Currently facing between 5 / 10 lag spikes lasting between 1 and 10 seconds while driving through various scenery along with occasional crash to home.
Currently playing on a 10 slot private server with myself and 2 other players. 2 UK based 1 East Coast US based. All face the same issues as above, more info below. 2 UK players run One S no SSD 1 US player runs One X no SSD.
All vehicles affected although the Ada 4x4 is by far the worst.
Location; this can occur in any location, examples are: main southern country route to Tisy military base. To stress yes the lag spikes are worse in large cities accompanied by audio loss and textures failing to load, but this still occurs in remote areas on roads where there isn't alot of dense buildings or vegitation.
All players face supposed random lag spikes while driving, we have tested this at everything from 10mph to 80mph (lower in built up areas). These lag spikes tend to be worse in 3rd person but again occur frequently in 1st person. We will tend to notice a series of lag spikes before an actual game crash.
Troubleshooting we've attempted:
- driving in 1st person while in zoom vision looking at the road to reduce what has to be loaded.... This worked slightly but still faced frequent lag spikes.
*unloading both the car and person inventory. No change
*relogging frequently. Short term fix... And when I say short term we are talking single digit minutes.
- different people driving, driving together, driving apart... No change.
BI I'm a big fan of the game but these glitches really affect the quality of life for a player along with the tent/boot/inventory glitches.