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- User Since
- Jul 8 2014, 9:07 AM (556 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
had the same
- login new charakter spawn.
- log off, closed dayz
- open dayz, log on an different server, and i had my old one.
I was playing yesterday on serveral HC/first person servers and found enough loot.
And i was playing on durch and german servers, no problem for me
maybe same as here :
I have the same Problem, since i had installed overwolf.
Is in stable version 0.47 and 0.48
May 10 2016
still there in stable Version 0.48
same as here:
confirm this issue.
I had the same problem today on stable 0.47.124641.
First i had an dead spot in my backpack, so i placed the backpack on the floor. The backpack disappeard completly. I found him 2 floor higher at the same place, but the backpack was blank, no items anymore inside. I placed the backpack again on the floor, he disappeard an i found him one floor lower, but now the items where in the backpack.
I tried the same with a jacket. Droped the jack tabed it, was blank. Took the jacket back in my inventory, saw still no items. In next step i tried to but somethin in the original jacket, and the old items were visible again.
here to movies with the behaviors:
I think its good, you can't loot your own body.
Death + respawn = new Life, new Game
hey. I have the same Problem snce i had installed overwolf some weeks ago.
I will uninstall overwolf to verify, that's the point.
I have the same Problem inside some buildings since the last update. Items dropped in the red stoen bar, will "spawn" in an other room.
btw. you can change the report name by yourself.
I had the same Problem already in Version 0.45 with medical loot, clothes and cans.
oh found it also here: id=10458
Must be something on client- site.
I did playing yesterday with a friend. I got still this sound, while my friend didn't hear anything.
I was near Gvozdno, NE Airstrip.
I heard it yesterday over an hour during playing on the stable 0.46 server, always after i made a sprint, was it there.
It has sounded to me like an suppressed pistol from far away behind me. Maybe it was these bow sound (sorry never heard the bow ingame).
I was on the way from Gorka to Grishino.
ok - thats bad, indeed
... Most of the time though this happens when someone combat logs...
it's a feature, not a bug ;-)
Hey JStewart
Yes i will make this the next days.
same here
On the regular Server, my Character didn't die since January. I have there a can of Kvass, which I can use unlimited time.
I had replaced the item some times from backpack to the vest, to the ground, and back again. Works everywhere.
(Version 0.46.124490)
got the same from time to time.
Today in Version 0.46 in Svetlojark (138 021)
I had the same Problem with medical loot, clothes and cans.
still there in version: 0.46.124490
still there in Version 0.46
In Svetlojarsk, in the Building next (south) to the Police Station, a branch shines into Building in second floor.
138 021