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- User Since
- Mar 29 2013, 11:38 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
I was finally able to trick the game to letting me use my resolution
I had to go into windowed mode and stretch around the screen then pick the closest resolution to what I had and then join a server to get it exact
I have found out that it is physically possible to walk through it without vaulting, though it is very hard, but is still an issue
The ability to rest your gun and use the bipod really should be here, though
They should have been in every Arma game by default, and its pretty stupid that they aren't here now
The issue is already posted, but with the video included in this, I believe this offers a great solution
It doesn't matter how long you stay underwater, it matters how deep you go
So I was messing around with all of the vehicles trying to find their individual hit boxes, and at the time, for some reason, I could find all of them except for the civilian truck and damage all but the HEMTT (I was using the sniper and thought a shot or a few at the tank would be enough)
I went back on and tried using a machine gun and it seemed to penetrate in a few rounds easier than the sniper, so the fuel tank hit box is in the right place, so my ticket is now considered invalid, I suppose, though a full magazine from the sniper still only makes it orange
Tl;dr, the hit box is in the right place, but may require too much effort to destroy
The bright lights are for guiding aircraft to the strip at night, just sayin
In ARMA 2 they had hit boxes, and if you even if your wheel only tapped it going at a fair amount of speed, it would severely damage your vehicle
If they could easily break and then go out, that may be neat
As long as giving them a hit box doesn't make it act like a wall that you ram into, then why not
What about objects that go on terrain that look like the terrain but have the ability to be "dug" into? It would only be modifying/changing the object, though it would look and act like terrain
And the cave on the northeast side of Stratis isn't hard to get in(?)
You just swim under and into it
The strong center channel dependency is also seen in many other parts of the game, such as when driving or flying in third person
I have to say that I currently love the cave on Stratis
There's no reason not to have more like this on Altis