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- Mar 9 2013, 2:04 PM (628 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Can reproduce.
The rooftop is accessible via a helipad and a ladder, and so could be expected to have AI on it. I agree that this is unlikely to have anything done about it, however this might be an option for later patches.
duplicate of 0012992
Can confirm this.
I prefer the way it is now, as it would be hard to get the UAV to circle around a target while using the gunner role. Maybe this could be added as an option?
You just need to make sure that the "In formation" option is not set, change it to "None"
Confirmed. When the user takes control of the turret it will continue to the current waypoint but then not move towards the next one.
This might be fixed now, "Fixed: Black alpha on user texture models (it does reintroduce the glass glitch)" (from today's dev branch changelog). Can someone try it now?
I can't reproduce this issue, perhaps is fixed in dev branch?
Source please? I thought that there was a campaign coming on release.
Just in case the OP doesn't get the joke, he should replace SVD in the title with SDV. Still need to know if PiP is enabled however.
I think that Dr_Death had the right idea, If you want to see the current state of the aircraft physics system then port over one of the jets from Arma 2 (the F35 works best). It's fairly simple to do, and there's some good tutorials.
I personally think that the devs should add some jets, but only if they plan on changing the flight model.
Disclaimer: I do not agree with any of Dr_Deaths's other points.
I think the best option here would be to allow the mission creator to set whether you would spawn with your saved gear or not. This would allow missions that rely on the player to have specific weapons to still enforce this while still making missions that allow you unrestricted access to items faster to use and easier to create.
However, I do not think that the best use of this would be multiplayer, as it already simple to save a gear loadout with VAS, but it would be massively useful in the vanilla editor, as acquiring specific gear in the editor is difficult and time consuming, owing to the fact that the ammoboxes are incomplete and looking up the class names of weapons is a pain.
all in all, this could be very useful /upvote
The parachute, when deployed, is treated like a vehicle, as such the problem here is described in 0004411 (no sound in uncovered vehicles).
(correct me if I'm wrong about how the parachute works)
*edit* note that you can hear the sounds when in third person camera, which would support this theory
they've been announced for the final release, see
Noticed this with the Blackfoot.
Audio is definitely needed.
and another confirmation
May 9 2016
and another
I also noticed that bullets don't appear to travel through the glass on the Ka-60 on the helicopter showcase