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- User Since
- Oct 6 2013, 11:08 PM (595 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Honestly I'm skeptical about modding it in. All I've seen is a screenshot and hints that someone is working on it. Not to discourage anyone from trying! On the other hand we know *someone* has already pulled it off.
And like many similar topics in the past this one too may eventually find a solution from the hard work of the community. But until then...
UP voted! Whether navy becomes part of ARMA or not having the *technology* in place (walkable interiors, etc.) would open the same use to the modding community in general. Am I the only one that would like to see ship to ship battle? I don't think so. How about Somali Pirates boarding a civilian freighter and a sniper from a cutter doing over watch while Navy Seals board the ship and try to take it back?
These ideas would be made into reality MUCH more easily if BI incorporated the basic structures into the vanilla code.
Even if it was a DLC... "ARMA 3: Naval Expansion", I'd buy it in a heart beat and I know others would as well.
Yup, and it's a great way to get settings that should be fairly playable. But that does not mean that anything is ever pushed all the way to the limiter. TL;DR there are differences between auto-detect, the limiter, and hog wild.
I agree with ProGamer. I wouldn't want them to be removed entirely but as an option for someone that wants to take a chance on performance (overclockers, etc.) or possibly damaging their vid card it should certainly be an option.
+1 for full truesky, especially the SNOW. We don't even have the weather effects module from A2 yet!!!
This might be working again for helis but 1.10 Stable doesn't like the command for fixed wing aircraft. They seem to follow the terrain, maybe 100m above it at all times.
+1 please fix ASAP! It's funny how something so "tiny" and under the surface something can be and still have such a huge impact on future mod development.
I agree. This single command can add a whole extra dimension of possibility in most mission designs. Up voted.
+1 simply because ARMA3 is closer to a real simulator than it is to a BF/COD and if you can do it in real life (never mind why) you should be able to do it in "game" too.
Ever tried to jump off a rock into water? You slip and slide down the face of the rock instead, taking damage.
May 9 2016
True Combat: Elite had this style of "free climb"... in 2006! From an indie developer working on a free game. Same bind as "step over". When presented with obstacle too high to step over, checked height to see if it could be mantled (with weapon in hand). Above head height usually required freeing both hands before grabbing edge and climbing up (same with ladders). Holster/sling or toss backpack/longarm up/over before climbing?
A solid +1 from me too.
Also consider:
- controlled drop from top of walls, storage containers, etc.
- climb over fence, wall, etc.
- boost/supply hand hold to help others up higher obstacles.
- Run + Jump from roof top to lower roof top, balcony to top of vehicle below, (base jumping anyone?), etc.
Getting DOWN in ARMA3 is just as unrealistic as getting UP! Every airborne learns to do a controlled "fall" to the ground, even encumbered, and disperse extra energy with a roll if needed. Like pulling yourself up on a ledge we should also have the ability to reverse that action so your feet are as close to the ground as possible before dropping that last bit of distance.
A "jump"... down, would be very realistic as well. Ever tried to hit the water from a cliff? Currently it means sliding out of control down the rock face, and taking damage, rather than leaping out a bit to hit only the water. Special Forces don't do this from helicopters?!?!
+1 I was a naysayer too once, until I ran out of ammo on an SP "escape" type mission and so did the AI opfor that I was battling. We literally stood and stared at each other with NO OTHER OPTION available. Stealth kills too would be nice to have as an option. I dislike BF games now but the one thing they got right was a simple knife CQB kill/cut fence. Make the fence cut longer (more realistic) and use the same tool. Firearm in hand instead just a generic swing to suggest a pistol whip or butt stock strike.
+1 If it's possible in real life then I'll upvote it... anything that makes a game more "simulator" like.
DayZ had female models so it's not even that difficult.
OK, point taken. I actually changed my vote to "upvote" with the hopes that it does some real good and gets this one out of the way. BUT my point that there are MANY more important issues worthy of time and attention(and votes) is not lost I hope. Perhaps it's just my frustration that the numbers show that while thousands voted on this issue that not even half as many vote on other equally important ones?
Even bickering over female models (and a real battle of votes!) has taken the lead over AI (how's "path finding" and "room clearing" for specific?), repairing the action menu/door opening/vehicle slot selection, firing from vehicles, etc. Now I remember why I spent most of my time (and voting) in the past at dev heaven's bug tracker rather than here.
Please, everyone, spend a little time reading (and hopefully commenting and voting) on issues beyond the first page...
It's building a new car from the cupholder first. And the *only* reason it's upvoted this high is because someone(s) posted a link to this sole topic and pestered people into voting on it... that and a myriad of duplicate requests that all get funneled here. Anyone that takes five minutes of their time to look over five or six pages of the rest of the topics will find things much more important too. Bet on it.
Sure, I'd like to see this fixed and I'm sure they WILL be. There is a mod to make all these "TL;DR" voters happy until then. If nothing else it's a proof of concept that *shows* how easy this is to make happen.
Do you see the big names in ARMA 3 commenting here? No. But look at what Dslyecxi has pointed out about the "action" interface for example:
This is a SERIOUS problem with the game(s)... one that hasn't been fixed in over a decade of BIS titles. And it's not even on the first page of "most voted"??? Come on people, if you are really speaking with your votes at least take a few minutes to get your priorities straight.
How is this the most upvoted item?!?!? Downvoted because there are MUCH more important aspects of the game that should be given priority FIRST (like the action menu, AI, optimization, etc.) Bipods first is like designing a car and making the cup holders the top priority.
Here you go, weapon resting and bipods, plus much more:
Down please downvote this "cupholder" suggestion and look over and vote on the rest of the ones on this list?