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- User Since
- Apr 1 2021, 10:08 PM (205 w, 3 d)
Oct 1 2021
Sep 16 2021
No worries, its a lot better than having nothing at all. Appreciate the help Geez, you're killing it man <3
Sep 7 2021
For me its not about the realism, its just a bad gameplay balance. They changed the landmines for this exact reason, and tripwires are waaaaaaaaaayyyyy easier to get than a landmine is, and arguably even harder to see. I feel like the mechanic of everyone who finds a grenade, literally just creating an OP trap that insta kills players and leaving it in random doorways just doesn't benefit the game in any way. Especially because of how common grenades are, these traps will be everywhere. Judging from how they changed the landmines, I'm assuming that the devs see it that way too, which makes me think this grenade thing was just a bit of an oversight really. I think the balance of the trip wires with uncooked grenades is great, you will stumble and have a couple seconds to get away from the explosion, if you don't or cant avoid it you'll lose health or even die, and the explosion will go off regardless, alerting nearby players and zeds to your whereabouts. Which is much more balanced and fun than just dying out of nowhere
Sep 6 2021
Couldn't agree more toupeira, nailed it
I think this might also depend A LOT on how your server is setup. Vehicle performance in dayz is very very very server side. The hardware on those old consoles obviously doesn't help, but the biggest factor is the server performance. So if your private server has a lot of bases / stashed loot, a lot of zombies, or a lot of "boosted loot" spawning, or also any XML will cause heavy strain on the server. I recommend you clean up the CLE, reduce the zombies, make sure the server is restarting every 3 hours or so and maybe even do a map wipe.
Cheers for the work Geez, you do really well on here to respond to stuff. Much love mate <3
Its just unbalanced man, its clearly not supposed to be in the game this way. For one you cannot just "re pin" a grenade IRL. Landmines don't even kill players anymore, so it makes no sense for a tripwire grenade to do it, and yes, if you time it IS instant. Cooking grenades isnt really hard or risky at all tbh, if you have the ability to move your fingers you can cook a grenade to perfection very easily, you literally just need to drop it and pick it back up...i wouldn't call it risky. Pile that on top of how hard it is to see the tripwires, and how easy it is to make a tripwire...literally all this is going to lead to is many pointless, frustrating deaths. Doesn't belong in the game at all
The range on the bat can be a bit strange, the running heavy attacks seem to be okay, but the regular swings, and regular heavy attacks feel very short ranged
True True
Sep 5 2021
Sep 3 2021
Sep 2 2021
Aug 1 2021
Jul 22 2021
Jul 5 2021
Jul 3 2021
Jun 21 2021
Jun 18 2021
Jun 11 2021
I do agree that the balance is pretty bad, I feel like the aim of 1.12 was to reward a stealthy approach to fighting zeds, but at the same time the stealth options were nerfed severely, having to crouch WALK towards every zed you come across is insanely insanely tedious.
Jun 8 2021
Cheers mate, really appreciate the quick responses on here. Much love to you
Jun 7 2021
May 25 2021
May 21 2021
Honestly ive been thinking about it a lot, even just adding back those bird sounds to the game would bring back some of that dayz atmosphere, you pretty much only hear them in forests now and theyre really quiet, everything else is just wind...defo would be a great addition i know a lot of people would be really happy about
I'm on an RX 580 too man LOL, sumrak has already told us that the old sky wont be coming back, but i think the current one could be made a lotttttt better, and maybe they could have an option for "skybox graphics" maybe if you want more FPS you can turn that down, or if you want a really pretty sky you could turn it up etc etc, but i agree with everything else you mentioned for sure! ;)
May 19 2021
Thank you, nice work guys ;)
May 11 2021
I agree with nikolai, I think the patch is in an okay spot rn, but it still needs some work...the biggest things that need changed imo is the fact that a sniper shot to the leg will make you go uncon aswell as breaking your leg, you should ONLY have a broken leg and not be uncon. And i think the plate carrier is too strong now, if you are shot by a mosin to the chest you will receive very little health damage, I believe it is around 30 damage or something like that. I think it should be slightly more, but still enough to allow you to be shot again without DYING. To properly nerf the plate, you could make a small change to the shock system, that being: greatly increase the time it takes for shock damage to reset to 0. Right now its something like 15 seconds for shock damage to reset to 0. I propose this, make shock damage last for 60-90 seconds depending on what round hits you, for example, if you get shot by a mosin once, you will deal 40 health damage, and a high amount of shock damage (but not enough to make you unconscious) however, you will now be vulnerable to the next sniper shot, if you are hit by a mosin again within the next 90 seconds, you should go unconscious.
May 8 2021
Apr 28 2021
Apr 26 2021
Couldn't agree more mate, the devs need to revert this asap
Exactly man, like what game are we playing here? You cant pull out something so unrealistic and dumb for the sake of "stealth" if you want to be stealthy, find or craft a suppressor, that's what they're there for. So daft
Sure, it might just be a placeholder, but why are we even dealing with this being a placeholder rn? we had such a perfect system in place already and its just been totally ruined for no reason. This is what upsets me the most