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- Mar 21 2015, 8:33 PM (515 w, 50 m)
May 10 2016
I totaly agreed with dazzz666.
Koala, I need a still playable game, not a ridiculous super realistic simulator. I have the entire colection ofp -> arma 3, but never was such disregard about the playability. The update 1.38 screwed the street lamps shoted that afect only the SP, 1.50 screwed the memory alocation (Error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005)), not even now resolved and now, 1,54 is a big shit wits that stamina/fatigue/sway. They accepted and corected in same way with a hotfix but the weight and sway is still a big problem.
Perhaps you have a frail constitution, who can't carry more than 4-5 kilos so please, let others to carry more.
Try to imagine a scene where you are a marksman with Cyrus or Mar-10 with 4-5 mags, one AA launcher with 1 or 2 rockets and you are attacked by infantry and air in same time. You must drop either the rifle or the SAM because an idiot weighted too much the rifle.
Why I bought the marksmen dlc if I have the CUP weapons, or others mods?
SilverDude, you exaggerate.
This update 1.54 is a total mess with his new stamina, fatigue and weapon sway sistem . And the biggest shit is the almost double weight of weapons from sniper dlc. Somebody stupid increased the weight of those weapons, making them useless.
Seems that is a new, unskilled, dev team. They ruin evrething is good. Their purpouse is to destroy this game.
Koala, please remove your negative vote.
This update 1.54 is a total mess with his new stamina, fatigue and weapon sway sistem . And the biggest shit is the almost double weight of weapons from sniper dlc. Somebody stupid increased the weight of those weapons, making them useless.
I found after many hours of play with many diferent mods and I can say 99% that All Arma Standalone (AiA SA) or All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) cause that.
Not the mods are to blame but only updates 1.50 and 1.52.
In 1.52 is only a change of the adress of memory who could not be read: 0x0000000000000241. (In 1.50 was 0x0000000000000250.)
Until 1.48 inclusive, wasn't problems irrespective of of how many and what mods are active.
If SMD Sahrani A3 island is part of All In Arma (Standalone or Terain Pack), this is the cause. 1.50 and 1.52 is not compatible with AIA.
I found after many hours of play (Single Player) with many diferent mods and I can say 99% that All Arma Standalone (AiA SA) or All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) cause that.
Not the mods are to blame but only updates 1.50 and 1.52.
In 1.52 is only a change of the adress of memory who could not be read: 0x0000000000000241. (In 1.50 was 0x0000000000000250.)
Until 1.48 inclusive, wasn't problems irrespective of of how many and what mods are active.
I found after many hours of play (Single Player) with many diferent mods and I can say 99% that All Arma Standalone (AiA SA) or All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) cause that.
Not the mods are to blame but only updates 1.50 and 1.52.
In 1.52 is only a change of the adress of memory who could not be read: 0x0000000000000241. (In 1.50 was 0x0000000000000250.)
Until 1.48 inclusive, wasn't problems irrespective of of how many and what mods are active.
I not tried Australia in 1.50 or 1.52, but with All In Arma (Stand Alone or Arma Terrain Pack) I have same issue.
1.52 only change the address of memory could not be read.
Since Bis focused on DLCs to make extra money, the updates have ruined the game. This bug with tracked vehicles or the impossibility of saving and loading of broken bulbs (shot) and many more, filled our nerves. I suspect that senior programmers deal with the next game and juniors handle updates. Today spoil what was done yesterday.
Fighting Power, downvoting all copies is wrong. Put original reporting address and we'll we vote.
Same at me, if I make some combination of keys forward (back) with left or right, the tracked vehicle jump forward (or back) 10-15 m.
I have one here at my own report (0025405). Now I am playing Pilgrimage (v1.93) and I must save at any minute, in particular when I drive a MRAP with high speed. And one more nuisance is the failure in save/load with a get shot street lamp. Please take a look at too.
No, is not fixed yet. And I have not Maloc activated, but the game crashed allways 1 to 20 minutes, random.
Adam said on 2015-09-03 14:20:"Issue will be fixed on devbranch tomorrow", but was not.
Now, I removed AIA (All In Arma mods)and I played some SP missions many hours without one CTD. But I can't play missions in AIA (sad).
I found after many hours of play in Single Player with many diferent mods and I can say 99% that All Arma Standalone (AiA SA) or All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) cause that.
Not the mods are to blame but only updates 1.50 and 1.52. In 1.52 is only a change of the adress of memory who could not be read: 0x0000000000000241. (In 1.50 was 0x0000000000000250.) Until 1.48 inclusive, wasn't problems irrespective of of how many and what mods are active.
Hello! Issue not fixed nor in v1.52. Someone is dealing this problem? Either everyone was focused on Eden?
Is 13 september and the issue isn't resolved. Any hope?
It happens mostly when I drive a vehicle or I was just teleported in a vehicle (Strider) in Pilgrimage (SP mission, second place in Make Arma not War). CDt, restart the game, load the mission, few seconds and another CDT, and so on until at 5th and 6-th try when it go further.
In single player is same efect. I tested everything and only the 1.50 in Win 10 it is to blame. Please Adam, cooperate with Hal_Emmerich to find the cause of the problem.
l.e.: I just tested with a simple s.p. mission and after five minutes was ok. It seems like only with complex missions is happening, and especially when you move with high speed, i.e. with a car, out of a road. In pilgrimage v1.93 i can't play more than 2-3 minutes but many times the crash to desktop is in few seconds or a minute. But only after 1.50. In 1.48 was OK.
I have I5 with 8 G memory and Radeon 9 270X with 2G DDRam.
I found after many hours of play in Single Player with many diferent mods and I can say 99% that All Arma Standalone (AiA SA) or All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) cause that.
Not the mods are to blame but only updates 1.50 and 1.52.
In 1.52 is only a change of the adress of memory who could not be read: 0x0000000000000241. (In 1.50 was 0x0000000000000250.)
Until 1.48 inclusive, wasn't problems irrespective of of how many and what mods are active.
ArmIT, this bug is appeared only with v1.50 at many players, regardless OS, W7/64 or W10/64. Many of us we checked the memory in the first step. After that we checked the integrity of the game, the system files, etc, like in description of this error on BIS page.
The bug depend of how complex is the mission, if you drive fast a vehicle or fly a plane/heli, even if you run with time x 4 set. I can tell that in v1.50, the game is not capable to manage big memory, fast.
Fighting Power, yes, on the roof, upside down. Moded but now only with: cba_a3, CUP, AllInArmaTerrainPack, remove stain, remove fatigue group, ASDG_JR. I disabled RHS... and many others mods because of the "Error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) with CTD" bug introduced by 1.50 update.
And it happens even on the open terain, if I make some maneuvers.
I have still jumping tanks, mine or even AI. In Pilgrimage (SP, moded) I met a few abandoned tanks by AI, overturned, last night.
I have related specifications like yours:
Intel Core i5 4570-3.2 Ghz Processor
8 GB memory 2400 MHZ (2 x 4GB in dual mode, HyperX)
Gigabyte Radeon R9 270X Graphics Card with 2 GB DDR
Installed to secondary HDD on 1T partition.
I can say that only lately has emphasized this trouble, a few updates ago.
Fighting Power, how you solved the problem?
Yes they are focused on things less important, like "new size variations of particle effect for destroyed windows" or "sounds for turret movement on x vehicle" and spoil very important things like this or like Memory alocation or like imposibility of saving/loading a broken street lamp in single player (please vote up). If I could choose what update I want to install, as in retail version of the game...But in the Steam version I do not know if it's possible.
It seems that was resolved in 1.48
Yes, I confirm that. And many more issues. This dlc is a totaly mess.
I confirm. In single player I must reload the last save.
Yes. And I like to play a s.p. mission where many opponents haven't NVGoggles (Pilgrimage by Rydygier, second place at Make Arma Not War) and I can't have the advantage of NVGs in cities.
Its obvious that for more than a year and a half, every update fixes some bugs and adds new bugs. But when appear a very big one like that, we expect to be corrected at soon as possible, to not ruin the gameplay.
Adam, I don't see any reference in Development Branch Changelog for this very important bug apeared with 1.38 update. Why? You want more votes? I thing you can judge and decide with your mind, not with number of votes.
At least tell us, please, a way to return to a previous update. In Arma and Arma 2 retail I could. I promise never again to buy a game in the first two years after the appearance. I'll just play took torrents, until will be perfect. From torrents I can choose what update I want.
I have all it was published with OFP and ARMA, retail variant, but never I got angry so much.
With this idiot 1.50 update, to each load after crash to desktop, I have all the lights on street as new, although I shot them previously the save. Moreover, there is some light bulletproof, they can not be destroyed by anything, nor rammed with tank, but that's another issue.
Now, with the "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005)" bug apeared with 1.50, the "save/load-shoot bulb" bug is realy annoying. It so hard to take a look in saving mission mechanism, to see what is wrong there?
It's very important to correct this bug very annoying in SP missions where you save and load the mission.
Still no correction of this very annoying problem after 1.44 and 1.46 and hotfix updates. Not to mention about hundreds of another corrupted things with Sniper DLC and the last 2-3 updates. I am very disappointed with the Steam version of ArmA III which can not downgrade to 1.36. I bought all the stuff of OFP, ArmA, ArmA II in retail variant. But ArmA III (without DLCs) from Steam is a mess. But from now I'll be very circumspect to buy something from BIS.
@ mickeymen " BIS is doing the update again and again and each time ignores these problems."
You are very right to tell that with every update, BIS introduce new bugs. I don't know what happened with them. Now they are focused only to make money with those DLCs. Example is the stradal lights . Another one, after 1.44, the repair of the vehicles near the suport is a loterry.
@ sisollazzo "ARMA 3 is a very good game. Nothing is perfect."
Yes, but BIS is struggling for a while to ruin this beautiful game.