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- Mar 11 2013, 4:57 PM (628 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
oxygen rebreathers are currently limited to a depth of 6 meters (20 ft)
its makes no diffent to refill empty mags or remove them from the inventory in both cases you have to go to an ammo crate to rearm,but it would be helpfull to refill half-empty mags
how fast do u was?
the idea is not bad but i think the prioity should set lower cuz its just feature and not a critical problem in game
helmets can withstand a pistol bullet i allready tested it with a buddy unless BI removed/change it
That's a matter of opinion, its the same control setting since ofp and i got no problem with it
Thats realistic Kampfschwimmer, navyseals and all other spec ops diver are trained to navigate in complete darkness by using only the map and compass (picture above) any sort of light source would compromise the position of the diver and make him to an easy target, nvg are an option but they using it really rare
@ Lagueesha indeed i missed this feature in arma, it would change the whole cqb situation/gameplay
in arma 3 you can enter every single building the perfect way to fortify yourself but without having the possibility to lock the door it makes no sense
@jejn thx 4 the info my post inlcude the locking function
you should add that u have the screech sound at any surface like grass, dirty
ah sry i forgot
same issue with all other vehicles and weapons
Main menu -> Options-> Game -> Difficulty. Property that affects this feature is called "extended armor". If it is enabled, explosives are weak, as you describe.
May 9 2016
it seems that the bug is resolved
yeah i know its not final but its better to post it than to ignore it ^^
i will upload a video as soon as possible :)
ah ok sry for my post u was faster with your report xD mayby i should use the search function xD
i would add that the bullet of a high cal. rifle penetrates the whole body
for example if somebody in front of u gets hit/killed its possible that the bullet also hits you
the point with the dismemberment is just a visual effect becourse if u lose a leg youre not in the condition to continue the fight in most cases your dead
"And another guy commented about having 12 30rd magazines; Well when you spawn in a wasteland server, you usually get a PO7 with like, 2 magazines.. and we all know how pistols are in this alpha. So.... There you have it. "
lol i think BI dont want to make any changes in arma 3 becourse u got only 2 mags in wasteland btw i'm here to improve arma3 not wasteland
at one point i give u right to safe ammo when u sneak behind the enemy but
the most fights are at long or mid range so it makes a melee attack unnecessary
and you can carry 12 mag of 30 rounds i dont think that u run out of ammo so fast and if it happened take the ammo of a dead body
Present since OFP dont know why BI didnt implemented it in arma 3
I would set the priority higher becourse its one of the most important elements of the health system
oxygen rebreathers are currently limited to a depth of 6 meters (20 ft)
arma3 is an 32bit programm so it cant use the full capacity of your pc for example arma 3 cant use more than 4gb ram