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- User Since
- Aug 7 2014, 10:54 AM (554 w, 1 d)
May 30 2017
Massive Dsync when driving!! This what happenes if you try drive it lol
Sorry was in latest 0.63exp
Mar 20 2017
Should be Playing and then game randomly crashes.
Sorry for the bad English new keyboard.
Mar 15 2017
Feb 21 2017
Dec 1 2016
Ive seen the work around and ill give this a go.
I play quite abit of KOTH so i cant upgrade the RC branch it says wrong version.
Nov 30 2016
Did you guys get the info u needed?
Nov 28 2016
Sorry ive been away.
Nov 21 2016
I try to upload the zip files but this happens
Yes i always do check integrity after each crash. Always ok.
Jul 8 2016
Jun 13 2016
May 11 2016
I found the saw and fuel, refueled it, went to turn it on using the scroll menu and it would not start. I then opened the inv menu and went to right click on it and got the saw started, i then using it to chop a tree or two down, went to turn it off using the scroll menu it didn't shut off, opened the inv again and right clicked on it and that didn't work either.
Yes lol read above IT WONT SHUT OFF.
ive already put a ticket in for this and i think its been reported else where so they know.
The thing is in real life they are 300rd boxes with the ammo inside in their cardboard 30rd boxes, if lose there would be loads of room for more.
You love it.
pick berries and apples
lol thats dayz for u lol
I have same issue.
I've had same experience but on different server, first time since tents been added i found one then went away for a few hours rejoined and hay presto gone. A bit peeved off really.
Sounds like GFX driver issues. Have you got an overclock on GFX?
delete battle eye folder in your game folder, verify cache in steam, it will re download it, open game choose server it will then connect it will then close dayz down, update battle eye then reopen dayz then it works.
Same problem here.
It did was in shallow water and didnt find it. so assuming it got destroyed somehow.
i agree
yer i did great move that, geared up instantly lol.
all characters will be deleted, i think as of today for an update people have been saying.
Any news?
May 10 2016
Unlucky. lol ive had this too climbing up ladders in buildings lol. link to video
I have a video of this happening if you guys need to see whats happening its 47.5mg
In real life you would do this, store stuff in pots and pans like food, so why not leave it as is but as long as its only food not to be able to put in random things like a compass into the pot.
Murray i concure.