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- User Since
- Oct 28 2014, 5:52 AM (537 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
This problem is not related to the "Standing up to Eat" problem.
He was seeing something completely different than my real time.
ME: crawling on floor.
HIM: I see you walking around.
He simply did not see the same thing, as what I was actually doing.
Hours later... Still Here. :(
1 Zombie = the sound of a million dead corpses on my ass.
Easter eggs are just that.
They serve no purpose.
Your idea about the Loch Ness monster is an excellent one.
I removed the examples I felt were not good. Such as the dancing baby.
...and what if you came across a rabbit, and he was holding an easter egg!
How awesome would that be?!
No more money than what it cost to put an Evil Santa inside a chimney.
No more money than what it cost to put sticks in the woods, shaped like a witching hour.
There are a few Eggs that I do know of:
- Evil Santa in the Chimney
- Blair Witch formation in the woods
- Shape of a giant person. (can be seen aerial view.
Some people might say there are others, but I wouldn't really consider them Eggs.
I would like to see more Eggs in the Physical sense. Objects, not just an image.
Bigfoot is not the flavor of the week.
It's an urban legend that has been around for a very long time.
Examples are just examples. You are taking things way too literally.
You wouldn't want to see bigfoot walking through the woods?
Not a bug?... Someone (YOU) maybe NOT HAVE ANY EYES?!!!
Category: Feature request
Think before you speak next time.
Server Admins should be subject to a timer countdown when resetting a server.
If they had to wait just 1 minute, it would stop this horse !@#$%.
This is true ^
^ Makes total sense!
I will play the ONLY SINGLE STYLE that promises survival...
KILL EVERYONE ON SIGHT. Thanks :)'re a genius -1PARA-Gramps
There's only ONE play style in this game.
so we're all villains, unless they implement a visible honor trait.
No one can be trusted otherwise.
I like this idea, but if this specific task is not feasible, how about a mini-hotbar on the inventory window?
You could slide the backpack to slot 1, vest to slot 2, and so on.
@Evil Minion; Not to be so flagrant, but you're simply ignorant.
Here are SEVERAL SOURCES to confirm my Original Post:
(There are THOUSANDS like this)
One Bullet Can Kill, but Sometimes 20 Don’t, Survivors Show
3 year old, shot in the head, lives.
Officer shot 15 times: (including the face)
Soldier Shot in the Head Lives
Gunshot - 80-95% chance of survival -
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale
Gunshot wound survivors of reddit
Lieutenant General Sir Adrian Paul
was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear;
survived two plane crashes
I agree with this statement.
I have friends trying to convince me to move on to other zombie/survival style games right now.
Lucky for you, I still like this game. ;)
Technically speaking: Your statement is true.
The Sunlight is REFLECTING off the moon, and back to you.
Tazer would be awesome!!!
Let me understand...
- put a mosin on the ground, at the top of a ladder
- climb down a ladder
- right click on a mosin, that's at the top of a ladder ????
I'm thinking you meant to say this:
- have gun #1 on shoulder
- have gun #2 in hands
- drop gun #2 on ground
- climb down/up ladder
- ......please finish steps.
NBPone, you are incorrect.
They reset the server, so that the killer cannot loot their body.
Whether or not it saves their status is irrelevant.
Admins are abusing their power when they are being killed.
LOL, you un-installed????!!!
You were probably just cold.
- use a heat pack
- build a fire
optional method:
- go to Electro
- strip down to underwear
- climb a roof and jump off.
- respawn
- added luck, you get an Electro respawn
- retrieve your gear.
True - but dead bodies whithin the 2 hour session, I would think a server could manage.
But - grow corn and you'll have all the boys in the yard. ;)
love this idea.
Agreed. - I've lost many, many seeds, watching them grow, only to lose all efforts by the server resetting.
The attack of zombies seem legit.
The speed of a zombie seems unrealistic.
I feel there needs to be more hoards, once a person is seen by a zombie.
There is a screen shot attached.
Basically it looked like a long string of gas station explosions.
All in a horizontal line, moving along like a tidal wave.
exploding, over and over, over, until it reaches your point on the map.
...and you die.