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- User Since
- Mar 25 2015, 7:59 PM (521 w, 6 d)
Sep 19 2017
Aug 27 2017
You may think that dedmen is trolling you but this is just a validation that you have no real clue what you are writing in this task. This code exactly shows nothing what is related to your proposal. Plus, your whole task is a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate. If you think that you are the very first person that is proposing this you're definitely wrong.
Related to:
Aug 13 2017
May 22 2017
Aug 16 2016
May 10 2016
Yes, it is used quite frequently. First of all every civ slot has a own group. In some inits the default group will be discarded and replaced by a newly created civ group. There is a high fluctuation of civ groups.
As the server is handling remoteExecs anyway, this wouldn't be a problem. The server knows who executed this and can send this data to the target.
This issue is realated to:
I tried this on RC. This issue still remains. I also tried a map revert but it didn't helped.
However this issue still remains unchanged. It's getting worse from day to day. Is there no practicable solution available?
Yes, this is on stable. Can't test it on dev as it needs at least 30-40 players on server before it starts.
_arr = ["test0"];
_arr append ["test1"];
is the same like
_arr = ["test0"] append ["test1"]
and is the same syntax like
["test"] append ["test"]
using the watch section will give you the result immediately in the debug console
test it out
Do u even see that there's a battlEye category here?
No, I don't have to.
It's not related to banning somebody. It is just nice to set a personal while server is running or remove/change it without restarting the server.
So, how is the progress regarding these animations? There are still a lot of broken animations
Can confirm this too, already happened in 1.44 for me
Got it, when you call a function instead of spawning it then the evh will get blocked and wouldn't react any more.
Didn't had the time to make a demo mission yet. Since the report nobody really reported this issue to me so I think this issue can be closed. Thank you :)
DL-Link not working
Can confirm this. Please fix it!
Just to clarify, the anims don't have any MP issues at all. Every issue mentioned there can be reproduced easily in SP too. I'm just confused because I told mysteryx (the other ticket creator, he was an old admin at our project) this bug and told him also that I already reported that.
However. Thanks and have a nice day too! :)
In 1.46 the pissing anim is working but I could not find another one with "act" in name which was fixed
Bit confused why the other issue got related because I reported this earlier.
However, big thanks to fix them. Is it visible in upcoming changelogs which animations got fixed?
Spawn your script. Calling it would crash the game as it is using waitUntil inside.
A lot of time is gone since reporting this important security issue, nothing done, please add this in further versions!
A lot of time is gone since reporting this important security issue, nothing done, please add this in further versions!
Still more info needed?
Issue still there. If you have a vest on your character then the grenade isn't killing you even if you stand right on it.
May 9 2016
You can also make simple shortcuts and start multiple instances this way.