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User Since
Aug 18 2016, 2:07 AM (414 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 30 2023

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T176035: [Suggestion] Overhaul how players speak and listen over the radio transmission.

if you get them a walki talki? the users has enough of batteries and this are not good for me ...
but you can make radios in buildings without car batteries .. so every one can use the radios to send messages or spam music ...

Nov 30 2023, 2:57 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T177566: Silent/quick draw any item or weapon.

thanks for the info ... its a n1 trick in fights

Nov 30 2023, 2:49 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T177579: Cheater.

Send a Report like my Video to Battle Eye to let them ban the Cheaters.

Nov 30 2023, 2:41 PM · DayZ

Mar 24 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T157496: Hack Aim-Bot.

ist der standart geworden ... ich lese diese cheater berichte hier in der woche drei mal .. und jetzt hat der foren mod/admin damit angefangen die leute an battle eye zu verweisen damit sie es dort melden können ..
anstatt vlt mal leute ehrenamtlich diese cheater jagen zulassen ..
es ist ja bestimmt nicht so schwer ein tool zu bauen womit mann cheater beobachten filmen und melden kann ..
ich selber jage cheater mit video beweiss und werd dafür belächelt ...
und ich bin es leid dayz zu spielen nur um cheater zu jagen ...
und ich würde die cheater jagen und es streamen dmait das gute publicity für dayz bringt .. na ja

Mar 24 2021, 12:48 AM · DayZ

Mar 21 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T157456: Hacker on Official.

and i not want money for this job ... its a good game and i only want to help the game to make it better as before .. again .. :-)

Mar 21 2021, 8:17 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T157456: Hacker on Official.

i mean ... make voluntary cheater hunters to hunt cheaters on official servers .. with guest admin right ... than he can make video proof of the cheaters ... and battle eye can ban him ... i can stream this ... and this will bring good publicity to the game builders ... but in this case we have at moment .. its not good for dayz and the game builders ... my friends not want to play officialservers because of the cheaters ...
here a video who we was killed by a cheater ... save cheater ,.,,.

Mar 21 2021, 8:16 PM · DayZ

Feb 20 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T156817: Cheater on Eu - DE 1297.

last day we was also get killed by cheater ... but no problem ... now i go to La Marianne high loot server --.- if cheater come they get banned str8
if i have a clear video i will send the logs and the video to battle eye
thanks for your time

Feb 20 2021, 3:48 PM · DayZ

Feb 19 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T156817: Cheater on Eu - DE 1297.

this day me and my friends was also killed by cheater .. or cheaters .. in electro and in cherno ... than we go to berezino ... and i think some cheater wants to kill me again but i write in sidechat i hunt him .. and than he shot against the wall and run away .. after this we can play without cheater kill 1 hour .. i have streamed this at twitch ... tomorrow we make the same ...

Feb 19 2021, 12:18 AM · DayZ

Feb 18 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T156817: Cheater on Eu - DE 1297.

sry forgot my steam ID

Feb 18 2021, 12:10 AM · DayZ

Feb 17 2021

jESUSfISTUS created T156817: Cheater on Eu - DE 1297.
Feb 17 2021, 11:08 PM · DayZ

Jan 26 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T156401: dayz eu de 1297.

my informations are :
on all official servers are ping over 150 block ... means you get kicked if you have ping higher as 150 ...
thats to take the performance on the servers good ..

Jan 26 2021, 12:42 PM · DayZ

Jan 24 2021

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T114916: Hackers and more hackers.

go on official eu - de 1297 and holt this server full ... and if battle eye admins watch this server he can find a lot of cheaters ..
but at time me and my friends notplay official servers ..

Jan 24 2021, 11:10 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T114916: Hackers and more hackers.

my friends has killed on server EU - DE 1297 a lot of times.
now he not want to play official dayz ..

Jan 24 2021, 11:08 AM · DayZ

Dec 13 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T155688: Hackers galore.

for me a good idear .... but?
replay can abuse to see wich position has the enemy ... and this means ... you can build .... watch this after 30 min ... or something like this ..

Dec 13 2020, 8:58 PM · DayZ

Oct 21 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154455: Footsteps sound in dayz..

dayz config folder comes back after you go on server ... and close dayz ..

Oct 21 2020, 11:41 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154455: Footsteps sound in dayz..

check out ... this folder :

Oct 21 2020, 11:39 PM · DayZ

Oct 20 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154428: More cheaters.

please go on server eu - de 1297 ..
on this server i hutn cheaters with videoproof ..
keep the server full and stay friendly ..
if you find someone make team up with him and say to him... we can hunt cheaters if you want ..

Oct 20 2020, 1:22 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154405: Being unable to connect to any offical or community server.

you can open with steam ... ... if you have server on faforites .,.
steam bibliothek .. then on topleft side ... in german .. ansicht than go on server ... than you see in faforites the server ... than press connect ... than you are in .. or start server with dayz launcher .. but first you need server in faforites ..

Oct 20 2020, 1:13 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154435: Hacker on DayZ EU - DE 1354.

go on server eu - de 1297
on this server i hunt cheaters with video proof ...

Oct 20 2020, 1:09 PM · DayZ

Oct 16 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154282: Die for no reason / Cheaters.

looks like lagswitch ... but no sound?

Oct 16 2020, 9:44 AM · DayZ

Oct 15 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154315: Hacker/cheater US 3664284.

if you make clear video proof that was cool..

Oct 15 2020, 4:27 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154338: Hacker on 3664323 killed a lot of people at 7AM UTC.

make video ..
server name ..
your time and wich country you are ( at the killing moment )
your steam id ..

Oct 15 2020, 4:18 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154342: cheaters are back stem level 1.

very important ...

Oct 15 2020, 4:12 PM · DayZ

Oct 14 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154301: Wall glitch unable to loot killed player.

suggestion to fix ..

Oct 14 2020, 9:10 AM · DayZ

Oct 11 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154272: EU - DE 1297 next cheater same position as last we get killed my cheater Severograd.

sry have forget the video^^ ... i am very angy at moment ..^^

Oct 11 2020, 9:59 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T154272: EU - DE 1297 next cheater same position as last we get killed my cheater Severograd.
Oct 11 2020, 9:55 AM · DayZ

Oct 9 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154239: Cheaters! Server DayZ NL 3663870 (Public).

next step to hunt cheaters .,,
please make every time video and upload it in youtube ,,,..

Oct 9 2020, 12:45 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154224: Dayz Hackers are ruining the game for vanilla servers..

The BattlEye anticheat is already in place and it us being updated to detect the latest cheats.
The cheaters are being frequently banned in waves by BE.
Geez ........

Oct 9 2020, 12:37 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154200: Player clones / phantoms on server..

for me? i think its a cheater ..,.
maybe he has a new way to cheat ....

Oct 9 2020, 12:34 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154201: Possible cheater on Dayz EU DE 1354 server..

thanks for report ... i hope they can find and ban him ...
me an my mate was killed to ... but other server ...

Oct 9 2020, 12:32 AM · DayZ

Oct 8 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154195: cheater on eu - de 1297 haskilled me and my mate.

and the quali of this video are crap ...
i hope you can see something into the logs ...

Oct 8 2020, 11:13 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154195: cheater on eu - de 1297 haskilled me and my mate.

but i can see nothing ...

Oct 8 2020, 11:12 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T154195: cheater on eu - de 1297 haskilled me and my mate.
Oct 8 2020, 11:12 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154096: Hackers DayZ NL 3668115 Public.

sry myfriend for this ...
but you are intomy heart now ..

Oct 8 2020, 10:51 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154109: Cheaters made base in Kamyshovo.

i hunt cheaters .....
wich server?
pc version?

Oct 8 2020, 10:51 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154118: Day Z Bug kill reprot.

Please is it possible to get our things back or their replacement? ... ---

Oct 8 2020, 10:51 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153966: grafik options BuG? cant make my old config because they not save it ....

same fault exist ....

Oct 8 2020, 10:51 AM · DayZ

Sep 24 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154060: Блокировка Vaive.

if you let someone hack your steam ... you are banned with rights ..
you can open new steam and buy new dayz key ..

Sep 24 2020, 12:32 AM · DayZ

Sep 23 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154036: Hacker on DayZ EU - DE 1486 offical server.

you can only find out how this or his duplicating method works ... and than you can bring it here to feedbacktracker ...
than he can maybe fix it ...
but duplicating users not banned at moment ...

Sep 23 2020, 2:33 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154036: Hacker on DayZ EU - DE 1486 offical server.

thing we need to find cheaters ..:
die time ( london time or other time zone )
steam id ( can find with steam id calculator internet site ) google can find
server name

Sep 23 2020, 12:12 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154042: Shot over long Distance by Hacker.

i hunt cheaters to and thanks for that clear video ...

Sep 23 2020, 12:10 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

at moment we hunt cheaters bug users and ... the important think at moment .. bambi killers at the coast ...
they have killed me and my friend a lot of times ...

Sep 23 2020, 12:03 AM · DayZ

Sep 22 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

yes i have ...
i have 2 accounts ...
one to travel and search loot ... and other to put the loot into him :-)

Sep 22 2020, 2:37 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

next wall glitch ... au man ,.,

Sep 22 2020, 1:02 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

fix this to? xD^^

Sep 22 2020, 1:01 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

what? :-)
and why?

Sep 22 2020, 12:58 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

to, lough a little but and than cry more

Sep 22 2020, 12:56 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

wall glitch video ..

Sep 22 2020, 12:55 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153966: grafik options BuG? cant make my old config because they not save it ....

the game not create new folder ... new bug? xD

Sep 22 2020, 12:38 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T154000: SUSPECTED CHEATER. Speed hacker with ability to see players through scenery.

every time you can make video of this ? next time maybe?
or you can stream it at twitch ... and twitch save this automaticly ... my method ..
next time maybe?

Sep 22 2020, 12:28 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153966: grafik options BuG? cant make my old config because they not save it ....

sry for my english
hope i can help

Sep 22 2020, 12:20 AM · DayZ

Sep 19 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153948: Hackers are back. Shot through house walls, doors closed no windows two of us killed single shot each. DayZ EU - DE 1462.

mein herz .. in german

Sep 19 2020, 3:05 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T153966: grafik options BuG? cant make my old config because they not save it ....
Sep 19 2020, 3:02 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153948: Hackers are back. Shot through house walls, doors closed no windows two of us killed single shot each. DayZ EU - DE 1462.

head heart are with you my friend ...
thanks for writing it ..

Sep 19 2020, 2:55 AM · DayZ

Sep 18 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153936: What has happened to Dayz ?.

first .... if you are soaked of water ... you go into house and take all clothes into hand ... am make water out of it ..
than you can run against the wall .. this will make you warm ....

Sep 18 2020, 2:18 AM · DayZ

Sep 12 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153679: Hacker on official server DE1297.

sry for that ... you are in my heart now .... but please make every time video to hunt cheaters ... than we can find an ban him ... or fix his method to hack ...

Sep 12 2020, 3:38 PM · DayZ

Sep 10 2020


its because of?^^ i want this ... google can translate shit ...
and i not need speek other languages ,.,,.

Sep 10 2020, 12:06 PM · DayZ

Sep 9 2020


but ...^^ you can handel it with a programm .... who was used to make colours couriger ... make ak and m4 and other peapon code switch to pink .. than if someone come ... you will see him from 1,5 km ... no joke .. not detectable ... i hunt cheaters and you?^^

Sep 9 2020, 2:20 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153662: cheater has killed me serval times ... dayz eu - de 1297 ....

Sep 9 2020, 2:05 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T153662: cheater has killed me serval times ... dayz eu - de 1297 ....
Sep 9 2020, 2:05 AM · DayZ

Sep 7 2020

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153604: Hacker on EU -DE 1297 server.

my heart are with you ....
dont give up .... in some times no cheaters are on server ...

Sep 7 2020, 9:56 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153611: Global Ban 3rd acc with no reason.

for me you are a cheater :-) and gets global ban 3 times ... very n1 for me :-)
because i hunt cheaters ....

Sep 7 2020, 9:52 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153601: Hacker on Official server killing everyone past few days.

i think ... on this server ... if server are every time low or empty ... he has his duplicating base on the server ..,. is this ffp only official server?
i search them long time .... but

Sep 7 2020, 2:48 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153604: Hacker on EU -DE 1297 server.

same server .,,.

Sep 7 2020, 2:43 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T153604: Hacker on EU -DE 1297 server.

me was killed by hacker to ... have a video but ... who cares? but i hunt cheaters and for me its no problem ..
i hope you can find the cheater and make him vac ban ... thanks for helping us ... to make dayz greater as befor .. again ..

Sep 7 2020, 2:43 PM · DayZ

Aug 5 2020

jESUSfISTUS created T153105: Server EU - DE 1297 - I cant join but someone play on server.
Aug 5 2020, 2:44 PM · DayZ

Dec 16 2018

jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 16 2018, 11:31 AM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 16 2018, 12:13 AM · DayZ

Dec 15 2018

jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 11:56 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 11:39 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 11:23 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 11:08 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 10:52 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 10:38 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 10:25 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 10:11 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 9:57 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 9:42 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 9:27 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 9:13 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 8:59 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 8:45 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 8:31 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 8:18 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 8:04 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 7:51 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 7:40 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 7:29 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 7:18 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 7:06 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 6:55 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 6:43 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 6:31 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 6:20 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 6:08 PM · DayZ
jESUSfISTUS created T135267: Military Base Turrent BuG.
Dec 15 2018, 5:56 PM · DayZ

Jun 16 2018

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T130486: New Crash dumb files.

the crash files sry

Jun 16 2018, 6:37 PM
jESUSfISTUS created T130486: New Crash dumb files.
Jun 16 2018, 6:37 PM

Jun 9 2018

jESUSfISTUS created T130349: Police Building BuG Krasnostaf Airfield City Police.
Jun 9 2018, 2:42 PM

Jun 7 2018

jESUSfISTUS added a comment to T130141: Last Game crash logs.. hope thy can help you.

campinga lot a kamensk bae in third person.... i hate third person thats why iplay first person because he cant sitting behind corner and watch... make third person server closed for that troll humans... childrens we dont net...he kill all...and thatsto goodfor the game make them destroy xD^^

Jun 7 2018, 3:35 PM