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- User Since
- Oct 31 2014, 3:22 PM (543 w, 5 h)
May 10 2016
Hey, I was a tank commander in a unit for several months and we had this issue all the time, sometimes 3 times in one OP.
This is a real let down when you just randomly flip out of slingshot back and forth for no reason when you preform a movement that should not cause such issues.
These images I've uploaded individually contain the different types of pouches.
I would also suggest having a choice of several of each type to give players a higher level of customization, this sort of system would be great to have as a realism aspect and I hope it at least gets some consideration as a possible future idea for ArmA 3 and also possibly future ArmA releases to come.
I would also suggest adding the same visual affect that was recently added for the pistol in the holster.
Same thing can be added for Magazines, Grenades and the Radio pouches.
I play on veteran, I just thought the option would be nice for new players coming into the game. I don't mind about the auto aim suggestion it was just that.... An option.
I would just like a choice of cross-hairs and transparency.
I know where you coming from on the auto aim, I do. Forget that for the most part.
The idea for the small dot isn't going to affect accuracy, for the simple reason of it being rather difficult to maintain a balanced firing position either on the move or not. This is due to the recoil on the weapons, the dot like most cross-hairs can be useful in close quarters but the accuracy overall wouldn't/ shouldn't be that different.
In basic terms it's just a tool to guide your aim rather than it being used to focus in on your targets like you would with an optic.
Okay, so the third option isn't to your liking, but getting bitchy about it isn't needed, please don't spam comments because you feel like making a point. You don't need 3 posts to say a few words I.E "The third option wouldn't be a good addition".
As I stated before it might be something to consider, but I would still like the option of a small dot cross-hair instead of a cross and the option to choose how prominent it is on screen.
Yes it's not call of duty, and if all you want to say is that please don't comment on my request.
I would just like the option to choose a different cross-hair in 1st/3rd person and be able to determine how visible that cross-hair is on the screen. The third option is also a nice idea, seeing as people had the option for an auto aim in ArmA 2 and it was an option in the game menu.
Considering the fact the AI one shots most people most of the time and at ranges it shouldn't be possible, I think the added option for not an auto aim, but more of a general aiming zone around an AI/ player if chosen just gives that bit more of an aid.
Do the devs even look at this site, I would have a thought an issue with how the game handles stuff like this would have been dealt with. It says acknowledged but what does that mean in terms of this being resolved and how long would take for them to add in an extra slot so the AI doesn't sit there eating rounds without fighting back.
We are aware the next DLC is marksman. I mean a possible future update.
Hi, I'll give brief explanation to 8 and 10.
8 - Wear and tear, what I mean by this is that when vehicles operate in certain terrains, and conditions for a period of time. They become more prone to part wearing out, sudden mechanical failures, etc.
Taking into account the fact that armored vehicles are combat vehicles, it is certain they take damage during combat, I want to see an in depth system that focuses on realistic wear and tear. Ranging from small problems to major issues.
These could include:
Electrical problems, oil leaks, fires, parts breakage, engine seizing etc.
And much worse damage can be caused by being attacked, but this systems should also include a repair side to it. I can't say how sick i am of having a split second repair of vehicles, i want it to take time.
10 - Upgrades. What I mean by this is to be able to take a basic tank, lets take a Challenger 2 for example, a basic version... no armor upgrades, no RWS or anti IED systems.
Then just like you have on a infantry, you have 3 maybe four slots. 1 for an armor package, 1 for a weapon choice either MG or RWS and another for Defense systems such as an anti IED system and a 4th slot for a camouflage that reduces the thermal signature of a vehicle.
I hope this helps.
This is what I mean, being able to have this in game would be amazing but to also have a good physic system in place to handle it would be good.
I agree.
A module to add furniture to the buildings would provide a more realistic environment to which players will enjoy more.
I don't like the fact that houses and buildings are empty, they're lifeless and cold, adding a module that generates interiors for buildings would be great but I would make it so the entire map is affected rather than a set area.
First of all, vertebrate.
That last line isn't needed, and as for the women do this and that to get ranks, isn't the guys fault for being easy to bribe. If a favor is all it takes I'm surprised there is any armies to begin with.....
Woman will always have roles in war, where you like it or not. They should be added not for stupid reasons but because it adds diversity to the game, I'd also suggest keeping comments aimed towards the request and not throwing out remarks about women because your bored.
I don't think being discriminatory on what roles they have seeing as there are woman who serve in combat roles, even if it isn't the first role to which they preform.
Plus it doesn't even matter if they're in a military role or not, I think having the support for females would be good.
Think of it like this, a snipers main priority is stealth and many snipers or sharpshooters prefer to work with suppressors on their weapons because it increases the chance the enemy will not be able to react as quickly as they do if an non-silenced rifle goes off. Be it 200m, or 1200m the AI know where the shot comes from, so in my opinion adding silencers/ suppressors is a must.
Referencing COD is stupid imo. That game isn't realistic in any sense of the imagination so comparing that to arma 3 is pointless.