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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 5:15 PM (585 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Updated with the twitch video! Sorry!
This can be closed. The latest update fixed this.
Vote this is up if you want all the spam gone and help the DayZ Dev team get better and more informative feedback.
Pending Update Rev. 0.30.113933
Server: Player location rubberbanding
Should be fixed in the upcoming patch.
I had this happening so many times last night... To both me and my friends playing..
It's like - if you're running really fast for too long, it's like the server can't catch up with you or something, and then teleports you back - leaving you standing up, turning around in circles.
Only way to "fix" this is to alt+f4 and rejoin the server. All of us last night appeared different places after reloggin too.. So annoying..
Edit: This doesn't only happen between Electro and Cherno. It's all over the map, and I genuinely think it's caused by running for too long at a time..
Tbh... Only members should be able to create cases and create notes. BOOM! Problem solved with the link spammers.
OT: This happened to a couple of my friends too.
Just holster one of the weapons on your back and equip the other in hands. Problem solved.
Please fix the above spamming by guests...
Why thank you. It was possible to do in the mod, so I don't know why that feature isn't present in the Standalone. (yet)
Were you playing on the server called "Test Server" which allowed a total of 64 players?
I've never seen this issue other than when I joined the before mentioned server.
Pending Update Rev. 0.30.113933
Server: Player location rubberbanding
Should be fixed in the upcoming patch.
Really like the picture from OP. Would make me wanna play on Night servers that's for sure. :) Upvoted.
I agree. This needs to be fixed. Don't know exactly what's causing it though.
I'm running it on a 660GT TI, on a i5 processor. 16 gigs of ram. Everything is maxed out and running really well, but when entering citys - FPS are dropping. It's playable when lowering some settings, but should that be neccesary? :)
I had a russian guy talking all day. Was kinda fun though. :) Anyway, can confirm this incident is occuring.