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- User Since
- Feb 6 2014, 2:01 PM (577 w, 9 h)
May 10 2016
Haha, no problem :)
Have you just started playing or has this problem just started randomly? I don't want to be patronising if you already know how to play, but have you raised your hands/weapon before trying to attack? The default button is spacebar to raise your hands/weapon into the attack position.
Dude this has been reported loads of times, please use search before creating duplicate post, just upvote and/or leave a note on existing thread. Also, just curious, where did you get the number 186870 as game version? Current stable version is 35.115188 and experimental is 42.116002
Don't understand why someone has voted this down, especially with no explanation :-S
Have you considered playing on official and/or populated servers?
This should probably be filed under structures, not AI behavior... :)
I'm sure this has been confirmed as being worked on, but I can't find a link to confirm it right now, maybe Rocket mentioned it in the last devblog:
I'm glad it's being worked on, but I would point out that in reality taking the roads would normally be quicker than 'as the crow flies' across hilly terrain, there should be some downside to taking the safer (in terms of being spotted by other players) route.
Yes, fixed in experimental build 0.37:
Weapons: Long-range scope reticle properly centered
I agree, but you should use search function and see this has been reported many times. Rather than start a new report, you can just add a note to an existing report and say that the fall damage is still too high in version 0.37 (or whatever build you are on). This way the website does not become cluttered with duplicate reports. :)
For example, I go to the "view issues" page, type in "fall damage" and click filter, then I sort by ID (this puts oldest threads at top, so you can find the first time this was reported). There I see that <a href="" target="_new"> thread 2590</a> looks like the first thread about fall damage being too high ("legs break too easily"), so I go to that thread and vote up and add note "This is still true in version 0.37".
Then the moderators will see this thread has been updated so they know this is still a problem.
Filter for "ammo box disappear" on the 'view issues' page, you will see this has been reported many times already. Please search first to avoid creating duplicate post :)
Ah, interesting, I noticed that when you eject ammo from a clip it made a stack of ammo with no quantity in your inventory, which acted like a clip itself (you had to right-click and 'eject' to get a stack with a quantity). I never investigated if they could be used like clips, well spotted!
This is a well-known bug that has been reported a lot, please use the search function before you start a new post, you can just add your report to an existing one if you have new info.
Duplicate of: etc.
Works fine for me in experimental (36.115535), maybe it has been fixed, haven't tested in stable.
Think they were probably already aware of that one...
This is a known and reported bug. I just filtered for "invisible" in the 'view issues' page and found 3 existing reports for this bug on the first page of results, please use search function before submitting reports in future :)
Duplicate of: 9024, 8300, 8015, etc.
Use search function, ladders have been reported many times already, it is counter-productive to have so many duplicate posts on this site. (And yes, these specific ladders have been reported).
Discovered same thing happens if you start from prone. Guess I'll just add to this post rather than starting a new one. Here's a video:
Seems unlikely and unrealistic, unless we're all meant to be magicians.
Me too, took me ages to get into the habit of picking up the mag, making sure I had a free slot, emptying mag, then dropping mag.
Either the ammo should go into a free slot in your inventory, or you should not have the option to empty a mag until it is in your inventory.
Yep I noticed this since they introduced items getting ruined when you take damage. Hopefully this will get revamped along with the whole damage system, I think it's a bit crazy at the moment, no way a few bullets or a zombie punch would destroy an entire backpack and everything inside it beyond use. It would be nice if the system maybe set 10% of items to ruined, 10% to badly damaged and 10% to damaged, then the sewing kit and weapon cleaning kit would have more use too. It's really annoying when you have pistol in your pants/vest/backpack and a single bullet renders it completely useless!
Yep, heard this mentioned on Sacriel's stream so presumably rocket knows about this.
Don't know if this should be a separate report but having fists raised also causes you to do the slow vault animation rather than the quick jump when you press 'V' while running.
Yep, I have seen this too at piano house in Svetlo, also in 0.36 experimental I have seen similar thing inside hospital at Pavlovo military base, will upload screenshot (metal rod sticking through wall that you cannot move past, tried crawling and vaulting, couldn't get past it).
This does also work for the SKS clip (which is a clip!), you can't reload it with ammo, but you can attach it to the rifle using 'R' as long as you have a non-ruined clip. This works in 0.37 experimental. Not really a big deal seeing as you can only use it until it's empty and then you have to throw it away anyway. But it is inconsistent that you can attach it by reloading but not by dragging it in your inventory.
Have seen this on stable branch 0.35, 2 teammates got shot by someone who was hiding under the floor
Shh, don't tell them, I've only ever found one and it was badly damaged, I would have cried if I couldn't see through it!
I don't think this is a bug, I make use of this regularly. E.g. if you have a yellow container box and you keep a first aid kit inside and your inventory is full, the only way to add something from the first aid kit to your hotbar is to hold the yellow box in hands,drop first aid kit into vicinity to see the contents and then drag a bandage/whatever onto your hotbar and then put the first aid kit back in the yellow container in your hands.
It also makes it quicker if you want something you just found on your hotbar to put it there first before you pick it up, because sometimes it disappears to the bottom of your backpack after you pick it up and you have to search around your inventory to find it.
It would be great if this got fixed, annoying when you have melee weapon or nothing at all in your hands and you can enter aim-mode, seems like something that would be easy to change (if no gun in hands, single-click right mouse should do nothing).
This seems to happen much more in 0.37 experimental than it did in the previous build, maybe to do with zombie respawning? I hear dead people!