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dayz eu de 1297
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Please keep an eye on this server for cheaters, I am experiencing some odd encounters and deaths. Far East hackers seem to know my exact location and I get kicked off regularly for no reason - it’s a very busy server and mostly always full. Keep up good work great game


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

my informations are :
on all official servers are ping over 150 block ... means you get kicked if you have ping higher as 150 ...
thats to take the performance on the servers good ..

like in counter strike it is unplayable with ping over 80 ...
if your internet tolow ... search other server who you have a good ping ..

its an EU - DE server -.. and i hope cheaters out of other regions cant play on this server ...
but my friends was killed a few days before serval times on this server by an speed hacker .,,. on coast^^ ,,... and if server admins watch himthey can ban him fast .. i think this was weekend cheaters .,..
into week all looks good ,,, but from thursday to monday cheaters are on the server ...

i hope you can find an ban him ...
but thanks for your work ,...

und ich hoffe das es bald cloud gaming giebt .. da kann dann auch keiner mehr was injekten oder cheaten ..
vlt kann mann ja mit quanten computern sevrer ausrechen die dnan alles berechnen wo mann dnan nur noch eine internet seite besucht und dort ist dann das spiel ... LG
daran würde ich sehr gerne mitbauen

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes the speed hackers killer me twice & play oriental music to me down headphones to let me know wherever I move they are there. You are right about the weekend, I played last night a great cheat-free game. Take care