2022
The modified gas block on SOG:PF M14A1 is solely to have the sling appear attached to the proper swivel - real-life M14A1 uses same gas block as the regular M14, and the different part on the SOG model is in fact the clamp mechanism of M2 bipod, which fits both variants of M14 rifle. Solution number two (separate bipod entity for M14) would be preferred.
Since patch 1.2 added M14A1 rifle, it might be interesting idea to allow it to use same optics as the M14/M21. That's because M14A1 was also used in a sniper guise in Vietnam. Used in very limited numbers by LRP company of 4th Infantry Division these rifles ditched the heavy M2 bipod (replacing it with a M16 clamp-on bipod), and (as evidenced by one surviving example) had the front-grip assembly removed, with a more traditional sling swivel appearing in it's place. They still had the pistol-gripped stocks and characteristic muzzle devices.
Regarding the sight appearance, it's something that people requested when SOG was released. IMO it should stay.
I have to disagree. Yes, it does look iffy (especially on the Garand), but it's what people wanted when the DLC first came out. Current version, despite the looks, performs more like real-life sight - until devs implement some other solution to the ironsight problem it should stay.
Oct 8 2021
Users reporting the same issue on Steam, but with different Workshop item. The only solution is apparently to unsubscribe from ALL Arma 3 Workshop items - rather inconvienient with the amount of modded content used with the game.
Aug 21 2021
Jun 1 2021
It seeemed so to me as well, but apparently it's not so clear cut.
Agreed, however note that some of the duplicate objects come from other DLCs - example being Land_MobileRadar_01_Radar_F which is part of Contact DLC. Quite obviously, DLC objects should retain their duplicates, so that people won't need to buy other DLCs to play SOG:PF.
May 30 2021
Stoner 63 in SOG:PF is in rifle configuration that's bottom fed from 30 round magazines and fires from closed bolt (XM22/XM22E1). The 150rd "drum" used in LMG/Commando Stoner 63 (XM207 and Mk 23 Mod 0) was actually a container for ammo belt. Since rifle configuration can't feed from the belt, the whole gun has to be converted from one configuration to another - LMG feeds from side, and fires from open bolt. Convertion can be done in field, but requires a whole lot of additional parts - that's why US military (including USN SEAL teams) issued the guns in specific configurations (XM22 rifle, XM23 carbine, XM207 LMG and Mk 23 Mod 0 Commando), and not as a "DIY kit".
May 27 2021
May 22 2021
Note: I'm not a dev.
May 21 2021
Apr 17 2020
I've found out that head is showing full damage (red colour) - however I haven't seen it showing minor damage (yellow). Task description edited accordingly.
Apr 15 2020
Jan 1 2020
Dec 24 2019
Dec 18 2019
A workaround for this issue would be ability to publish scenarios via Publisher tool, not Eden Editor. However, it's impossible for community content creators, as Publisher tool doesn't even have scenario tag option. Apparently it's not a problem for BIS developers, since Old Man is properly tagged as a scenario.