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User Since
Aug 15 2014, 6:48 PM (553 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 13 2019

Tit4nNL added a comment to T139275: Cannot boot game after installing 1.03 and downgrading back to 1.02.

I got it fixed in some weird way by preventing the game from loading the main menu background

May 13 2019, 8:58 PM · DayZ

May 11 2019

Tit4nNL added a comment to T139275: Cannot boot game after installing 1.03 and downgrading back to 1.02.

I managed to fix it myself:

May 11 2019, 4:01 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T139275: Cannot boot game after installing 1.03 and downgrading back to 1.02.

May 11 2019, 3:08 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T139275: Cannot boot game after installing 1.03 and downgrading back to 1.02.
May 11 2019, 3:07 AM · DayZ

Dec 12 2018

Tit4nNL created T135017: Cannot press escape and exit after joining a server while loading in to the server.
Dec 12 2018, 2:58 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL updated the task description for T135013: Glow in the dark industrial building.
Dec 12 2018, 2:54 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL updated the task description for T135015: Water renders above particle effects.
Dec 12 2018, 2:54 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL updated the task description for T135016: Picking up beige working gloves made my legs invisible.
Dec 12 2018, 2:54 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T135016: Picking up beige working gloves made my legs invisible.
Dec 12 2018, 2:53 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T135015: Water renders above particle effects.
Dec 12 2018, 2:47 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T135013: Glow in the dark industrial building.

This is on today's experimental build btw, on your performance test server

Dec 12 2018, 2:46 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T135013: Glow in the dark industrial building.
Dec 12 2018, 2:46 PM · DayZ

Nov 28 2018

Tit4nNL updated the task description for T134383: serverDZ.cfg does not download in steam, fresh download, or verify integrity of the game files.
Nov 28 2018, 8:44 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T134383: serverDZ.cfg does not download in steam, fresh download, or verify integrity of the game files.
Nov 28 2018, 8:44 AM · DayZ

Nov 8 2018

Tit4nNL added a comment to T133474: Cannot hold breath in since today's update.

Thanks for the repsonse!

Nov 8 2018, 4:42 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL updated the task description for T133474: Cannot hold breath in since today's update.
Nov 8 2018, 1:20 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T133474: Cannot hold breath in since today's update.
Nov 8 2018, 1:20 AM · DayZ

Oct 23 2018

Tit4nNL updated the task description for T133263: VON / VOIP directional audio issues.
Oct 23 2018, 3:00 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T133263: VON / VOIP directional audio issues.
Oct 23 2018, 3:00 PM · DayZ

Oct 3 2018

Tit4nNL created T132961: Locked in database - DayZ Underground .63 experimental.
Oct 3 2018, 12:28 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T132961: Locked in database - DayZ Underground .63 experimental.

I can still connect to any other community server, by the way. Only on DUG am I locked.

Oct 3 2018, 12:28 PM · DayZ

Jul 5 2018

Tit4nNL edited Additional Information on T131161: After clicking play in steam (the popup window that is supposed to launch the exe) crashes windows.
Jul 5 2018, 6:53 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL edited Additional Information on T131161: After clicking play in steam (the popup window that is supposed to launch the exe) crashes windows.
Jul 5 2018, 6:40 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL updated the task description for T131161: After clicking play in steam (the popup window that is supposed to launch the exe) crashes windows.
Jul 5 2018, 6:37 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL created T131161: After clicking play in steam (the popup window that is supposed to launch the exe) crashes windows.
Jul 5 2018, 6:37 AM · DayZ

Jun 22 2017

Tit4nNL added a comment to T125764: Wolves did not howl when I ran in to them, latest stable (21-6-2017).

Have gotten multiple reports of other players experiencing the same.

Jun 22 2017, 12:06 AM · DayZ

Jun 21 2017

Tit4nNL created T125764: Wolves did not howl when I ran in to them, latest stable (21-6-2017).
Jun 21 2017, 5:45 PM · DayZ

Dec 21 2016

Tit4nNL added a comment to T118929: Dayz 0.60 alpha coverage render bug .

It does affect at night. Just harder to spot. I just made some screenshots. It has a lot to do with cloud rendering and the skybox. The pixels are always the color of the skybox(without clouds)

Dec 21 2016, 10:57 PM · DayZ

Oct 12 2016

Tit4nNL added a comment to T107650: Alpha to Coverage settings enabled bug.

Same issue. Have had it before .60 as well. But now unable to fix it by forcing AA though radeon settings. Used to work with catalyst control centre.

Oct 12 2016, 3:43 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T118929: Dayz 0.60 alpha coverage render bug .

I got the same issue. Have had it in previous DayZ versions as well but now I can't fix it by forcing AA through my AMD GPU settings.

Oct 12 2016, 3:41 PM · DayZ

May 22 2016

Tit4nNL added a watcher for DayZ: Tit4nNL.
May 22 2016, 1:22 PM

May 11 2016

Tit4nNL added a comment to T105096: Other players can't hear gunfire from repeater (Stable).

This is currently happening to all weapons. You might not have noticed it but I can share some information about the subject. Don't take my word for it. These are all assumptions:

The thing that me and my clan mates noticed is that it was somehow tied to inventory not showing. Let me explain.

Edit: it might seem I posted it on the wrong issue at first but continue reading, I know this is about absent gun sound.

Sometimes when you log into a server and for example find a backpack. You look in the backpack and see no items. You pick up the backpack and see that there actually were 4 items in it. Same thing with tents. Sometimes you log back and go t your camp. You see all your tents are empty. The way you fix this is by putting an extra item in it, basically forcing a visual update on the contents. It now shows all items.

The way this translate into guns is that when me and my clanmates are playing, we sometimes cant hear eachothers gunshots, but what really ties to the previous issue, is that we also cannot see eachothers weapon attachments. These weapon attachments are basically in the 'intentory' of the gun. To fix invisible attachments we basically just forced the same visual update by having them take off an attachments and putting it back on. For example a fully equiped mosin with burlap wrap didnt show anything bu8t when my friend took his compensator off it showed it all again. This also fixed the missing gun sound issue for us.

This obviously only works with friends or friendlies as you can't really ask a sniper shooting at you to swap out his attachments. But atleast it's something. I am not 100% sure if all this REALLY ties together but since the problems had so much in common, we deducted that it probably had something to do with sound being tied to a gunmodule not loading properly.

PS: The only way we got it to work on weapons without attachments was to put all our non-attachment weapons on the floor and everyone holding it in their hands so it would update for the rest.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T104652: [PRIMARY REPORT] Some gunshots are not heard by other players.

The thing that me and my clan mates noticed is that it was somehow tied to inventory not showing. Let me explain.

Edit: it might seem I posted it on the wrong issue at first but continue reading, I know this is about absent gun sound.

Sometimes when you log into a server and for example find a backpack. You look in the backpack and see no items. You pick up the backpack and see that there actually were 4 items in it. Same thing with tents. Sometimes you log back and go t your camp. You see all your tents are empty. The way you fix this is by putting an extra item in it, basically forcing a visual update on the contents. It now shows all items.

The way this translate into guns is that when me and my clanmates are playing, we sometimes cant hear eachothers gunshots, but what really ties to the previous issue, is that we also cannot see eachothers weapon attachments. These weapon attachments are basically in the 'intentory' of the gun. To fix invisible attachments we basically just forced the same visual update by having them take off an attachments and putting it back on. For example a fully equiped mosin with burlap wrap didnt show anything bu8t when my friend took his compensator off it showed it all again. This also fixed the missing gun sound issue for us.

This obviously only works with friends or friendlies as you can't really ask a sniper shooting at you to swap out his attachments. But atleast it's something. I am not 100% sure if all this REALLY ties together but since the problems had so much in common, we deducted that it probably had something to do with sound being tied to a gunmodule not loading properly.

PS: The only way we got it to work on weapons without attachments was to put all our non-attachment weapons on the floor and everyone holding it in their hands so it would update for the rest.

May 11 2016, 1:49 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL edited Steps To Reproduce on T102161: Character gets reset(freshspawn) if you log out and back in before your character has disappeard on that server..
May 11 2016, 12:18 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T102137: Player Stuck inside building inside Severograd Regular server.

Don't log out inside buildings. I know it's obvious but until it's fixed you can only do this to avoid it. It has been posted on the bug tracker like 15 times before too. So maybe search before you post an issue...

May 11 2016, 12:18 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL edited Steps To Reproduce on T102125: Specific bush type generates artifacts with MSI r9 280x.
May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T102124: Logged out in house, logged in later and stuck underneath.

I'm just gonna point out the obvious but it might help in some way. Temp fix: Don't log off inside buildings.

May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T102120: Cooking with gas automatically burns food.

Can confirm. Tried yesterday. Instantly burned. Next to that, we also got a pretty big smokecloud coming out of it.

May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T102095: EDIT: Smersh vest/ ammo boxes spawning?.

I have found M4 and FNX. Didn't pick up FNX but have the M4 along with like 6 mags. It spawned at a heli crash site. Both of them. I think the makarov is the replacement to the FNX in the same way as the AK is to the M4.

May 11 2016, 12:16 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T102051: character wiped after reconnect.

Temporary fix is to wait longer after the server restart to give it time to connect to the hive. If you wait for example: (server retarts time at 17:00) wait till like 17:03. Worked for me every time. If you see a 29 seconds counter exit immidiatly and join a diffrent server that has been online for longer.

May 11 2016, 12:15 AM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T101859: [Suggestion] Filling magazines with rounds should take time (animations).

"Edit: Perhaps a timer, 5 minutes? added to mags, so they cannot be picked up, let alone loaded, by another player if theyre still "hot". Timer of some sort would be necessary, to avoid the above mentioned tactic being ran by teams/clans/squads."

That's why you wear gloves.

Nontheless. Mags don't really get hot. Since the bullet get pulled away from the mag before each shot into the chamber.

May 11 2016, 12:08 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Tit4nNL added a comment to T100904: zeds hit and kill you from outside/downstairs/the next room - buildings are now death-traps.

Similarities to this glitch are when you run into a building and drop something on the floor. The item isnt at your feet but outside the door. It seems the server still thinks you're outside because you maybe sprinted into a building during a minor lag spike and it wouldn't allow you to go through the wall. Items will be dropped outside because of this and zombies can still hit you.

May 10 2016, 11:36 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T96828: Gunfire SFX do not play.

The thing that me and my clan mates noticed is that it was somehow tied to inventory not showing. Let me explain.

Edit: it might seem I posted it on the wrong issue at first but continue reading, I know this is about absent gun sound.

Sometimes when you log into a server and for example find a backpack. You look in the backpack and see no items. You pick up the backpack and see that there actually were 4 items in it. Same thing with tents. Sometimes you log back and go t your camp. You see all your tents are empty. The way you fix this is by putting an extra item in it, basically forcing a visual update on the contents. It now shows all items.

The way this translate into guns is that when me and my clanmates are playing, we sometimes cant hear eachothers gunshots, but what really ties to the previous issue, is that we also cannot see eachothers weapon attachments. These weapon attachments are basically in the 'intentory' of the gun. To fix invisible attachments we basically just forced the same visual update by having them take off an attachments and putting it back on. For example a fully equiped mosin with burlap wrap didnt show anything bu8t when my friend took his compensator off it showed it all again. This also fixed the missing gun sound issue for us.

This obviously only works with friends or friendlies as you can't really ask a sniper shooting at you to swap out his attachments. But atleast it's something. I am not 100% sure if all this REALLY ties together but since the problems had so much in common, we deducted that it probably had something to do with sound being tied to a gunmodule not loading properly.

PS: The only way we got it to work on weapons without attachments was to put all our non-attachment weapons on the floor and everyone holding it in their hands so it would update for the rest.

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
Tit4nNL added a comment to T95983: Ruined Pants for no reason..

I think it's the same issue that causes people to break their legs. Sometimes you just don't get enough damage to break them and only your pants end up ruined. Sometimes you end up taking enough damage to die.

May 10 2016, 8:49 PM · DayZ